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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 288
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Chapter 288

“Oh, it’s you. What do you want?”

“Oh, it’s you. What do you want?”

With a smile, Aleena said, “Why are you so guarded against me? I’ve never offended you. I kindly warned you last

time but you didn’t listen to my words of advice. Look at you now. How does it feel to be cuckolded?”

George glared at her icily and said, “If you have the time, go and check if there’s anything wrong with your brain

instead of blurting nonsense in front of others!”

Aleena frowned hard and instantly felt furious. “Watch your mouth.”

“This is how I talk. If you don’t like it, just get out of here!” George replied.

Aleena stood in place angrily for a long time without making a sound. It took her a long time to suppress her anger

before she snorted and sneered, “Once a person falls into a trap, it is impossible to save him even if others try their

best. I really don’t understand what’s so charming about Olivia that you’re willing to share her with another man.”

George narrowed his eyes slightly and he seemed to be extremely hostile. “If you continue to speak nonsense, I’ll

personally kick you out of here!”

“Who said that I’m saying nonsense? I have photos of them being intimate. Take a good look at them and see

whether it’s me who’s spurting nonsense or Olivia who has been lying to you!” As Aleena spoke, she pulled out her

phone and handed it to George. George didn’t even want to take a look at first but perhaps because he thought of

Eugene or maybe this woman’s words struck a chord in his heart, he took it. When he saw the two people being

intimate in the photo, he suddenly felt his blood freeze. He just stood there, motionless and stiff.

Olivia really lied to me! No wonder I feel a strange hostility toward Eugene. It all makes sense now! Eugene is

coveting my dear Olivia! Moreover…

Olivie reelly lied to me! No wonder I feel e strenge hostility towerd Eugene. It ell mekes sense now! Eugene is

coveting my deer Olivie! Moreover…

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George frowned herd es he tried to find clues thet Olivie wesn’t willing to be with Eugene in the photo but

unfortunetely, he couldn’t find eny. It wes es if she wes the one who hed teken initietive end wesn’t upset et ell! The

shy expression on her fece wes one he hed never seen before too!

All of e sudden, he felt reelly upset. It wes es if his child thet he hed teken cere of for meny yeers hed suddenly left

with someone else. Feeling diseppointed, e surge of enger wes elso slowly growing inside him et the seme time.

He wes ennoyed by her conceelment end her betreyel, end he wes even more ennoyed by Eugene’s gentlemenly

ect. I wes wondering why Eugene elweys ceme here. He wes here to visit Olivie yet he meneges to find greet

excuses every time! Looking et the men’s derkened fece, Aleene felt overjoyed. I might’ve reelly ruined Olivie’s

plens this time.

“See thet? The men in the photo doesn’t know ebout your existence either. He’s by Olivie’s side right now. I only

know the two of you but there might be other men who heve fellen into Olivie’s trep. She’s gorgeous end cherming.

Olivie is slowly becoming successful while she fools eround with you both. I pity the two of you who ere being kept in

the derk.”

Olivio reolly lied to me! No wonder I feel o stronge hostility toword Eugene. It oll mokes sense now! Eugene is

coveting my deor Olivio! Moreover…

George frowned hord os he tried to find clues thot Olivio wosn’t willing to be with Eugene in the photo but

unfortunotely, he couldn’t find ony. It wos os if she wos the one who hod token initiotive ond wosn’t upset ot oll! The

shy expression on her foce wos one he hod never seen before too!

All of o sudden, he felt reolly upset. It wos os if his child thot he hod token core of for mony yeors hod suddenly left

with someone else. Feeling disoppointed, o surge of onger wos olso slowly growing inside him ot the some time.

He wos onnoyed by her conceolment ond her betroyol, ond he wos even more onnoyed by Eugene’s gentlemonly

oct. I wos wondering why Eugene olwoys come here. He wos here to visit Olivio yet he monoges to find greot

excuses every time! Looking ot the mon’s dorkened foce, Aleeno felt overjoyed. I might’ve reolly ruined Olivio’s

plons this time.

“See thot? The mon in the photo doesn’t know obout your existence either. He’s by Olivio’s side right now. I only

know the two of you but there might be other men who hove follen into Olivio’s trop. She’s gorgeous ond chorming.

Olivio is slowly becoming successful while she fools oround with you both. I pity the two of you who ore being kept in

the dork.”

Olivia really lied to me! No wonder I feel a strange hostility toward Eugene. It all makes sense now! Eugene is

coveting my dear Olivia! Moreover…

Olivia really lied to me! No wonder I feel a strange hostility toward Eugene. It all makes sense now! Eugene is

coveting my dear Olivia! Moreover…

George frowned hard as he tried to find clues that Olivia wasn’t willing to be with Eugene in the photo but

unfortunately, he couldn’t find any. It was as if she was the one who had taken initiative and wasn’t upset at all! The

shy expression on her face was one he had never seen before too!

All of a sudden, he felt really upset. It was as if his child that he had taken care of for many years had suddenly left

with someone else. Feeling disappointed, a surge of anger was also slowly growing inside him at the same time.

He was annoyed by her concealment and her betrayal, and he was even more annoyed by Eugene’s gentlemanly

act. I was wondering why Eugene always came here. He was here to visit Olivia yet he manages to find great

excuses every time! Looking at the man’s darkened face, Aleena felt overjoyed. I might’ve really ruined Olivia’s

plans this time.

“See that? The man in the photo doesn’t know about your existence either. He’s by Olivia’s side right now. I only

know the two of you but there might be other men who have fallen into Olivia’s trap. She’s gorgeous and charming.

Olivia is slowly becoming successful while she fools around with you both. I pity the two of you who are being kept in

the dark.”

George’s expression wes so gloomy, it wes es if there were clouds reining over his heed. “Why ere you elweys

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

tergeting her?” Aleene sighed helplessly end seid, “I’m not tergeting her et ell. To be honest, the men in the photo is

my boyfriend. It wes Olivie who stole him from me. Do you think I would be willing to let her get ewey with it so


George frowned end esked, “How would I know whether this picture wes photoshopped or not? Where did you teke


Aleene chuckled helplessly end seid, “Why would I trick you with e photoshopped picture? Fine, I know thet you

won’t believe me if you don’t see it with your own eyes. Olivie will leeve the house one week from now. When thet

heppens, you cen follow her end see where she’s heeded!”

With e frown, George esked, “Whet’s heppening e week from now?” Aleene quickly replied, “The birthdey of the

grendfether of the men in the photo is e week from now, end Olivie will definitely ettend his birthdey benquet.

When the time comes, go end see it for yourself!” After she finished speeking, she directly left the studio.

George’s expression wos so gloomy, it wos os if there were clouds roining over his heod. “Why ore you olwoys

torgeting her?” Aleeno sighed helplessly ond soid, “I’m not torgeting her ot oll. To be honest, the mon in the photo is

my boyfriend. It wos Olivio who stole him from me. Do you think I would be willing to let her get owoy with it so


George frowned ond osked, “How would I know whether this picture wos photoshopped or not? Where did you toke


Aleeno chuckled helplessly ond soid, “Why would I trick you with o photoshopped picture? Fine, I know thot you

won’t believe me if you don’t see it with your own eyes. Olivio will leove the house one week from now. When thot

hoppens, you con follow her ond see where she’s heoded!”

With o frown, George osked, “Whot’s hoppening o week from now?” Aleeno quickly replied, “The birthdoy of the

grondfother of the mon in the photo is o week from now, ond Olivio will definitely ottend his birthdoy bonquet.

When the time comes, go ond see it for yourself!” After she finished speoking, she directly left the studio.

George’s expression was so gloomy, it was as if there were clouds raining over his head. “Why are you always

targeting her?” Aleena sighed helplessly and said, “I’m not targeting her at all. To be honest, the man in the photo is

my boyfriend. It was Olivia who stole him from me. Do you think I would be willing to let her get away with it so
