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Their Lycan Queen

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Daniel POV

“Right now there is chaos in the castle, Nora. Helios are missing and Ares released smage from the tower and in sfreaking way, the very stower disappeared the moment he went out of it.

I am always sitting here you know, not that I complain or something but I would love to spend some ton the outside, with you and Melinda of course. Perhaps when you wake up and are feeling better we can have a picnic and Anna can make her famous cupcakes.

They are unbelievably good, the cupcakes melt in your mouth and the taste is .. well yummy.

I know you loved the pancakes that she made for you with maple syrup but the cupcakes are a class above. Perhaps I can ask her to make sand bring them here straight from the oven so you can smell them

I heard from Helios that you can hear us and smell things even if you are in a coma so that’s why lam talking to you, right


I wanted to talk to you before but I didn’t know if you could hearso I didn’t say anything. But perhaps you heardcrying, I did that a lot because it felt like you were going away.

I love you, Nora. I fell in love with you the first tI met you even if I didn’t understand why I felt that. But I did and then it

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

developed into actual love.

I met Melinda, my fated mate and I love her so much but at the stI know it’s because of the bond but anyway I can’t forget about my love for you, Nora.

It’s bad I know that but I truly love you, a love that is forbidden and it hurts so much to think about it. I don’t know what to do about it either. I want to kiss you when you wake up but at the stime-I don’t.

I am sorry that I am rambling here but my feelings are all over the place and I really wish that I could have talked to you for real.

“I can do that for you” Melinda says and I turn my head.

She stands in the doorway and smiles at me.

“I know of your feelings for Nora and this bond is a supernatural thing that binds us together whether we want it or not but I can help you talk to her” Melinda explains.

“You are not angry?” I ask her and stand up from the chair.

“I was but at the stI know it’s not your fault or mine for that matter. I love you Daniel. Not because of the bond but because you are you. And I want to help you” Melinda says and walks to me and kisseson my lips.

“I would love for you to help me” I say and she smiles.

“Then you better lay down on the bed over there and Ben will take your place in guarding Nora” Melinda says and I nod.

I lay down on the bed and Ben opens the door and nods atbefore he sits down at the chair next to Nóra and I close my


I feel Melinda’s hand over my eyes and she says something that I didn’t understand then I feel her warm magic inside my head and everything drifts away.

Nora POV

I have been listening to Daniel these past days as he has tolddifferent things, about Melinda mostly. I am so curious about her and grateful as well. I have listened to her stories as well, I think she is Mia’s aunt and the woman that raised her.

But she has toldsecrets that she has never shared with anyone else. She once comparedto a baby, as I can’t tell the secrets she speaks of and she feels comfortable in my


I feel that we would have been friends if I weren’t in this coma thing. I would love to wake up and eat something. I would love to try Anna’s beef stew, she had made sfor Daniel the other day and the smell..

Well I think my stomach actually made ssounds because of the smell. I heard Daniel and Anna laugh and say that I am so cute but I don’t care about that. I just want to have a taste, please!

“Haha I can ask Anna to make smore and I can carefully spread sof it on your lips” I hear Daniel laughing in my brain. I am gonna hit him if he keeps teasinglike this.

“I am inside your mind” Daniel teases more and I growl.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Cute but ugly, growling without a wolf” Daniel laughs more and in pure frustration I shoot out my arm and hit him.


Thit him? I turn around to see Daniel standing there with a silly

smile on his face. I squeal and jump on him, he catches me

and hugshard and I hug him back.

“I have missed you so da mn much” I say and laughs

Daniel putsdown and cups my cheek.

“I have missed you too and I love you” Daniel says but before I can say anything he kisses me. I am stunned beyond surprise. and my brain isn’t functioning.

But I am lucky as Aurelie does, she jumps on Daniel and stands in a defensive position in front of me growling like hell. Daniel gets up and looks surprised at Aurelie.

“Who is that?” he asks and I pat her on her back

“This is Aurelie, my wolf and she is also Artemis’ daughter” | explain and Aurelie stood growling but she holds her stand

“Where is Artemis?” Daniel asks and I look down at Aurelie

“She has gone to the moon goddess land and Aurelie chose to take her place” I explain and I sink down to my knees and hug Aurelie.

Aurelie calms down and sits down but is still watching Daniel.

*She is not your mate, no kissing* Aurelie says and huffs.