My Mom's Disgusting Boyfriend: Ep1
My mother introducedto her boyfriend, Trey, for the first twhen | was 18 years old. It was the beginning
of my senior year in high school and | was pretty innocent in many ways. Even though | had started to date by
that tand even had tried sex once or twice, | was a pretty naive teenager.
Mom and | had been alone since my father died when | was 9 and since then, she hadn't dated much. Actually, |
don't remember her dating at all until Trey calong. I'm certain that she grieved for my dad for way too long,
which explains my extrhappiness when my mom chfrom work one day and informedthat she
had met a new man.
| remember that day vividly because | was always concerned that my mom would be alone for the rest of her life.
Now, | should explain that my mom wasn't ugly or a bitch or anything. In fact, she was (and still is) quite
beautiful and nice, and many younger men asked out my mom during this time, not realizing that she was
already in her mid-30's. The fact that she frequently exercised in order to maintain her cute body helped attract
a fair amount of men. And her long, wavy, golden blonde hair, large breasts, flat stomach, and flawless
complexion probably worked to her advantage as well (characteristics | am proud to say | inherited, although |
am a bit shorter than her at 5'4"). | remember occasionally, speople thinking my mom was my older sister,
which, of course, always made my mom's day.
Anyway, my mom had been fixed up with Trey, a (cough) used car salesman, by one of her married friends. |
remember thinking what a curious match for her- a used car salesman. Since my mom is a lawyer, | always
figured someone with more education would be most ideal for her.
Anyway, my mom and Trey had already gone out on a few dates and she wantedto meet him that next
Saturday night. Mom seemed quite excited about Trey and | was anxious to meet him. Perhaps our blind
optimism contributed to the chaos that followed. I'm not sure. But | can say that our lives were never the same
after Trey entered our lives.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtSaturday night finally arrived and it was refreshing to see my Mom all made up for her date. She kept asking me
for make-up and clothing advice and for once, | felt like the parent in our relationship. By the tTrey rang the
doorbell, I can honestly say that my mom looked hot.
| was sitting in the living room, watching television when | heard my mom open the front door and greet Trey.
"You look fantastic, Linda!" a loud, masculine voice cfrom the hallway.
"Thank-you," | heard my mom answer. "Come... | want you to meet my daughter." | could tell from the way she
spoke that she was embarrassed by his compliment.
My mom subsequently led Trey into the living room. A handsman, Trey stood about 6'2", with short, dark
hair, brown eyes, olive complexion, and a muscular build. With his thick, dark mustache, he sort of resembled
Tom Selleck, | thought. He looked about 40 years old and was dressed casually, yet stylish.
"Trey, | would like you to meet my daughter, Jessica," my mom announced proudly.
Trey smiled and looked directly into my eyes. He reached out for my hand and | accepted it. "Well, it is quite a
pleasure to meet you, Jessica. | feel as if | know you already from what your mom has told me." Trey shook my
hand firmly and seemed to hold it a couple seconds too long.
"Yeah...It's nice to meet you, too." | said timidly. | broke eye contact with Trey after it beca bit
uncomfortable. | then looked at my mom and asked, "So where are you guys going tonight?"
My mom turned to Trey, "Dinner at Gibsons, right?"
"Yep, | made reservations for 8 o'clock sharp."
My mom glanced down at her watch and then back at me, "Ok, then. We better get going. There's money on the
counter to order a pizza later, if you want."
"Thanks, mom," | answered.
"Ok, we're going then. | love you, Sweety," She leaned over and gavea kiss on the cheek.
"Love you, too, Mom. Have a good time!"
| looked up at Trey who was still gazing at me. | thought | caught him checking out my boobs, but | managed to
blurt out, "It was nice to meet you."
om 8 Q a q
Likewise, Jessica. It was very nice to
' n
meet you! I'll see you later," Trey
announced as he leaned over and,
gave mea kiss on iHeheék This
sBrfledths somewhat since | had
just met the man, however, | just
went with the flow and reciprocated.
He smelled like a combination of
cigarettes and Polo cologne. To this
day, | am repulsed by that cologne.
With that, they both left for their date.
The rest of the evening | thought
about Mom and Trey. He seemed
nice enough and definitely
handsome. | could gef{njtely sad Why
\/ G .
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmny Momlwas attracted to him.
However, something about him made
confidence, almost too much. And
was he really checkingout?? |
was used to boys checkingout at
school but not an adult like Trey. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
By the t| stripped down to my
: u : I
panties and "New Kids On The Block
T-shirt (my usual sleep attire), |
decided that my CORCEMS wére
upwarrasted. Iter all, I just met him
and first impressions are often
wrong. | was sure that | was being
over-protective of my mother. |
eventually fell asleep, content with
the possibility that my mom had
found a nice guy. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!