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Under the Oak Tree (Web Novel KR)

Chapter v2c14: Vol 2 Chapter 14
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253 Chapter 14

By evening, the knights flocked to the castle to see Maxi. She was dining with the other mages when Ursuline Ricaydo strode into the dining hall, accompanied by Ulyseon. She greeted them with an awkward smile as they approached.

From Ursuline’s grave expression, Maxi surmised that he had already heard about her impending journey to the Plateau. Ignoring the mages’ curious gazes, Ursuline stopped before Maxi and executed a respectful bow.

“My lady. It has been too long.”

Maxi gulped her mouthful of food and nervously mumbled, “I-Indeed, Sir Ursuline.”

Why did it have to be him? Of all the knights, he was the one she was most uncomfortable around. She glanced at the door. Explaining the circumstances to Hebaron or Gabel would be easier. Unfortunately, the only knights in the room she recognized were Ulyseon and Remus Baldo.

“Rovar has briefed me on the situation. It appears you have gotten yourself involved in another perilous endeavor.”

When Maxi glared at Ulyseon for his betrayal, the young knight frantically shook his hands, looking aggrieved. “I said no such thing! I merely told him I was concerned for—”

“What in God’s name were you thinking?” Ursuline interjected, cutting Ulyseon off. “You are leaving for the Pamela Plateau when you’ve only just returned? Do you not know how the commander will take the news? I cannot allow you to put yourself in such danger. How could you even think about joining another campaign after what you went through last time? You are too reckless, my lady. Think of the commander, and—”

“If you attempt to detain her against her will,” interrupted Calto, looking up from the meal he had been quietly enjoying by the fireplace, “we shall leave this castle at once.”

Ursuline’s keen eyes flew to the elder.

Calto remained unfazed by the knight’s imposing gaze and continued calmly, “Maximilian Calypse is currently here not as your mistress, but as a mage of the Mage Tower. She has given us her word that she will participate in the expedition until its completion. The party currently needs every mage it has.”

“Are you the man in charge?”

“Indeed. I am Calto Serbel, the leader of this expedition, and Maximilian Calypse is a mage under my command. Until our mission is over, she must follow my orders.”

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“She is Sir Riftan’s wife!” Ursuline barked.

Even faced with the knight’s fury, Calto did not back down. “The mages of the Mage Tower must abide by the Tower’s rules. Nobles and even royals are no exception. She is one of us and has sworn fealty. If you attempt to hold her here against her will, you will be guilty of forcibly confining a mage of Nornui.”

Calto paused as if to assess the knights’ reaction before adding, “If that is your plan, I will not stand for it.”

Ursuline’s aristocratic features grew cold. Glaring at Calto, he said stiffly, “And what would you do, exactly?”

“I will report your crime to the Mage Tower. Anatol would no doubt receive harsher sanctions than the ones already in place,” Calto said icily, then turned his gaze to look at the immobile Maxi. “No mage would ever be allowed to stay in Anatol.”

In essence, she would be prohibited from becoming Anatol’s mage even after completing the expedition. The air inside the hall instantly turned hostile. Seeing the men’s faces clouding over with fury, Maxi shot to her feet and placed herself between Calto and the knights.

“E-Everyone, stop!”

Ursuline’s dark blue eyes seemed to scream his protest. Maxi wet her lips and determinedly met his gaze.

“Master Calto is right. I have already promised to go to the Pamela Plateau as a member of the expeditionary party. Nothing you say will stop me from going with my comrades, Sir Ursuline.”

Taken aback by her resolute manner, Ursuline’s eyes widened. He regarded her for a long moment before turning his head to Calto.

“What is the purpose of your mission to the Plateau?”

Though Calto kept his mouth firmly shut, Ursuline continued to press for answers.

“I am aware that the Temple Knights have been tracking down the remnants of the monster army. Have they uncovered something?”

“I’m afraid I cannot divulge that information.”

After studying the elder’s face, Ursuline laid out the conjecture he had formed from the intelligence he had already gathered.

“The undead have grown exponentially throughout the continent of late. Three years ago, during the war, the monster army had a necromancer capable of powerful magic. Could it be that the monsters that fled to the Pamela Plateau are conspiring once more?”

Maxi grew wide-eyed at the news of the undead spreading. She recalled the battle at Eth Lene Castle; Hebaron’s cursed wound that refused to heal, ghouls crawling out of the ground, and the lizardman that had wielded terrifying fire magic.

It was possible that all of this was somehow connected to the banished dark mages. Maxi studied Calto’s face, which did not look surprised.

“I cannot comment on that,” Calto replied, his tone indifferent. “Nothing has been confirmed.”

Ursuline seemed to take his response as answer enough. His expression grew even more grave.

“I cannot let you get involved in such a dangerous affair, my lady,” said the knight, turning to Maxi once again. “If we did nothing to stop you from going to a place full of unknown danger and something were to happen—”

“The Temple Knights have agreed to protect us. Nineteen high mages and the guardians of the Western Continent will be on this expedition. I see no need for concern,” Calto said, clearly annoyed by the circular argument. “Furthermore, I do not think you have the right to meddle in our affairs. We may have accepted your hospitality, but that does not mean we must comply with your whims. As I have previously made clear, if you insist on taking one of my subordinates, we will immediately leave this castle.”

As if to show that he meant what he said, Calto shot to his feet. He turned to the nearby mages who were watching the argument while sipping the finest wine Calypse Castle had to offer.

“All of you,” Calto barked, “rise at once and gather your things.”

The mages protested in unison at having to cut short their feast. However, faced with the elder’s determined expression, they reluctantly rose from their seats. They headed to the main entrance, by all appearances readying to leave then and there. The knights’ faces grew troubled.

Noticing Maxi hesitating, Calto said sternly, “What are you waiting for? I asked you to pack.”

When Maxi meekly turned around at his reprimand, Ursuline called out, “Very well! I shall say no more on the matter.”

Calto turned and eyed the knight skeptically.

Glowering at the elder, Ursuline said with a tight jaw, “Lady Calypse has not been home for three years. I ask that you permit her to stay at the castle until your departure.”

Calto appeared to consider this, then said in a show of benevolence, “Very well. We shall stay. However, as I mentioned, we will depart when the time comes.”

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Though Ursuline appeared to be fighting the urge to retort, he conceded with a nod and glanced at Maxi’s pale face.

“As you please.”

The moment the knight relented, the tension within the hall melted away. The mages returned to the table to resume their meal, while Maxi left with the knights upon receiving Calto’s permission. Guilt flooded her when she saw how anxious the knights looked.

“Forgive me for making you all worry,” she said, hunching her shoulders, “but… I wanted to leave the island as soon as possible. And… I thought I would be of help on the expedition.”

“Please do not apologize, my lady. No one here blames you,” Ursuline replied, his tone softening slightly. “After all, you only agreed to enter the Mage Tower to save Sir Riftan and Anatol. Frankly, it was I who was out of line. It was not my place to criticize a decision you made to expedite your return. I am merely…” he trailed off with a frown before saying, “worried about how Sir Riftan will take it.”

“H-Have you… already sent word?”

“I have, my lady,” Ulyseon chimed in, scratching the back of his head. “I thought it best to inform him of your return straight away.”

Maxi gulped past her parched throat. She wondered how Riftan would react. Their parting had been painful, to say the least, and they had not seen each other for so long. Maxi was still anxious despite discovering the letters he had kept.

Her voice almost hoarse, she mumbled, “I’m not sure… if I’ll still be here when he receives the message.”

“How long will you be staying in Anatol?”

Maxi hesitated for a moment before answering Ursuline’s question. “About a week… but that may change. All I know is that we will depart as soon as the Temple Knights arrive.”

Remus Baldo stood by the wall, towering like a totem pole. He said in a soft voice, “I have received reports that the Temple Knights have been investigating the eastern regions of Arex and Dristan recently.”

Ursuline stroked his clean-shaven chin, deep in thought. “They should not take long, then. Arex and Dristan are not far.”

Up until now, Maxi had felt herself walking on eggshells around him. She finally managed to ask, “Are Ruth and the others… with Riftan in Livadon?”

“The sorcerer, Nirtha, and Charon are with the commander. Lachzion and a few others have been tasked with safeguarding the mine.”

“Th-The mine?”

“The Anatolium Mountains are no longer a den of monsters, though goblins sometimes make an appearance. We have annexed the area through extensive raids, and we are now free to use the mountains’ resources as we please. It is the main reason Anatol has flourished in such a short time.”
