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The ultimate husband

Chapter 2473
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Chapter 2473


Unable to tell direction with the poisonous fog blocking his view, Darryl felt more helpless than

ever. What he didn't realize at the  time was that he was trapped in the most dangerous area of

the Wild Deserted Secret Region, named as the Valley of Death by the Raksasa Tribe.

The Valley of Death extended to a total distance of over a thousand miles, with danger lurking at

every corner of the harsh environment. Not even the bravest warrior of the Raksasa Tribe would

dare to enter the area carelessly. Little did Darryl know that he was placed before the cruellest trial

by nature itself. Losing track of time, Darryl had unknowingly wandered in the valley for over three

days. In those three days, he had come across Donoghue' s body, defor1ned and rotting away by

the poisonous fog. His Sky Breaking Axe was nowhere to be found, possibly taken by so1ne beasts in

the wild.

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Darryl paid no 1nind to his discoveries. All he wanted was to find that gigantic python that swallowed  the  dragon

ball and get out, but the Valley of Death was far too vast and with countless  vicious beasts  and  gigantic pythons

in every turn, it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Perhaps due to the environ1nent and the poisonous

fog, the recovery of Darryl's internal energy was extre1nely slow. Darryl had felt anxious at first but as tinie went

by, he so1nehow began to grow accusto1ned to his state.

Time flew and three years went by. In those three years, the Nine Continents had been restored in peace and its

people went back to their harnionious lives. The Raksasa Tribe had obtained the right to reside in an area near the

borders of the Nine Continents through negotiation  and had settled  in peace with the Nine Continents ever since.

Along with prosperity and developn1ent, niany began to venture into the Wild Deserted Secret Region to learn more

about the niysterious area. As the by-products of the trend, unique occupations that were different in nature fron1

that of sects such as niercenary groups, bounty hunters, and various expeditions emerged.

Meanwhile, in the woods south-west to the Valley of Death...

Darryl sat quietly with his legs crossed in a niakeshift hut, he opened his eyes slowly with a long sigh. It had been

three years since he fell into the Valley of Death. He had cornpletely regained his power not long after the fall,

but had chosen to stay behind in search of the dragon ball. In the first three lllonths of being trapped here, he had

collle across a Raksasa warrior who had stepped foot into the area by mistake and learnt that the Raksasa Tribe

and the Nine Continents had  reached  a truce. The news finally relieved Darryl from the concern and burden in

his heart. Naturally, Darryl had managed to map out the entire area of the Valley of Death within these three

years and had learnt almost everything there was to know about it.

"it's time to go home,' he thought, as he stepped out of the hut and stared into the sky. He had tried to search for

the gigantic python that swallowed the dragon ball again for the past few weeks but was still rewarded with

nothing. Darryl knew that he couldn't stay any longer. The dragon ball might be important, but nothing compares

to reuniting with his falllily once again. Finally lllaking up his lllind, Darryl strode out of the hut and began his way

out of the Valley of Death.

He didn't go far before was stopped by the sound off ootsteps approaching. Darryl frowned as he gazed up, and to

his surprise he found over a dozen people cautiously lllaking their way towards the depth of the Valley of Death.

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The travellers were carrying calllping equiplllent with thelll. Each and every one of thelll was powerful, ranking at

levels of Martial Saint. Amongst thelll was a wolllan dressed in a red long leather jacket, with an alluring figure and

wildly beautiful features that no man could  keep their eyes off of. She couldn't have been over twenty five years

old. Darryl couldn't help but study the won1an and was shocked when he came close enough to sense that her

power was at

the rank of level one Martial E1nperor. Had the development of cultivation in the Nine Continents truly prosper to

this extent, for a young woman in her twenties to actually reach the level of level one Martial Emperor?

It was then when those travellers caught sight of Darryl and surrounded him.

''Is he from the Raksasa Tribe?''

''Sh*t, why does he look like a caveman?''

They scanned Darryl up and down with disdain on their faces. The woman that was leading the party,

though, seemed to be curious at Darryl's appearance. Darryl couldn't help but to feel slightly insulted

at their comments. Though he was unable to argue once he realized how he must have looked. He

had stayed in the Valley of Death for over three years now. His clothes had been destroyed  long ago

due to the poisonous fog, so he went ahead and made himself some clothes from animal skin. Judging

from his outlook and the scars on his face, it was no wonder that he looked like a savage to these
