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The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 403: Emperor Renardier
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Unexpectedly, Ruby could absorb Vaan's blue flames to improve herself despite the level of his flames.

Although Vaan didn't know much about spirits, logically speaking, spirits shouldn't be capable of absorbing elements more than one rank above their level. As such, Ruby's ability should be considered abnormal.

Vaan suspected it had something to do with her unknown unique talent.

"Want some more?"

Vaan summoned another wisp of blue flames on his fingertip, wondering whether he could draw out Ruby's unique talent if he continued to feed her.

However, Ruby vehemently shook her head and rolled over on her back, expressing she was too full to consume any more of his blue flames.

"Next time, then?"


Ruby nodded enthusiastically.

"Do you have any more tasks for me, Supreme Leader?" Zodreg enquired shortly after the spirits went back inside Vaan's body.

"As a matter of fact, I do, Zodreg," Vaan confirmed with a nod before demanding, "Open a spatial gate to Redpine City for me."

"I'll be visiting the Lord of Redpine City. And while I am doing that, I want you to head back to the blockades and remove the mana disruptors. It doesn't matter if you destroy or confiscate them; I just want the mana disruption field gone."

"It's fine to run a little wild as long as the task is completed. Also, it doesn't matter if you expose your existence; just don't let people see your true appearance," Vaan added.

If rumors about a dragon were to spread across the kingdom, it would attract even more people to the central region.

"Understood, Supreme Leader," Zodreg obliged with a serious nod, but he couldn't hide his excitement.

The taste of freedom was as sweet and addicting as nectar.

Shortly after Zodreg opened the spatial gate, Vaan entered it and arrived in the skies above Redpine City's central district.

He immediately plummeted after passing through the circular black gate—or, more precisely, it was just a hole in space.

After Vaan got a sense of his location and direction, he kicked against the empty air and thrust himself toward Helia's castle with a quick burst of flames at the soles of his feet.

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"Intruder!" an Early-stage Senior Witch in the courtyard immediately alerted the entire castle after catching sight of Vaan's rapid approach. "Halt!"

The Early-stage Senior Witch quickly prepared to fire warning shots, but another Early-stage Senior Witch suddenly tapped her on the shoulder and shook her head.

"Hold on. I recognize him. That's the Lord's valued guest, Sir Vahn," the Senior Witch stated.

Even so, the earlier outburst still attracted all the castle's guards over.

At the same time, they were intimidated by Vaan's powerful aura even though he didn't actively reveal his strength. As such, they surrounded him with nervous looks without making any hasty moves after he landed in the courtyard and awaited further instructions.

It didn't take long before Lord Helia personally came out and escorted him inside the hall to chat with a pleasant smile.

However, it couldn't hide the fatigue under her eyes.

It was clear that Lord Helia didn't have much proper rest in the past week or month due to various issues concerning Sunpeak Town and the central region as a whole.

"You don't know how glad I am to see you again, Sir Vahn. It seems your trip to the Thousand Fog Mountains has been most successful," Helia commented, vaguely sensing Vaan's powerful aura.

Although she was shocked by how much Vaan had grown, she felt even more glad by the presence of a strong ally.

"I'd take it that you know what's been happening in Sunpeak Town and its neighboring regions, yours included?" Vaan casually asked.

"Yes, but only the surface issues," Helia nodded before saying, "Besides some unruly merchants, I haven't been able to figure out who else has been involved. The other parties aren't easy to deal with."

"I see," Vaan uttered.

Shortly after, he explained the whole situation to Helia, revealing the enemies presently plotting against the kingdom.

The revelation made Helia's expression turn terribly grim.

She was only a Peak-stage Senior Witch, while the enemies were at least the equivalent of Peak-stage Senior Witches or stronger. They weren't opponents she could deal with.

Fortunately, she hadn't been on their list of priorities. Otherwise, it was hard to say if she would still be alive should they have chosen to eliminate her.

"What should we do, Sir Vahn?"

"Do you still have your long-range communication-type magic tool?"


"Inform your close contacts in the capital about it, but avoid contacting Transcendent Henrietta directly," Vaan instructed.

"If Transcendent Sybil managed to trap Transcendent Henrietta somewhere, it's likely that her people have control of Transcendent Henrietta's magic tower and communications."

"Thus, contacting Transcendent Henrietta's magic tower directly will put you in danger," Vaan added.

"I understand," Helia nodded but then sighed, "However, It's no use. I have been trying for the past two weeks but have yet to receive a single reply from the capital."

"That's because of mana disruptors. However, they won't be around for much longer. So keep trying," Vaan encouraged.

"Alright," Helia agreed.

Sometime later, Vaan sensed Zodreg's presence in the area. Thus, he bid his leave from Helia's castle and met up with Zodreg in the sky, then returned to Sunpeak Town via the latter's spatial gate.

Over the next three days, Vaan spent his time raising the strength of his people in Sunpeak Town, working on the Red Goblin Mountains, and paying regular visits to the Red Dragon Clan.

In the Red Dragon Clan, Vaan had checked on the young elite dragons' progress and also requested various magic tools from the dragon lords.

As a result of his requests, he acquired human-size spatial teleporters, which he deployed in Redpine City and Sunpeak Town, allowing fast travel between the two settlements.

Of course, the teleporters were only deployed in secretive locations within Helia's castle and the lord's estate in Sunpeak Town. Their usage and existence were only privy to a few people due to their importance and large mana consumption.

Zodreg gained two new Rank 5 dragon elites to join him on missions around the central region.

For a short period of time, they also accompanied Vaan on a secret trip to Baron Chalfont's domain in the Holy Knight Empire and placed a letter on the baron's desk.

The content of the letter included Transcendent Sybil's scheme and Dorothy's status.

At the same time, Dorothy's treatment would depend on the Holy Knight Empire's attitude toward the Kingdom of Black Rose.

After Baron Chalfont finished the letter, he almost burned it in his anger.

However, he ultimately kept the letter as evidence and made a trip to the holy city to seek an audience with the emperor.

Due to Baron Chalfont's status, his request to see the emperor was easily approved.

Not long after the emperor learned the contents of the letter from Baron Chalfont, he summoned every noble to the holy city for an urgent meeting.

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Holy Knight Empire's central region, Holy City

The jewel of the empire, home to over ten million residents, was one of the largest cities on the Pangea continent, second only to the city of trade in the Freedom Federation.

A colossal statue of the Sun God could be found in the very heart of the holy city, towering over all buildings at a staggering height of twenty-seven hundred feet. Even the imperial palace paled in comparison to the Sun God's statue by far.

However, the Sun God's statue wasn't just a statue; it was also a type of magic tower, collecting large volumes of mana to power the entire holy city.

All the magic transports and lights were all powered by the Sun God's statue.

Although other countries doubted the Sun God's existence, the people of the Holy Knight Empire wholeheartedly believed in the Sun God.

In fact, they were so devoted to their belief they built the holy city to be just like the sun and stars, illuminating the darkness with its bright lights at night.

The holy city was a city that never slept.

Holy Imperial Palace, Great Hall

Present time

Shortly after Renardiere Braveheart, the reigning emperor of the Holy Knight Empire, arrived, he sat on his golden imperial throne and glanced over the hundreds of nobles gathered, including Baron Chalfont, Marquis Salazar, and the rest of the northern border lords.

Despite being over two hundred years old, Emperor Renardiere still retained the appearance of a man in his prime.

Undoubtedly, it was an effect of being a High-level Rank 5 Aura King.

Emperor Renardier had blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin, which were distinctive features of the Bravehearts and most of the Holy Knight Empire's people.

Additionally, he wore mostly golden armor and carried a greatsword strapped to his side. Other holy knights and nobles wore golden-white armor.

When the gossiping voices in the great hall died into silence, Emperor Renardier understood it was his cue to speak.

"Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for coming from afar and showing up today despite the sudden notice," Emperor Renardier sincerely spoke with a deep voice full of charisma and authority.

"You're too kind, Your Imperial Majesty. It was no trouble at all," the nobles and lords replied humbly with honor one after another.

No one dared to speak otherwise.

Nevertheless, shortly after everyone gave their reply, silence returned to the great hall. Emperor Renardier acknowledged them with a nod before continuing with the meeting's agenda.

"Everyone should have been briefed on the purpose of today's meeting, so I won't be wasting time on meaningless words. What are your thoughts on the seven witch kingdoms?" Emperor Renardier asked.