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The ultimate husband

Chapter 2512
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Chapter 2512


''Let's go!''

Darryl did not bother to say anything lllore. His presence helped Jewel see the situation clearly, and

he dragged her along with him as he strode away.

At that moment, Darryl felt incredibly guilty. He initially thought that if he encouraged Jewel to return

to her farnily, she would receive her long-lost family's affection. He did not expect that it

almost destroyed her innocence.

At the same time, Darryl was also secretly relieved. Luckily, he followed along. If not, he would not

dare illlagine what would happen then.

'' Hllllll ''

They had just exited the Moore family's main entrance when Jewel's body turned to jelly. She almost

fell to the ground.

Darryl's reflexes were quick. He snatched her into his arrns right away. He asked with concern, ''What


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Jewel's lovely face flushed red as she stood in Darryl's arnis, sensing his aura. She bit her lower lip and

softly murrnured, ''I recently advanced to the next level. The internal energy in my energy field was

slightly interrupted as Bruce jabbed my acupoints.

Darryl sensed her powers when he heard that, true to Jewel's words, her internal energy in the energy

field displayed indications of disruption.

If a cultivator's acupoints were suddenly jabbed when they were breaking through to another level, it would be

dangerous for them.

If their arteries were pricked and their internal energy could not flow freely through their nieridians,

it would cause unknown hidden dangers, or if it was severe, it could lead to a psychotic break.

Darryl inwardly swore as he sensed that. The Moores  were  nionsters. They canie  very close to causing Jewel

irreparable injury.

Darryl did not hesitate anyinore. He immediately brought Jewel to a nearby hotel and booked a room.

Upon entering the room, Darryl was still carrying Jewel. He opened his niouth and said, ''Don't worry, I'll help you

open a path for your energy field and nieridian later.''

Darryl was still carrying Jewel as he entered the roolll. ''Do not worry,'' he said. ''I will help you open a path for your

energy field and llleridian later.''

Then, Darryl put Jewel on the bed. Swoosh!

Darryl's thoughtfulness struck jewel. An odd emotion arose in her heart at the sanie time. Her lovely face flushed,

oddly shy and ashanied. She could not figure out where to put her hands.

Despite her embarrassment, Jewel stated resolutely, ''Mister, no need; I can do it myself. ''

Darryl was heartbroken when he heard that. He took Jewel's hand in his and lllurmured, ''I am sorry. Listen to me;

it would be easier if I assisted you. By the way, Jewel, I'mvery sorry. It's all my fault. I should not have encouraged

you to return to your family.''

Bloody hell! A farnily like the Moores; she would be better off without thern.

Darryl's expression was filled with tenderness when he said it, aside frorn being heartbroken.

Jewel srniled and shook her head. ''Mister, don't blame yourself. I know that rny farnily is selfish.''

Darryl was even sadder after seeing how she turned around and cornforted hirn. Jewel was far too kind.

Darryl did not say anything further after that. He sat with his legs crossed, assisting Jewel in clearing her


A fraction of a second passed.

After a while, Jewel's face regained its rosy hue. Her powers rose froin a level one Martial Emperor to level two

Martial Ernperor.

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''Thank you, Mister,'' Jewel said in delight and relief.

Darryl smiled and suddenly thought of something. He said  teasingly,  ''Jewel,  are you really planning

not to marry for the rest of your life?'' Even though the incident with the Moore family was infuriating,

upon closer thought, Jewel was a girl. She could not stay by his side for the rest of her life.


Jewel's face flushed red. She lowered her head and gently said, ''I have no plans to marry. I want to

serve Mister for the rest of my life.''

Darryl was stunned. Even an idiot would know what she 1Tieant by that. At that instant, Darryl was

unspeakably moved. ''Jewel, don't worry. I won't let you down.''


As he spoke, Darryl noticed someone passed by the window. Clearly, he was being watched.

''I'll go have a look. I'll be back soon.'' Then, Darryl pecked a kiss on Jewel's cheek and quickly headed


At that moment, Jewel's face was suddenly red.

Jewel felt indescribably sweet when she saw Darryl leave.

Darryl furrowed his brows and looked around when he was outside. He noticed a few figures vanish

into the night. F*ck! Who were they?

Darryl frowned. Could it be rneITibers of the Endless Sky Organization?