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Uchiha's God of Muscle

Chapter 8: monitor
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  Chapter 8 Surveillance

  Looking at the black figure outside the door.

   "Curator, curator."

  Samui's voice trembled, and he was very guilty, thinking that his affairs had been discovered.

  Spy should be killed.

  At this moment, she remembered what she had said to Uchiha Inahide, and the tragic situation of the spies who died at his hands, and she couldn't help but shed a cold sweat.

  Boom boom boom.

  Her heart beat faster, staring fixedly at the suffocating black figure outside the door, feeling extremely nervous and frightened for a moment.

   "Hearing your voice, it seems a little uncomfortable." Duan spoke again.

   "Oh, I...have been suffering from insomnia recently, and can't fall asleep." Samuel made an excuse, and quietly opened the window.

  Once it is confirmed that her identity has been exposed, she will not hesitate to jump out of the window and escape from Konoha overnight.


   Juan heard the words, didn't know whether to believe it or not, just turned and left, and quickly disappeared in the corridor.

  What should I do, do I want to run away?

   Just as Samuel was biting her lip and hesitating, following the sound of footsteps, the black figure appeared in the corridor again and stopped outside her door.

   "I brought you a soothing aromatherapy and put it at your door."

   "Thank you, curator..."

  Samui was puzzled, watching the figure leave, then slowly walked to the door, pushed open the sliding door, and picked up the aromatherapy on the ground.

   Looks like...just an accident.


  Samui finally let out a long sigh of relief, and collapsed on the bed, the clothes behind him were wet with sweat unconsciously.

  In the future, you have to be more careful.

   Nothing to say all night.

   In the next two days, the gym returned to its usual calm, and no one came to the gym.

  As the front desk, Samuel's life has become boring again.

  That day, I left Qiu Dao Ding Zuo a business card, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no movement at all.

  As a result, Samuel's opportunity to spy on the Qiudao family's intelligence was as expected.

   It seems.

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   Uchiha's reputation is really bad, to the point where everyone avoids it.

  Although Samui thinks he is a good person, as long as he bears the name of Uchiha for one day, it is impossible to make any friends in the village.


  Samui can occasionally perceive some strange peeping eyes appearing around the gym.

  There are people from the police department, and there are people from the Anbu.

  Below the calm and peaceful surface, there seems to be an undercurrent surging.


   Early in the morning.

   Itachi came to the Hokage Building, ready to clock in for work.

  He joined the sixth class of Anbu.

   These days, under the leadership of Captain Kakashi, Itachi has been serving as the guard of the third Hokage.

   To put it simply, it is to stand guard outside the Hokage office every day.

   Be a security guard.

   As a rookie, he has not yet had the opportunity to go out to perform tasks.

   "Itachi, good morning."

  A honest-looking boy with short brown hair came over and greeted Itachi with a smile.

  He is Itachi's teammate, code-named "Tianzang". It is said that, like Captain Kakashi, he was promoted to Chunin at the age of 6, and he can use the Mudun of the first Hokage.

   is a genius who is one in a thousand.

  Itachi is also known as a genius, but compared to the dazzling captain and teammates, he is currently the most inconspicuous one in Class Six.

   "Where's the captain, haven't you come yet?" Itachi nodded to Tianzang and asked.

   "If you're not late, you won't be Kakashi-senpai." Tianzang leaned against the wall with his arms folded, with a helpless expression on his face.

after awhile.

   "Oh, I'm sorry, after I went out this morning, I wandered at the crossroads of my life for a long time, and I was late by accident."

  Accompanied by a lazy voice, Kakashi with silver hair and a black mask appeared from the corner and walked over slowly.

  Itachi and Tianzang looked at each other.

   This is their captain, a man who is often late and likes to find all kinds of strange reasons.

   "I don't need to stand guard today, there are new tasks."

  Kakashi patted the shoulders of the two team members, and beckoned them to follow him to a place with a mysterious expression.

  The three of them left the Hokage building and walked towards the southwest of the village.

   Soon after, enter a tall building.

   Bang Dang.

  Kakashi pushed the door and entered.

   This is a room with a wide view, with several telescopes and monitoring screens installed. Through a row of one-way perspective French windows, several Anbu are performing monitoring tasks.

   "The shift has changed." Kakashi yelled.

   "No abnormality." Several Anbu stood up, handed over to Kakashi, and retreated.

  Kakashi turned his head, glanced at Itachi, and without waiting for the latter to speak, he took the initiative to explain:

   "This place is used to monitor the Uchiha clan. What should I do, should I tell your clan about this?"

  Straight ball test.

  Itachi didn't answer, but asked directly: "What is my job here?"

   "It's very simple, just keep monitoring with that thing, and you won't be tired at all."

   Tianzang came over, pointed to the monitoring screen, and then consciously walked to a telescope and started working.

   Good guy.

   Either standing guard or watching surveillance.

   After working on it for a long time, isn't this still the work of security guards?

  Itachi is silent.

   This is not the same as the life in Anbu he imagined.

  Kakashi kept looking at Itachi's expression changes, seeing that the latter was silent, he tried again:

   "It's difficult for you to monitor your clan and relatives. Do you want me to be on duty for you?"

"It doesn't matter."

  Itachi shook his head, walked to the monitoring screen while talking.

  In the land of the Uchiha clan.

   There are children playing in groups;

  There are new stores opening, crowded with people;

  There is an old man lying on a rocking chair basking in the sun;

  A young man and a woman fell in love, and got into the grove...

  The pictures seen from the surveillance are very ordinary and warm.

  The Uchiha clan is actually not that different from other Konoha villagers.

  They were deliberately demonized by some people.

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   At this time.

   Itachi saw a familiar little figure on the surveillance screen, carrying a satchel and going out to the ninja school.

   is his younger brother Sasuke.

   Itachi couldn't help but smile knowingly.

   But soon, his smile disappeared, revealing an expression of surprise.


  He was on surveillance and saw his uncle's gym—the body modification department.

   "That surveillance camera was just installed. You went to see your uncle two days ago, it seems to be called... Uchiha Duan, right?"

  Kakashi's lazy voice sounded.

  Itachi was shocked when he heard this.

   So, have you been monitoring your whereabouts all the time?


  He nodded, calmly.

after awhile.

   Itachi saw that Uncle Uchiha and employee Samui appeared in the alley, carrying a large bucket of milk, as if they had just returned from outside.


   Duan stopped at the door, raised his head, and saw the camera hidden in the tree at a glance.

  He raised his hand, pointed at the camera and asked Samui what, she frowned and shook her head.

  Because of monitoring across.

   Itachi could only see the screen, but couldn't hear the conversation between the two, but he already had an ominous premonition in his heart.

   Sure enough.

  I saw Duan bent down, picked up a small stone from the ground, and flicked it expressionlessly.


  The stones grew bigger and bigger in the monitoring screen from far to near, until they filled the entire screen.

   Next second.

   With a chirp, the monitoring screen went black.

   Ferret: "..."

  Kakashi was leaning on the chair with Erlang's legs crossed, watching "Intimate Paradise" with relish, and after hearing the voice, he put down the book and asked:

   "Is there a situation?"