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Three Fated Hearts by LNC

Chapter 55
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Fuming. I can honestly say that I’m fuming. How dare Mark fix his face to reject me! Then go silent when I confront him. Just who
the hell does he think he is? Why does he not know who he’s dealing with?
My emotions are all over the place. I’m feeling everything at once, and it’s driving me crazy. I can’t get help from my wolf
because she has basically shut me out. She wants our mate, and nothing else will be acceptable.
I’m impatiently waiting for this meeting to start. I don’t know why Luna Kimberly wants to see Mark and me. I know what she
wants from me, but Mark has nothing to do with that. I really just want to get this meeting done already so I can figure out what to
do with Mark.
I have been pacing around the room I’m staying in. My anger and anxiety are not allowing me to settle in on any one thing. I feel
like I’m about to explode at any minute. I want to break something so badly, and if I were at home, I probably would. Daddy
would only be mad for a second before he would be scrambling to get me anything I desired.

I finally leave the room and head to Luna Kimberly’s office, not being about to contain my agitation anymore. The door is slightly
open, and I push it all the way in, noticing Luna Kimberly at her desk and Mark sitting across from her. I sit in the seat next to my
mate with a huff and cross my arms across my chest. “You wanted to see us.....” Luna Kimberly gives me a look.
“I would watch my tone if I were you.” She leans back in her chair. “Thank you to for coming. Let’s cut to the chase.” She looks
directly at Mark. “You rejected Jenna?” Mark nods his head in response. Luna Kimberly turns in her chair and looks at me.
“Accept his rejection.”
I straighten my spine to sit up in the seat. I lift my head up high; I’m an Alpha’s daughter damnit. “I won’t.”
If looks could kill, it’s safe to say I’d be on my way into my grave right now. “You accept his rejection, Jenna. Accept it now.” I
know why she is insisting on this, but I won’t comply. I can’t give in.
“I said I won’t do it. He doesn’t get to decide if we are together or not. That is my dec ision and mine alone.” Luna Kimberly looks
like she is hanging on by a threat. I want to laugh, but I know that will make things much tenser than they already are.
“Mark, could you leave us?” Mark says nothing, but he gets up and walks out of the office. My wolf whimpers at her mate leaving
her presence. Luna Kimberly stands up and walks to the front of her desk, leaning against it..

“What the f**k do you think you’re doing, Jenna? You need to accept his rejection, You already know what you were brought here
for, and that hasn’t changed. Accept his rejection like I know you want to.”
I scoff. I know she’s a Luna, but the hell with that. No one is going to tell me what to do when it comes to my own mate. “You
don’t know what I want to do.”
“You came here for my sons. You expressed an interest and I invited you here so you could pursue them. I know you don’t want
that damn Beta. I know you want more for your life and you can still have that.”
“Oh so now you’re some sort of expert when it comes to me? You brought me here for the twins and I agreed with that. I came
even though they have found their fated mate. Now, I’ve found mine and I don’t plan to let him go that easily.” I stand up and face
Luna Kimberly.
“Why are you being this way? Why are you going against our plans?”
“Because I can! I’m not obligated to you or this pack. I have my own pack to be concerned with.” I can see Luna Kimberly getting
angrier and angrier as time passes. I want to throw back my head and laugh, but I know that now isn’t the time.
“You need to think about what you’re supposed to be doing here, or......”
“Or?!” I challenge the Luna, and I know this could spell out big trouble for me. The fact is that she wants something from me, so I
plan to use that to my advantage as much as possible. Luna Kimberly scrunches her face up and crosses her arms.
“Just figure it the f**k out!” I turn on my heel and rush out of her office. I need to find Mark, but a run would do me better right
now. I head downstairs so I can go for a much-needed run.n