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Trapped in His Love Obsession novel

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79

“What is going on? Is he angry?” Livia sits quietly without saying a word.

They are currently on the second floor. All employees are finishing wrapping packages while enjoying the food

that Mr. Damian brought. A box of pizza, pasta, and two drinks was already on the table.

Livia only glanced at him for a moment. His focus was on a creature that was difficult to guess what it wanted.

Damian looked at Livia with annoyance, and he also didn’t know why. But he felt that his wife was a very stupid

woman. Yes, foolish woman because she has a very kind heart.

Expelling the awkwardness, Livia inched down from her seat on the sofa and was now sitting on the floor. She

took one slice of the pizza and started eating it. Sipping her drink. Because he was in a bad mood, she couldn't

even swallow properly right now.

“Why are you so kind, idiot?!”

Finally, after just looking at each other for a long time, Damian began to speak first. And all he spoke was

nothing but reproach.

The air becmore and more congested, seeing the irritated eyes. At this time, although he already knew that

her mother and step-sister had apologized to Livia, the anger inside him had not completely evaporated.

“What?” Put back the pizza she had bitten.

“Your family, | know that only David has been good to you.”

Yeah, there’s no way he doesn’t know. Assistant Brown even has information about my ex-boyfriend.

“Baby, you must have misunderstood.”

Up again on the sofa, sitting next to Damian. There is nothing wrong with today’s atmosphere. Even though

Damian was annoyed that she met her mother and Lisa without permission, he didn’t seem really angry. He just

wanted to express his annoyance. “leven want to destroy your family without a trace because of their treatment

of you.”


At this point, the threat doesn’t sound like a joke. “Baby isn’t that what it’s called blood ties. Blood is much

thicker than water. Sometimes hate but over teasily forgiven. Because we're family.” “Tch.” Damian looked

away. “Baby.” Livia grabbed Damian’s hand. “Aren't you the same, always supporting your family. You love Jenny,

Sophia, and Mom whatever they do because they are your family.” Family bonds are formed without us asking.

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There are blood ties, bonds of affection, love, and sacrifice. For speople, it is very important, but not

infrequently. Sconsider it to be a line of fate written by God.

But family is a place where you are forgiven when you make a mistake before you even apologize though.

Parents are pillars who sometimes always think they are correct, and they always say that because they have

eaten more salt in life. They know what is good and right.

Although it’s not always true, it’s not always wrong either.

“So what were they doing here earlier?” snapped his fingers for Livia to ccloser. He was immersing Livia’s

body in his arms. “Did they do anything bad to you again? And why did your brother calong earlier?”

For Damian, this is only his excessive worry for his wife.

“No, Baby, David only accompanies mother and Lisa. They really didn’t do anything bad to me. They just came

to apologize.”

For Livia, he only felt Damian was guarding his property, not wanting anyone to touch his.

“Apologize?” Snorted with a sneer, as if to say they were sorry, should | believe that.

“They sincerely apologize. Mother and Lisa even kneel down. But, unfortunately, I'm the one who feels


Finally, Livia told all the events that happened this afternoon. Revealing everything without the slightest

suspicion that the person she was holding in her hand was the reason Lisa and mother had to kneel before her.

“Why are you so kind? You should have taken revenge earlier.” Kissing Livia’s lips gently.

Now, even though she immediately throbbed but she had started to control her facial reactions when Damian

made his surprise attack.

“I told you. The family will always forgive each other in the end.”

‘Yes, yes, | did marry a kind angel,’

Livia turned to the dish on the table. She took a slice of pizza and handed it to Damian. Damian shook his head.

Prefers to play with Livia’s hair.

Livia thrust the pizza she just bit into Damian’s mouth.

Her husband did not refuse.

“Are you comfortable working here? | want to ask Brown to prepare a bigger shop. Looks like it would be better if

it was just a one-story shophouse.”

‘Oh my God, how quickly my request was granted. No, don’t be greedy, Livia.” “No, Baby, even though it looks

small this shop is very comfortable.”

Damian sat up and looked around the room. His eyes scanned the piles of children’s clothes lined up.

The window opened, showing the golden color of the afternoon. “It seems tiring to have to move a large package


“Haha, no, we usually do it together.”

‘Stop observing my shop. Just sit here.”

“This place is really very comfortable,” Livia added.

“Is that true?” Damian walked to the bed.

Livia followed her husband's every move. Now Damian is sitting on the bed. He patted the mattress several

times with his hands. Ensuring bed comfort with his own body “Is this bed comfortable?”

“It is very comfortable. Thank you for providing good quality goods.” Livia cclose to the bed, patting the

mattress gently. “Soft and comfortable, sometimes | fall asleep here and laze around. Haha. Thank you for giving

Damian dropped his body, facing the ceiling. “I wanted to try how comfortable this bed was.” Meaningful

laughter was heard.

‘Hey, hey, what do you want? Shameless young master!’

Livia, who felt threatened, wanted to get up from her seat, but it was too late. Damian had grabbed her hand

and pulled her so that she fell down beside Damian.

“Where are you going?” he was already grinning. “Showhow comfortable this bed is.” His hands have begun

to be unconditioned.

“Baby, don’t be like this. We'll do it later at home. Uhm ... um.” Damian had not let Livia utter a word. They kiss

deeply. Change positions several times. Let Livia take a slow breath. Then continue the attack again.

The kisses started to move. Damian took off his shoes with his feet falling on the floor. His hand pulled Livia’'s

shirt. “Miss Livia, this is a note. Sorry! | didn’t see you guys kissing! Forgive me.” Tiffany ran down the stairs. “I

didn’t see you guys swear.” But she slumped to the ground.

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“What the hell, Tiffany, don’t see but shouted that loud. Umm.” Again, Damian kissed her to shut her mumble.

“Baby ...” Livia is begging slowly.

“Let them. Brown must hear the screams of your employees.” Continuing activities that are already halfway.

Livia’s neck was full of red marks.

“It turns out that this bed is really comfortable.”

Stop it! It's a shame, you know.”

Tiffany slumped to the ground as soon as the scary scene she saw upstairs danced mischievously in her mind

again. She got goosebumps. Between horrified but also confused, she didn’t know what she was feeling right

now. But, of course, her face was pale.

“Miss Tiffany, what do you see?!”

“Yeah, tell me!”

“You saw Ms. Livia kissing, huh. Haha.”

The employees downstairs laughed.

Shto hear that. They stopped giggling when they saw Brown enter through the glass door. The man nodded

his head and walked towards the stairs. Sitting still, not moving.

Brown sat on the stairs, checking his cellphone. He heard a low voice from the second floor. But there was no

reaction on his face.

“Sir, would you like spizza or something to drink?” Tiffany approached Brown. The man looked up.

“No thanks, just enjoy the food.”

“Ah, fine.”

Tiffany gathered with other employees. Clean up all the rest of the work. She glanced at Assistant Brown, who

was looking at his cellphone dully, not caring about the world around him.

‘He also looks very handsome, but also very cold. But Ms. Livia also never mentioned him in her story. Isn't he a

very important person? That's enough. What's going on upstairs, huh.’

Tiffany stifled a laugh to herself.