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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle

Chapter 1396
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Chapter 1396

From the tone of his voice, Luca could tell that Abel was up to smischief.

Calmly, she told Abel about how she had moved to T Corporation, and Luke had installed a surveillance camera in her office to monitor her.

Abel laughed brazenly when he heard that.

Luca did not say anything. Luke was already wary of the influence of the Island of Despair on his life, yet Abel did not seem worried at all.

Abel finally stopped laughing half a minute later. “It seems that Luke is more and more interested in you.” His tone was shilling.

Luca’s heart skipped a beat as though Abel’s words were a stark reminder of her situation.

Luke had never stopped suspecting her identity ever since she returned to A City. His latest act of installing a surveillance camera in her office showed that he was suspicious of Luca’s involvement in the incident of the impostor Bianca.

Luca wanted to keep a low profile to avoid suspicion, but she could not bear to see Queenie suffer. What she did to save Queenie probably made Luke suspect her even more.

Everything that Luca did after that probably increased Luke’s suspicion toward her. Eventually, it led to him ordering her to move to T Corporation and installing a surveillance camera in her office.

She could not tell if what Abel said were true, but she knew that Luke was both caring for her and suspecting her.

Luca did not say anything, though Abel could tell that Luca was in agony.

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Knowing that those were her feelings and that the person Luke had been searching for was right in front of him, Abel found srelief to his anxiety.

His plan was so close to success. He would be able to avenge his beloved Kassy.

“Ivana, I want you to continue to investigate Bianca’s whereabouts. Also, cooperate with Luke and give him everything he wants. It would be best if you could make him fall in love with you,” Abel said. He was eager to see what would happen when Luke fell in love with her.

He ended the call right after that. The following scenes had played out in his mind.

Luca gripped the phone tightly with a vacant expression on her face.

She thought that Abel would use her to steal company secrets and bring down T Corporation. She did not expect Abel’s plan to turn out to be like that.

Luke would fall in love with her, but he would not be able to obtain her. In fact, he would not be able to obtain either woman…

Luca closed her eyes in despair. She did not feel relieved even though she knew Abel’s endgame. Instead, she realized that she had been walking along an irredeemable path.

Would she and Luke be able to escape from this abyss?

Luke and Tommy returned to Crawford Manor. Shortly after Luke parked his car, he received a call from Gale. “She’s not going to make it, Boss. Rain is trying her best to resuscitate her.”

Rain was helpless against the effects of the poison. With the sedatives, she might be able to let her live for a few more days. Even so, the sedative could not stop the impostor’s seizures.

“I’ll go over now.” Luke used one hand to unfasten Tommy’s seatbelt and opened the door. He put the phone away and said, “Tommy, I have surgent business at the company. You can go into the house yourself.”

Tommy nodded and hopped off the car. He asked, “Daddy, will you chtonight?”

“We’ll see about that,” Luke said. After Tommy closed the car door, he reversed the car and left the house.

Tommy walked into the living room and saw that no one was there. He ran up the stairs and saw that Lanie and Rainie were reading storybooks in the common area. He smiled and went over, “Good evening, Lanie and Rainie.”

Rainie knew where her younger brother had been. She could not help but pinch her face when she saw the grin on Tommy’s face. “How was dinner tonight?”

Tommy’s eyes sparkled when Rainie mentioned dinner. “I ate so much today!” He said.

Rainie was quite envious of her younger brother. The three children loved Luca’s cooking, but only Tommy had the chance to eat it every day. “What did Ms. Luca cook for you today?”

“So much delicious food! The best dish was the basil pork chops. It’s so delicious!” Tommy began to salivate when he thought of the food he had eaten earlier. The pork chop almost melted in his mouth as soon as he bit into it. Even the cook in Crawford Manor could not cook like that.

Rainie smiled knowingly. She put her book away and looked toward the staircase but did not see their father.

“Tommy, where’s Daddy? Didn’t you say that he brought you home?” She asked. Earlier, when she was in the living room downstairs, she had overheard the driver answering Luke’s call, which was why she

knew that Luke would be the one to fetch Tommy home.

Tommy tilted his head. “Daddy left again after he answered a call.”

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When Lanie heard that, he put his book down and exchanged a knowing glance with Rainie. “Do you know who called him?”

Tommy said, “Daddy said that it was from the company. It seemed very urgent.”

The twins guessed that their father was somewhere else instead. They stood up, and each of them took one of Tommy’s hands. “Alright, I’m sure that it’s very important. Let’s brush our teeth and prepare to go to bed.”

“Mm!” Tommy nodded excitedly, then looked at Lanie. “Lanie, can I sleep with you tonight?”

Lanie raised his eyebrows like how Luke would. “Why?”

“I’m feeling happy today, so I want to sleep with you,” Tommy said. It was not a surprising thing since the two boys would occasionally sleep together.

Tommy nodded and said, “Alright. You should go and take a shower first.”

Tommy nodded and went back to his bedroom. After he took his shower, he would go to Lanie’s bedroom.

Seeing that their younger brother was so happy, Rainie had a sudden thought. She wondered if Tommy would always be happy if Luca bectheir mother.

“Lanie, do you think that Daddy might have gone to…” She stopped mid-sentence in case someone else overheard her.

At the moment, only Luke and the twins knew that Bianca was an impostor.

Lanie nodded. “It’s getting late. You should go to bed.”

“Alright, you should rest too,” Rainie said and returned to her bedroom. She could not stop worrying if their father could eventually find their real mother.

If their real mother was gone forever, would their father continue to be like that?

Rainie closed the bedroom door and sat on her bed. If that were the case, she would be willing to accept another woman as their mother.

Tommy was very happy after he had dinner at Luca’s apartment. When she thought of that, she realized that she liked Luca too.