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Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 481 A little reminder
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Darkest engulfs Imperial as the underworld turned into silence. Ever since the message Fate sent out had been made, every gang made sure to not cause havoc.

As this message meant that someone was going to die. Only, they do not know who.

However, this meeting was not taking place in the Retro or Glory.

In the far distance of Retro, a red luxury car pulls up to a dark six-story building that stood at the peak of a mountain near the coastline. The tress if the mountain stood around the place like a barrier.

This place looked like it had been abandoned for years with no one in sight, but despite its vacancy, one can see how well kept it still is. There is no trash in plain sight and the windows have not been boarded up.

Under the dark sky, this building looked very stunning, but at the same time, it gave off a very gloomy feeling that makes one shiver.

However, this red car is not the only one. Parked in front of the dark building were eight other cars and one can see that the people inside had already entered the building.

Once the red car parked, the driver and passenger doors opens. Two young women wearing red suits step out. Both women were incredibly pleasing to the eyes and looked to be in their late twenties.

One had cat-like eyes with a slight laziness to them and her long dark hair tied up in a high ponytail. The other woman had a short a-line haircut and big round eyes.

The woman with the high ponytail reach for the door to the rear seat and pulls it open.

Stepping out of the car was a woman in her late forties. However, despite her older age, she looked as young as the other two women.

Her short wavy hair frames her face perfectly as she wore a black jumper under a cheetah print coat that ties around her waist.

She stares up at the dark building with the sound of the ocean meeting the land.

In the past years, the lights inside this place had remained off, but tonight, the lights in every floor were turned on.

Lowering her head to the entrance of the place, she takes a step forward and gives a command.

"Remember, no false move unless I give word."

"Yes, Ma’am."

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The two women gesture a nod in understanding and quickly follows after the woman. Their eyes did not forget to pay close attention to their surrounding as they are in an unfamiliar territory.

As the three figures reach the giant metal doors, it was slowly open for them.

An elderly man in his eighties greets the three women with a smile that reach his eyes. He held a cane in one hand and the other place behind his back.

"Madam Qin, it is a great honor that you can join us tonight."

Qin Yi, the middle-aged woman smiles politely to the man. She is quite surprise that after so many years, this old man is still alive.

"Steward Yang, it is good to see that you are still healthy."

Steward Yang faintly chuckles, and he takes a step to the side to give way.

"Ah, please come inside. Just walk straight ahead and someone will lead you to the meeting room where everyone is waiting."

Hearing this, Qin Yi gives the old man one last glance before entering the building with her two subordinates.

As they walk deeper into the building, Steward Yang close the door and makes his way in another direction.

The young woman with the short a-line haircut glance behind to the elderly man. She has never been here before, so she is quite confused and curious why an old man like Steward Yang would be here.

Thinking this, she looks at her boss and couldn’t help but ask in a whisper.

"Boss, why would Fate keep an old man like him around?"


Qin Yi quickly shush her subordinate when she heard the inappropriate question. Without looking back at the young woman, she gives responds in an almost warning tone.

"Those from Fate are never to be taken lightly. Even if they are old."

Hearing her words, both young women became even more alert. This building that they have come to is none other the foundation of Fate.

From what they know, it has been three years since Fate left the underworld, but to suddenly get news that this infamous group has returned, they all have to be on the lookout.

As the three women reach a set of stairs, Qi Li’s figure stood waiting for them.

Unlike his usual motor style, he was wearing a black suit. A black mask covers his mouth with the print of a sinister smile full of sharp teeth.

When he saw the three women, he gestures a nod to them without a word as they to him.

Turning around, he walks up the stairs to lead them to the second floor.

Behind him, the two young women were really taken back by surprise.

Their boss is one of the dangerous leaders in the underworld and yet, this man who looked no different from an office worker did not show any signs of fear.

He didn’t even greet Qin Yi with words upon seeing her.

Climbing up the steps of stairs, they soon arrived on the second floor. Turning to the right that held a long hallway, Qi Li guided the three women to the end.

He opens the door for them and gesture for them to enter. Qin Yi did not hesitate to enter the room with her two subordinates.

The room was spacious with a long table. On one side of the table sat five men and the other side sat three. Standing behind each person were one or two of their own subordinates.

"Well, well, look who finally showed up. Red Dragon’s Qin Yi."

A middle-aged man spoke in an almost chuckle when he saw Qin Yi enter the room. He wore a dark red suit and a sinister grin curls on his lip as he stares behind the middle-aged women to the two younger women.

It is known in the underworld that Red Dragon is a gang consisted of only women and each one being marvelously beautiful too.

Qin Yi scoffs at the man’s words. Seeing the way he was eyeing her subordinates, she sneers.

"Hung Woo, I suggest you keep those filthy thoughts to yourself. If it were not for where we are, I would have prodded your eyes out."

Hearing her words full of taunt, the middle-aged man name Hung Woo did not get scared.

He howls a laughter and ran his fingers through his slightly long hair.

"So what if we are in Fate, such threat do not fear me."

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He looks at Qin Yi and a mischievous smirk curls on his lip as his words continue.

"How about it? Lend your people to my Red Militant for one night."

Sitting one seat away from Hung Woo was none other than Gao Jie. He snorts a laugh and joins in the conversation with a voice full of confidence.

"Don’t forget about my Snakehead too. My door is always open when it comes to beautiful women as we fear no one."

Both the young women standing behind Qin Yi held a disgust expression at the two men. Their words clearly meant, they wants them to pleasure their men.

Their hands reach to take out their weapons in wanting to shut the men up.

"Anita. Dina."

Before both women could even move their hands, Qin Yi warningly stops them.

"Don’t be reckless."

Without looking at Hung Woo and Gao Jie, she walks over to the second empty chair on the left side and sits down.

Ignoring the man, she turns to look at the person sitting next to her. It was a young man in his thirties, and he is someone everyone in the underworld recognizes.

"Mr. Li, it has been a while since we’ve last seen each other."

Li Wei sat near the head seat. He wore a black beanie that covered his buzz cut hair and a set of Grey loungewear. His entire being looked like he was lazily lounging at home in comfort.

When he heard Qin Yi’s words of greeting, he turns to look at the older woman and smiles carefreely to her.

"It has been a while. How do you do?"

Feeling her mood lifted by the young man’s cheerful personality, Qin Yi parts her lip to answer his question. However, before she could utter a sound, Qi Li’s figure appears to get their attention.

His cold expression scans the faces of the nine leaders in the room and he spoke.

"Since everyone is here, my boss will be with you all shortly."

His word fell and he glance at Hung Woo then to Gao Jie. A glint of light flash in his eyes as he wanted so badly to beat the living out of the fat man for what he did to Liu Shan.

However, holding himself back, he constantly reminds himself that Liu Shan got this.

Taking a deep breath inside, he kept his emotionless expression and spoke again, but with a tinge of warning to the people in the room.

"A little reminder. Be careful what you say."