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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 42
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Oscar glanced at Amelia again and Olivia added, “Why are you looking at her? You’ve been her husband

for four years. Don’t you know that she’s not someone who will talk behind others’ back? I rarely

intervene in your matters, but you’re still my son. I still know what you’ve done. Now that you have a wife,

I hope you’ll stop flirting around and ignore the women who you should not bother yourself with.”

Oscar’s expression turned grim. “Mom, I heard Dad say that he booked two tickets to Caspardion. Enjoy

your trip with him. I’ll pay for all the expenses.”

Olivia waved dismissively. “Oscar, I told you I won’t intervene in your matters, but I hope you’ll realize

who actually treats you well and who’s the woman who should be the most important to you. Don’t regret


Oscar was her son, and it was impossible for Olivia not to realize that he had some feelings for Amelia.

She knew that he might not even notice it, and she was afraid that he would assume that his love was for

the traitorous Cassie instead of Amelia, who had been with him for four years.

That is how men sometimes are. They do not cherish what they have, and they would yearn for the one

who hurt them. It is because they could not get the latter, and that is why the latter seems exceptionally

precious. However, once the man has spent some time with the woman who hurt him, he would realize

that what he had for that woman is not love but his unwillingness to admit defeat.

“Mom, have you had your breakfast?” Oscar said instead, sitting down.

“I’m too furious to have an appetite.” It seemed like Olivia was truly angry this time, for her tone was


Amelia then handed Olivia an apple with a smile. “Mom, Oscar only went to the office for his work. You’re

his mother, so he won’t say anything even if you reprimand him. However, it won’t be the same for me,

who is his wife. So, Mom, please let Oscar off the hook this time for my sake.”

Her words amused Olivia, and she chuckled.

“Don’t you know that I’m trying to stand up for you?”

“Mom, you’re the best mother-in-law I’ve ever seen. For my sake, don’t be mad at Oscar anymore.”

Finally, Olivia’s mood seemed to improve.

Staring at Oscar, Olivia advised, “Oscar, I won’t stick my nose into your marriage affairs, but I hope you’ll

pay attention and figure out who’s the one who treats you best. Don’t make any rash decisions only to

regret them in the end.”

Oscar listened in silence and seeing that, Olivia could only sigh.

After lunch at the Clinton residence, Oscar and Amelia then went back to their apartment located in the

city center. Upon entering the apartment, Oscar sat down on the couch and gazed at Amelia gloomily.

With a smile, Amelia walked over and asked, “Mr. Clinton, are you angry with me?”

His voice was low as he questioned, “Did Cassie call me yesterday?”

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Instead of hiding it from him, Amelia nodded honestly. “Yes. What’s the matter? Did Ms. Yard tattletale on


Oscar’s expression turned even grimmer. “I see you’re getting bolder, Amelia. Not only did you pick up

my call without telling me, but you even deleted the call history. If something happened to her last night, I

would never forgive you.”

The smile remained on Amelia’s face as she replied to him, “Mr. Clinton, I’d like you to find out the truth

before you point fingers. Ms. Yard called last night, so I told her that you were showering and to call

again after your shower. She then ended the call without saying anything else. I don’t know what else

she said to you.”

Oscar’s brows knitted. “Is that really all you said?”

“Mr. Clinton, what else were you expecting me to say?”

The way Oscar kept staring at her made her panic.

“You left the Clinton residence in a rush last night. When I called you, you didn’t pick up. I hope Ms. Yard

has a place in your heart, but as your legal wife, couldn’t you at least pick up my call?”

“A group of gangsters tried to take Cassie away yesterday. If I were a minute too late, she could have

been…” Oscar trailed off.

The corner of Amelia’s lips curled as she mocked, “So you had been in a rush last night to save the

damsel in distress. As most stories go, you must have slept with the damsel. Are you going to talk to me

about the divorce next?”

“Amelia, watch your words,” Oscar huffed.

She dropped the smile and gravely said, “I’ll shut my mouth then.”

Oscar stood up to lean closer to her. Then gripping her chin, he said, “Amelia, it’s best that you know

your place. Stop yearning for things that don’t belong to you. From now on, you’re not allowed to pick up

Cassie’s call, and don’t you dare delete my call history. Or else…”

Amelia’s heart writhed in pain, but she still smiled. “How ruthless you are, Mr. Clinton. Regardless of

everything, we’re still married for four years. Although it’s a marriage with a contract, even if you raise a

pet, you’ll have feelings for it. I never thought you would be such a heartless person, Mr. Clinton. Since

you’re drawing a line between us, I won’t intervene in your matters from now on. I’m feeling a little down,

so I’ll be going out for a walk. I won’t be coming back tonight.”

With that said, Amelia took her bag and walked toward the main door. However, in the next second,

Oscar grabbed her wrist.

“Where are you going?”

“Since it seems like you don’t want to see me around, I’ll remove myself from your line of sight,” Amelia

replied without turning around.

“Come back.”

She hesitated for a moment, but still turned around and returned. She sat on the couch and folded her


Still standing, Oscar looked downward at her and uttered, “Amelia, your temper is worsening. All I do is

to say a few words, and you’d be throwing a tantrum.”

“How dare I feel angry at you, Mr. Clinton?”

“What is this if not anger?”

Amelia fell silent.

“Stay here and think about what you’ve done. I’ll go upstairs to take a shower first.” Oscar was about to

head to the stairs, but little did he expect Amelia to speak. “Mr. Clinton, let’s get a divorce. I don’t want

your terms anymore.”

At that, he halted in his tracks and turned to stare at her.

“Say that again.”

Rising to her feet, Amelia fearlessly looked at him and enunciated, “Mr. Clinton, ever since Ms. Yard

came back, it’s as if you’ve changed. Although we’re married with a contract, we’re still legal husband

and wife. If you can’t even believe your own wife, I don’t think there’s any need for us to stay married.”

To her surprise, Oscar stepped forward to grab her chin and snarled, “Amelia, you have no right to

mention the divorce. So you want a divorce? It’s not impossible, but speak to me again when you have a

hundred million. Otherwise, you have no say about when this marriage will end.”

Grinning, Amelia asked, “Mr. Clinton, you don’t love me, so why are you insisting to keep me by your


Oscar sneered, “Amelia, you married me for money back then, but you’re now talking about love? Don’t

you find yourself a hypocrite?”

At that, she froze as her rationality returned.

“Mr. Clinton, I’m sorry. I lost control earlier.”

This time, it was Oscar’s turn to be stunned.

Amelia walked over to sit on the couch, saying sincerely, “Mr. Clinton, I’m very sorry about picking up Ms.

Yard’s call last night. I won’t pick up any calls for you nor go through your phone without your permission

from now on.”

Amelia’s apologies left Oscar at a loss for what to do.

She continued, “Mr. Clinton, may I help you with anything else? I’m just a working woman, and you’re my

client. I won’t dare to offend you.”

Frowning, Oscar muttered, “You’re not allowed to speak to me in such a sarcastic way.”

Amelia immediately schooled her features into a gentler look. “Mr. Clinton, I’ll take note of it. Don’t worry.

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I won’t let myself have hope in the future. I’ll definitely play the role you’ve given me well.”

Hearing those words of hers did not lift Oscar’s mood; instead, his mood worsened.

Amelia then stood up and walked toward him with a smile. “Mr. Clinton, I’ve already changed my

methods. Are you still not satisfied?”

He took her head and said, “Cassie is back for now, but she’ll be leaving in a few days; she won’t affect

your position in the Clinton family. You don’t need to worry and don’t tattletale to Mom. Mom loves you,

but you can’t use her love for you as a weapon.”

Amelia calmly stated, “Mr. Clinton, you might have misunderstood the situation. I didn’t say anything to

Mom. In this family, the only one who can make me feel at home is Mom. Even if I were to go against all

my morals, I won’t use her. You can rest assure about that.”

It was only with that reassurance then did Oscar’s complexion lightened up.

“Mr. Clinton, if you have nothing else, I’d like to go to Tiff’s. I won’t come back tonight.”

Oscar’s expression turned dark again.

“Amelia, stop throwing a tantrum. I have limited patience.”

“Mr. Clinton, you might have misunderstood me; I’m not throwing a tantrum. Tiff’s been having

nightmares recently, and she’s scared of being alone, so she’s asked me to keep her company. I wanted

to tell you about it yesterday, but you went out, so I couldn’t.”

“Spend lesser time with that woman in the future. I don’t want her to change you for the worse.”

“Mr. Clinton, she’s my friend, and I hope that you can respect her instead of slandering her,” came

Amelia’s earnest reply.

“I won’t do anything to her as long as she watches her mouth in front of you.”

“What are you so afraid of, Mr. Clinton? Are you afraid she’ll say that you’re still spending time with your

ex even though you got a wife?”

Oscar spared her one last glance before he headed upstairs.

Staring at his retreating figure, Amelia sighed. I was acting too rashly today. If this continues, Oscar and I

will have a falling out one day.

She then spent some time sitting on the couch before finally going upstairs. Although she did not see any

signs of him in the bedroom, she heard the sounds of running water coming from the bathroom. Walking

over to twist the knob, she realized the door was unlocked. The moment she entered, she saw Oscar

standing under the showerhead, letting the water run down his body.

Greedily taking in his perfect body shape, Amelia tiptoed in and hugged him from behind. She

whispered, “Darling, are you angry?”

Not turning around, Oscar turned off the faucet and asked, “Why did you come in?”

Hugging him tighter, Amelia whispered seductively, “Darling, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have talked back to

you. All I had was a woman’s natural possessiveness. I know you love Ms. Yard, but I was the one who

accompanied you through happy and sad times. For a woman to suddenly appear and steal all your

attention away from me, I’d definitely feel upset. This has nothing to do with love. I’m just upset, that’s all.

So don’t be angry at me anymore, okay?”