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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32

Clara bent down and caressed her son’s cheek. “Sweetheart, without you, Mommy

wouldn’t be able to go on! So you have to be good and listen to me, okay? I won’t let

anyone take you away!”

Alex didn’t fully understand and asked, “Mommy who wants to take me away? Is it


“The adult world is very complicated. You’re still young and don’t need to understand

these things! You just need to remember that Mormy will always love you Do you know? If

someone finds out about you, then you’ll have to leave Mammy forever!”

Upon hearing this. Alex immediately grabbed a face mask I wear i Mommy don’t worry, Ill

always be by your side!

Clara stroked her son’s hair, feeling somewhat guilty as she lowered her head Sometimes

she didn’t know if what she was doing was right Alex and herself hadn’t lived a prosperous

life And her other child would be separated from his brother!

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Clara had considered sending Alex away. But she couldn’t do it! She couldn’t! For so many

years, Alex had been her sole reason for persevering and continuing to live.

Meanwhile, in a black Bentley, Aiden was staring at his phone

No texts, no calls

What the heck is Alex up to!

“Aren’t you supposed to be hanging out with me? And you’re just staring at your phone?

Emmett notices his son’s odd behavior and asks.

Aiden glanced at his father, pockets his phone, “I’m waiting for a call”

“From a classmate?

“A friend”

“Keeping secrets so young” Emmett chuckled, “But you keep asking me to hang out with

you and then you just stare at your phone, not even looking up when you talk to me That’s

just plain rude.”

Aiden said, “Sorry, dad.”

“This is the first time we’re out together, just the two of us. If there’s anything you want,

just tell me.”

After all, this amusement park was owned by the Melendez family, whatever Aiden

wanted, he just needed to tell Emmett.

Aiden nodded obediently, but his attention remained on his phone Why hasn’t he received

a call yet….

Suddenly, he spoke up, “Dad, I need to go to the restroom.”

Emmett furrowed his brow, “Now?”

“Yes! I cant hold it anymore”

“Pull over.” Emmett glanced at the restaurant outside. “I’ll take you.”

“I can go by myself!” Aiden quickly got out of the car, phone in hand, and entered the


The server was surprised to see only a young child. “Hello, what can I get you? A glass of


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Aiden smiled and sat down, then immediately called Alex

This guy is so unreliable!

First time.. no answer.

Second time still no answer!

Aiden started to feel anxious. He sent a message to Alex’s phone, but there was no

response at all!

“Did he change his mind?”

“Here’s your lemonade.”

Aiden thanked him and paid the bill, but he didn’t drink the lemonade. He leftright after.

When he got back in the car, Emmett looked at him, “That was quick.”

“I just just.

Alden wasn’t used to being close to his dad, so he stuttered a bit.

“Can we leave now?”


Aiden took a deep breath

Looks like trusting that guy named Alex was a mistake!