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To Kiss An Idol

Chapter 122
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122 The Wait For Young-Chul

Finally, all reached the practise room. Jeong-Eun was still angry at Nivritti for not letting him sit next to Jae-Hwa.

Dae first jumped from the car and moved inside the building as he was not interested in their talk anymore. Thae followed him and Nivritti, Jae-Hwa and Jeong-Eun were walking behind. Nivritti looked at Jeong-Eun with a smirk and moved closer to him.

“Psst!” she whispered. Jeong-Eun turned towards her but instantly turned her face back away from her. “Do you want to spend time alone with her?” she mumbled to him.

He suddenly stopped walking. “What do you mean?” he asked defensively.

“You are angry because I didn’t let you sit next to her,” she pointed at Jae-Hwa.

“Haa...” he scoffed. “I have no idea what you are talking about. I am angry because you don’t listen to our music.”

“Liar!” she teased. “You like her, don’t you?” she was smiling mischievously.

“What? What?? What???” with every ‘what’ his voice became louder.

“What?” Thae turned and looked at them. Jeong-Eun and Nivritti looked at each other and then looked at everyone. Dae, Thae, and Jae-Hwa were staring at them.

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“Nothing!” both Jeong-Eun and Nivritti shouted at once.

“You! What are you whispering to Jae and PJ? Why do they keep shouting?” Thae came close to Nivritti and asked while staring at her with squinted eyes.

“I am innocent. I did nothing. They both enjoy shouting,” said Nivritti innocuously.

“Babo! (fool)” Thae hit her on her forehead playfully. She smirked at him making him smile at her.

“Are we going in or not?” scolded Dae.

“Yes, Seong-ssi,” replied Thae and signalled him to enter the room. “Who died and made him grumpy?” mumbled Thae making everyone laugh out loud.

One by one Thae, Jae-Hwa, Jeong-Eun, and Jae-Hwa entered the practice room.

The moment Nivritti entered the room her eyes searched for Kyung-Soo and landed on him. Slowly her mouth fell open when she saw that he was wearing the blue shirt, the shirt she took off from the hangar of the changing room and wore to hide the yellow dress. As usual, his radiant skin was making the blue shirt, bluer. Colours never complimented his skin, his skin enhanced colours.

She had no control over her facial muscles, and she ended up smiling at him. “Wait, what?” she instantly controlled herself and stopped smiling.

Kyung-Soo looked at her with amusement. “This girl!” he walked over to Dae and greeted him first. He then looked at both the girls and said Hi. One by one every member of ASD approached them and greeted them.

Jung-Hwa opened his arm and was about to hug Nivritti when Kyung-Soo grabbed him by his collar and dragged him backward. Smiling, he whispered, rather warned Jung-Hwa, “don’t even think about it.”

Jung-Hwa simply shook Nivritti’s hands and said hi. Nivritti thought, “what is wrong with these two?”

“Happy?” sneered Jung-Hwa.

“Very!” replied Kyung-Soo.

After everyone greeted each other, Jae-Hwa and Dae moved towards the workstation but Nivritti kept looking around. Something was missing, rather someone was missing.

“Where is, MY?” she asked.

“Oh, he is running late,” replied Korain.

“Today we all were late because of him,” pouted Jung-Hwa.

“What do you mean?” she inquired.

“Nothing! Don’t listen to him,” Kyung-Soo smiled awkwardly. She found his reaction to be extremely strange.

“Is he alright?” she asked as she was not satisfied with his answer.

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“He just didn’t sleep well last night so he overslept. We waited for him to come with us, but he kept sleeping. So, we left him at the house. I just called him a few minutes ago, he said he was on his way,” explained Kyung-Soo.

“Ohh!” exclaimed Nivritti.

“While he comes, let us read some scripts,” said Jung-Hwa and wrapped his arms around Nivritti’s shoulder.

“Come!” invited Nivritti and they both moved together towards the workstation. Kyung-Soo mumbled some curse at Jung-Hwa and softly hit him on the back of his head.

Jung-Hwa turned his head around to look at Kyung-Soo and mouthed, “what?” Kyung-Soo simply squinted his eyes and stared at him.

Nivritti looked at Dae and Jae-Hwa who were sitting next to each other. Again, mischief crawled up n her mind. With swift movements, she reached near Jae-Hwa and sat next to her and made Jung-Hwa sit next to herself. That way neither Jeong-Eun was unable to sit next to Jae-Hwa nor Kyung-Soo was able to sit near Nivritti.

Both Jeong-Eun and Kyung-Soo sat in front of Nivritti. One kept staring at Nivritti and the other kept staring at Jung-Hwa in anger. Nivritti kept smirking at Jeong-Eun to tease him whereas Jung-Hwa kept gulping with fear.

All kept reading scripts for a few minutes when Young-Chul came running inside the room. Huffing and puffing, he started apologising profusely, “sorry, sorry, sorry, I am late. I am here, let’s start. Wait! Where is the dance crew?”

“Calm down, Young. Take a deep breath. It’s just us seven today. No dance crews. We will take it easy today. First, we have to polish our dance moves that we learned yesterday then we can practice with our crew. Come sit down for a minute and then we will start,” Korain stood up and calmed him down. His honey-like voice could make people lose their minds.

Young-Chul kept inhaling and exhaling loudly to calm himself down. Thae ran and brought him a bottle of water. Young-Chul took a few sips and relaxed.

“Are you alright?” inquired Nivritti.

He smiled at her and replied, “Yes, I am fine. Thank you for asking.”

Nivritti smiled back but her heart ached to see him like that. He was sweating profusely. His hair was all over the place. He was still breathing heavily, and his beautiful face was all white. It appeared as if he had spent a lot of time in the cold, all the colour from his cheeks was missing. She knew how hard the boys worked and his overwork started to show on his face.

“Why don’t you guys take time off today? You don’t even have to shoot for daily videos,” suggested Nivritti.

“What? No daily video?” shouted Young-Chul.