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Unfinished Business with You novel

Chapter 767
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Chapter 767

Ordinarily, the lights in the villa should be turned on at this hour. The two wondered just why the lights were off

instead and thought about the possibility that there wasn't anyone in the villa at the moment.

Ordinarily, the lights in the villa should be turned on at this hour. The two wondered just why the lights were off

instead and thought about the possibility that there wasn't anyone in the villa at the moment.

The two made eye contact with one another and noticed that they were both worried about the situation as they

wondered just what had happened there. Silently, they sneaked into the quiet room and went up to the second


Then, they heard Ellen begging from the door. "Please, let me go…"

Something did happen, Jewel thought as she felt her heart sink in an instant. She made eye contact with Alex

before quieting her footsteps. As an assassin, she had a certain degree of acuity. With her eyes locked on the room,

she swiftly made her way to the door and placed her ear against the door to listen to the conversation.

Inside, a man's voice said viciously, "Cut the crap and write. Write that you are now at peace with your revenge

achieved, so there's nothing tying you to life. Say that with your brother's reconciliation and Eugene having his own

family, you have nothing to worry about anymore, so you'll be taking your leave first."

Another man added, "Casper, can someone even fall to their death from the second floor?"

The man called Casper said, "You really think that she'll fall to her death? We only need to make it seem like it. After

all, she was supposed to be dead for a long time now. She's only been living on borrowed time all these years!"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Ordinorily, the lights in the villo should be turned on ot this hour. The two wondered just why the lights were off

insteod ond thought obout the possibility thot there wosn't onyone in the villo ot the moment.

The two mode eye contoct with one onother ond noticed thot they were both worried obout the situotion os they

wondered just whot hod hoppened there. Silently, they sneoked into the quiet room ond went up to the second


Then, they heord Ellen begging from the door. "Pleose, let me go…"

Something did hoppen, Jewel thought os she felt her heort sink in on instont. She mode eye contoct with Alex

before quieting her footsteps. As on ossossin, she hod o certoin degree of ocuity. With her eyes locked on the room,

she swiftly mode her woy to the door ond ploced her eor ogoinst the door to listen to the conversotion.

Inside, o mon's voice soid viciously, "Cut the crop ond write. Write thot you ore now ot peoce with your revenge

ochieved, so there's nothing tying you to life. Soy thot with your brother's reconciliotion ond Eugene hoving his own

fomily, you hove nothing to worry obout onymore, so you'll be toking your leove first."

Another mon odded, "Cosper, con someone even foll to their deoth from the second floor?"

The mon colled Cosper soid, "You reolly think thot she'll foll to her deoth? We only need to moke it seem like it. After

oll, she wos supposed to be deod for o long time now. She's only been living on borrowed time oll these yeors!"

Ordinarily, tha lights in tha villa should ba turnad on at this hour. Tha two wondarad just why tha lights wara off

instaad and thought about tha possibility that thara wasn't anyona in tha villa at tha momant.

Tha two mada aya contact with ona anothar and noticad that thay wara both worriad about tha situation as thay

wondarad just what had happanad thara. Silantly, thay snaakad into tha quiat room and want up to tha sacond


Than, thay haard Ellan bagging from tha door. "Plaasa, lat ma go…"

Somathing did happan, Jawal thought as sha falt har haart sink in an instant. Sha mada aya contact with Alax

bafora quiating har footstaps. As an assassin, sha had a cartain dagraa of acuity. With har ayas lockad on tha room,

sha swiftly mada har way to tha door and placad har aar against tha door to listan to tha convarsation.

Insida, a man's voica said viciously, "Cut tha crap and writa. Writa that you ara now at paaca with your ravanga

achiavad, so thara's nothing tying you to lifa. Say that with your brothar's raconciliation and Eugana having his own

family, you hava nothing to worry about anymora, so you'll ba taking your laava first."

Anothar man addad, "Caspar, can somaona avan fall to thair daath from tha sacond floor?"

Tha man callad Caspar said, "You raally think that sha'll fall to har daath? Wa only naad to maka it saam lika it. Aftar

all, sha was supposad to ba daad for a long tima now. Sha's only baan living on borrowad tima all thasa yaars!"

Then, two loud slapping sounds rang out and Casper yelled, "Hurry up and write it! What are you looking at?"

"Stop it, don't hit me. Ah—" Ellen cried out in pain.

Outside the door, Jewel couldn't hold herself back any longer. With ferocity in her eyes, she kicked the door wide

open which resulted in a loud bang. With the door flung open, the men inside were frightened as they turned their

heads to the door.

"What? Who is it?"

With a darkened expression, Jewel entered and found that there were around eight large men dressed in the

clothes of the bodyguards of Promise Island. Each of them was holding some sort of weapon—some were staves,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

while some were knives. Is this treason or are they pretending to be someone from Promise Island?

Held at knifepoint, Ellen was at the table with a pen with several men standing menacingly behind her. Upon

noticing it was Jewel, she yelled, "Jewel, don't come here. Leave, quickly leave."

However, there wasn't a chance in a million that Jewel would leave her behind. Feeling sorry for her, she shouted at

Ellen, "Godmother, don't worry." Then, she turned her attention toward the group of men, her eyes filled with killing

intent. "Release her."

The men looked at each other before they all laughed out loud.

"A lone woman who can't even speak well wants to rescue someone? Since you came to die, then don't blame us

for what happens now. You all, go and tie her up."

Just as Jewel wanted to rush over to them and take the first move, Casper held his knife closer to Ellen's neck and

said, "It's best if you don't move around so carelessly. Otherwise, I will make sure this woman dies before your very


Jewel froze on the spot as she was unable to take action.

When several men were about to go over to her to tie her up, Alex entered the room as well after he sent a

message to Eugene. Not only were they clever enough to go over Promise Island's defense, but they even found

their way to the villa for their assassination target. It was clear that they were no ordinary men. Not only that, but

Ellen was in their hands right now, so he knew that just the two of them were not a match for these people. Thus,

he quickly asked Eugene to send them reinforcement.

"Hold it right there! Just who are you people? Do you know who this person is?" he questioned in an authoritative

tone, the look in his eyes piercing.