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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 617
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Chapter 617 A Visit To The Larson Residence

Given all the hatred Jennifer harbored within her, she viewed every problem in a rather extreme way.

That was also why she couldn’t live in peace most of the time.

The woman remained on the couch for a long while before getting up and leaving the mansion. Then,

she drove around on the streets aimlessly and soon found herself in front of Carter’s company building.

After parking her vehicle, Jennifer stared at the building through her window and began to space out.

She then let out a sigh after God knows how long and eventually drove away.

While gripping her steering wheel, she watched the flow of traffic with a solemn expression and pursed


Jennifer continued to drive until dusk fell. She then stopped outside a pasta restaurant as the sky grew


The woman alighted her car and walked into the building, only to catch sight of a figure she could never

forget for the rest of her life. But as she quickly turned to leave, the man called out to her.


She stopped for brief moment before continuing to walk ahead.

“Wait, Jennifer!” The man chased after her and grabbed her by the arm.

Jennifer tried to free herself but to no avail.

She glared at the man before breaking into a smile.

“Mr. Scott! It’s been a while. I’m so sorry I couldn’t recognize you when our eyes first met.”

Carter furrowed his brows. He didn’t like how distant she seemed from him.

The man would constantly think of ways to drive her away during the times she used to cling to him, but

after she left him for real, something just didn’t feel right anymore. It was as though his heart constantly


“Aren’t we still friends, Jennifer? You don’t have to treat me like this or run away every time you see

me.” Carter continued to frown.

Jennifer snorted as though she had just heard a joke. “Why, I don’t think I can even afford to have you

as a friend, Mr. Scott! In fact, I must’ve been blind to have gone after you for two years, thinking you’d

eventually fall for me! It took me so long to realize how stupid I was, but at least you’re free now. We

should have nothing to do with each other anymore, so just pretend you don’t know me the next time

you bump into me.”

Hearing that only magnified the displeasure in Carter’s heart.

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“Stop making a fuss, Jennifer. Let’s sit down and talk,” he said patiently.

Jennifer laughed, albeit feeling miserable inside. To the man she loved, she was always just making a


“Could you please let go of me, Mr. Scott?” she asked blandly.

Carter’s gaze darkened as he looked down at the woman’s arm. For the first time, he noticed how

slender her wrist was – like one could easily break it with the slightest bit of force.

A strange look flashed in his eyes briefly as he let go her hand, and he subconsciously brushed his

feelings of irritation aside.

Jennifer turned around and walked away, and Carter followed her.

After walking to a more desolate area, Jennifer crossed her arms and stared at the man calmly. “So,

Mr. Scott, what is it you want to tell me?”

Carter’s brows remained knitted. He didn’t like the way she was talking to him at all.

“You didn’t use to treat me like this, Jennifer,” he suddenly commented without much thought.

Jennifer stilled for a moment before a laugh escaped her lips.

“Do you have any idea what you look like right now, Mr. Scott? You’re acting like a guy who just caught

his wife having an affair! You’re going to make people think I cheated on you or something. That’s

enough. Stop acting like you just lost the love of your dreams. I became a laughingstock from trying to

win your heart for two whole years, and I don’t ever want to relive that.” Jennifer shrugged. “I’ve given

your freedom back, so just act like you don’t know me. Okay?”

Carter gazed at her deeply before changing the subject. “Is your mom well?”

“Thanks to you, she was sent to prison before getting checked into a psychiatric hospital. She also has

intermittent memory loss now, which means she could be perfectly fine and then forget everything she

just said or did the very next second,” Jennifer answered nonchalantly. “For example, her illness could

suddenly act up while she’s crossing the road, and she’d just stand there waiting to be hit by a car

when the light turns green. That’s why we can’t let her go outside alone anymore. Well, are you happy

to hear that?”

“What happened to her?” Carter was clearly in disbelief.

“You’ll have to ask the love of your life about that. She drove my mom into this state instead of killing

her, but I guess that’s just how kind she is, huh?”

“Amelia isn’t that kind of person.”

Jennifer shrugged. “Of course she isn’t,” she replied with a smile. “To you, she’ll always be a

distinguished, benevolent, considerate, and righteous woman. How could she ever do such a thing to a

middle-aged woman? Anyway, you can treat whatever I just said as a bluff. I’m going back in. I’m


With that, she walked past Carter, only for the latter to grab onto her arm again.

Rage surfaced in the woman’s eyes.

“What the hell do you want from me, Carter? Have you not humiliated me enough for the past two

years? What, are you still trying to get back at me for the sake of that woman you can never have?”

She had done everything she could to suppress her feelings for this man and stay away from him, and

yet he wouldn’t leave her alone. Does he not know how much he’s hurting me?

Carter opened his mouth, but the words couldn’t come out.

“I’m sorry,” he said after a long silence.

Jennifer laughed. “Carter, just don’t. Hearing that disgusts me. Goodbye.”

Jennifer retracted her arm and left.

Carter stared at his now-empty fist, not knowing what else to say.

Instead of heading back into the restaurant, Jennifer returned to her car and slumped into her seat.

She gazed at the headliner, her mind in a complete mess.

Just when I finally kicked you out of my head, you show up in front of me. I’ve done everything I could

to stay away. Why can’t you just leave me alone, Carter?

After sitting inside her car for a long time, she started the engine and drove away.

Carter remained where he was and took out his phone, his expression darkening as his thumb hovered

over a certain name in his contact list.

The name he was fixated on was, of course, “Amelia.”

Ultimately, he switched off his phone and returned to his car with a sigh.

He sat inside there for about ten minutes before driving away.

Later, he arrived in front of none other than Jennifer’s mansion.

The man exited his car and opened the trunk to take out some gifts. The security guard didn’t stop him

from entering since he had dropped by many times in the past.

Only Vincent and Laura were home, and they were astonished to see him.

“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Larson,” Carter greeted politely.

“Carter! It’s been a while. What made you decide to drop by?” asked Laura after snapping back to


Carter handed the gifts over. “I’ve been so busy lately that I hadn’t visited in a while. I finally got a few

projects over with, and I figured that I hadn’t seen you both for so long, so here I am with some gifts. I

just hope I’m not interrupting you with my presence.”

Vincent pointed to the couch. “Come and have a seat.”

“Sure thing.”

Carter walked over and sat across the couple.

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“I heard you weren’t feeling too well prior,” the man said after some silence. “I was so caught up with

work that I knew nothing about this until my mother brought it up this afternoon. I’m really sorry I didn’t

come and see you sooner.”

Laura beamed courteously.

“You’re too kind, Carter. It’s better for you youngsters to be busy. I’m fine, anyway, so don’t you worry.

Send your mother my regards.”

After an exchange of pleasantries, Carter didn’t know what else to say, and the atmosphere turned


Vincent coughed sheepishly in an attempt to lighten the mood. “So, Carter, have you found yourself a


“Not yet, Mr. Larson.”

“Well, you’d better get searching. I heard that Jennifer has two young and talented men going after her,

and she’s thinking of dating one of them. When she introduces him to us, we’ll start planning their

engagement if they seem like a good fit,” Vincent remarked, his intentions unknown. “It’s a shame that

she and you aren’t meant to be; I would’ve been happy to have you as my son-in-law otherwise. But I

know you have high standards and that she’s not good enough for you, so it’s fine.”

While Vincent seemed to be complimenting the young man, he was also hinting at how there were

many other men who were interested in his daughter.

Carter’s face froze as his hand on his leg jerked slightly.

“Congratulations, Mr. Larson. I also look forward to seeing Jennifer meet a man who can make her


Vincent chuckled. “You’ll have to come when she gets married. She didn’t like you for nothing.”

Carter merely nodded like a robot.

Suddenly, Laura, who had been listening intently, opened her eyes after receiving a nudge from

Vincent. She then stared at her husband in confusion before noticing Carter. “Carter Scott? What is he

doing here, Vincent?”

“He so happened to be in the area, so he dropped by for a visit.”

“Send him away! Any man who looks down on our daughter isn’t welcome here.”

Vincent hastily calmed the woman down while glancing at Carter apologetically. “Maybe you should go,

Carter. Laura’s starting to feel sick.”

Carter’s eyes glistened unfathomably as he gazed at Laura. Then, he nodded. “I’ll be off then, Mrs.

Larson. I’ll drop by again when I’m free.”

Vincent didn’t have the time to see him off.

After walking out of the mansion, Carter gazed up at the pitch-black sky and exhaled sharply, his heart

feeling heavy all of a sudden. Never had he thought that his act of keeping Jennifer at arm’s length

would cause Laura such harm.