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To Kiss An Idol

Chapter 193 - 193 The New Phone
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193 The New Phone

Kyung-Soo accepted the delivery and placed the phone in his bag. Now all he had to do was wait for his manager to arrive. The boys were getting impatient waiting for their manager. They kept glancing at Nivritti and the Rencontre team. They were busy reading the scripts on their laptops. Nivritti was sitting cross-legged on the bench as she was forbidden to keep her leg hanging for longer periods.

The ASD’s manager, Mr. Park, arrived a few minutes late. He had a lot of packages in his hands and the moment he arrived, he greeted everyone. The boys beamed with happiness as soon as they saw him.

Kyung-Soo and Korain ran to the manager to grab the packets from his hands. The manager smiled at the choreographer and the dancers and announced, “attention guys! We are going to “Servings” for lunch. We want to treat you for your hard work. Please accompany me. Let’s enjoy our food.”

“Servings?” shouted the choreographer. “The expensive restaurant that you need to make a reservation first. It is all booked for months, how did you get a reservation?”

“I booked the whole restaurant, sir,” replied manager Park.

“Wow! You are great!!” said the choreographer and smiled at manager Park.

“Rencontre team, you guys are invited too,” shouted Manager Park.

All three looked at Manager Park and smiled at him. Young-Chul stared at Nivritti and shouted, “not you!”

Nivritti lowered her head and pouted, “I know.”


“You can have food with us,” Jung-Hwa ran towards her and sat next to Dae.

“You are not going?” asked Dae.

“Security issue, Seong-ssi, I mean Dae. We cannot go to a restaurant without permission from PR people,” replied Jung-Hwa.

“I will stay with her too,” interrupted Jae-Hwa.

“Yeah, we thought so too, we ordered food for you too,” smiled Jeong-Eun and sat next to Jae-Hwa.

“If my girls are not going, I will stay too,” said Dae.

“No!!!” every member of ASD shouted at once including manager Park. Nivritti and Jae-Hwa widened their eyes and stared at everyone in shock. They looked at the boys, then at each other, again and boys and finally rested their eyes on each other’s faces.

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“What is happening?” murmured Nivritti.

“I have no idea,” whispered Jae-Hwa.

“You should go, Dae. They are having a barbecue. Go, enjoy your food, don’t think about them, we will take care of them,” said Young-Chul.

“Woah! Young, you use to speak so less. I almost feel special when you talk to me,” laughed Dae.

“Ha-ha,” Young-Chul laughed sarcastically. “You flatter me, Dae.”

“Please, Dae, go. Don’t stop yourself from enjoying a meal because of me,” pleaded Nivritti.

“But how can I enjoy when my team would not be there with me,” pouted Dae. “As if!! Huh!! She thinks she is so important that I would stop living my life because of her, wench!” thought Dae.

“It’s okay, please enjoy your food,” smiled Nivritti.

“Is it okay, Jae?” asked Dae.

“Huh?” Jae-Hwa was taken aback by the sudden query. She looked at Dae who was waiting for her answer. “Yeah, please go. We will be fine. I cannot leave her alone in pain,” Jae-Hwa smiled awkwardly.

“Okay, I am coming manager Park,” shouted Dae and shut the flap of his laptop. He ran towards everyone and after saying goodbye, the whole dance room was empty. The boys succeeded in their plan.

Kyung-Soo took out the phone from his bag and handed it to Young-Chul, “you give it to her.”

Young-Chul stared at Kyung-Soo, shocked and refused to take the packet from him. “You give her. I don’t want a scolding.”

“Please!” Kyung-Soo tried to hand the package over to Young-Chul.

“You are elder, you give her,” Young-Chul pushed the package back towards Kyung-Soo.

“Oh, give me that!!” snapped Korain. “Pick up the food packets, you cowards!”

The boys moved towards the working station and Korain sat in front of Nivritti right next to Jung-Hwa. All others found their seat and sat down. Jeong-Eun had already reserved his seat next to Jae-Hwa and was happily sitting next to her.

Young-Chul sat next to Jeong-Eun and Him-Chan and Kyung-Soo sat near Jung-Hwa. Thae had plenty of space to seat, but he chose to drag a chair to the working station and sat in between Nivritti and Korain. “Ha-ha, I am the head of the family,” he joked.

“Head of the family? Then you give her the phone,” whispered Korain.

“I said head of the family not moron of the family. You give her,” Thae whispered back with a fake bright smile on his face.

“Aisshhh… cowards!” murmured Korain. “Distribute the food,” he snapped at Jung-Hwa.

“Right! Sorry, Hyung,” said Jung-Hwa and started taking out the food from the packets.

While he was placing the food, Korain looked at Kyung-Soo for help. Kyung-Soo just rolled his eyes and signalled to Korain that he will take care of the situation. He said, “Ritti! SK Hyung has something to say to you.” And he threw Korain under the bus.

“What?” shouted Korain with shock. His blood boiled at Kyung-Soo. He wanted to pick up the hot bowl of soup and threw it at Kyung-Soo’s head but that would be a waste of food.

“Yes, SK,” said Nivritti.

Korain looked at her with fear but with a sweet smile on his face. Kyung-Soo and Young-Chul were trying hard not to laugh at Korain.

“Um… how is your leg?” asked Korain.

“It is…”

Before Nivritti could reply to him, he dumped the phone packet before him and blurted out, “this is for you.” And immediately stood up with a jerk.

Nivritti looked at him confused at his bizarre reaction. “Are you giving me a bomb?” she asked.

“What? No!” shouted Korain.

“Then why did you jump away?” asked Nivritti.

“Will you just open the packet?” shouted Jung-Hwa, annoyed.

“Okay, chill!” comforted Nivritti and opened the packet. The paper bag had a big white packet inside with a golden ribbon tied to it. She took out the box and looked at everyone. Everyone was slowly backing away from her.

She blinked a few times and looked at everyone. She again looked at the box and untied the ribbon. Inside the white box was a small rectangular white box with a picture of a foldable phone on it. “What… the… hell?” she shouted.

Everyone jumped from their seats and ran away from her. She stuck her tongue on her upper teeth and closed her eyes in anger. The first person she attacked was Kyung-Soo. “Did you not hear what I said to you yesterday?” she shouted.

“About?” asked Kyung-Soo in a soft tone, innocently.

Nivritti slapped her hands on the table and made a motion to stand up. Thae immediately ran to her and pushed her back on the seat. “Don’t stand, you will hurt your feet again. Scold while sitting,” he pleaded.

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“What?” she shouted again. “What am I going to do with you guys?” She again looked at Kyung-Soo, “you, explain yourself.”

“He didn’t give you the phone,” interjected Jae-Hwa.

“You, shut up! I have a lot to talk with you, just you wait!” she chided Jae-Hwa.

“This is from all of us, Ritti!” said Him-Chan.

“What?” asked Nivritti, shocked. “Why? Why? Why would you?”

Korain sat back in his seat, looked directly into Nivritti’s eyes, and explained, “our friend was in need, and we helped her. What is wrong with that? You can put yourself in harm’s way to protect your friend and we can’t even spend a little money? How would you have gone to buy a phone with your injured leg?”

“I will have to go to buy a sim card on this leg?” pointed out Nivritti.

Korain was surprised at her logical attack. He snapped, “Don’t use your brain at me. Tell me what is wrong with giving gifts to friends? Are you not our friend?”

“I am, but,” replied Nivritti.

“Then shut up and take it. All your friends, including San brother and sister, contributed too,” chided Korain.

“Jae… Jae-Geun paid too?” she looked at Jae-Hwa with wide eyes. “Oh my god! This is how you use the group?” She looked at Jung-Hwa and scolded, “this is why you created the group?”

“Yes, we created the group to help friends, and this is our help, just take it,” Jung-Hwa scolded back.

“But guys, this is too much. This is a very expensive phone,” she looked at everyone defeated.

“Please accept it, won’t you listen to your cutie?” pouted Thae, cutely.

Nivritti scoffed at his cute face and started laughing. “Fine! But that means you are giving me free rein to give you gifts too.”

“You have already given us gifts, scarves and chocolates,” said Jung-Hwa.

“And he already finished his chocolates,” mocked Jeong-Eun.

“What?” laughed Nivritti. “Why do you do things at extremes?”

“You said that I should eat chocolates,” protested Jung-Hwa.

“One or two pieces a day not the whole box. First, you won’t eat because you are dieting and then you will devour whole packets,” she facepalmed.

Jung-Hwa stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry at her. She chuckled at looked at everyone, “are you guys coming back? You all act as if I hit you every time.”