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Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 397: Bad News
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Lith explained to Wan about how they should attack if they were going to. He drew a few attack positions on the sheet and displayed them to Wan.

Wan listened intently and didn't interrupt Lith.

A few minutes later…

"So, what do you feel?" Lith asked.

Wan sighed and said, "all of them are excellent strategies, but the problem is, we don't have so many members to participate. Our army is small as we believe in quality over quantity. The sect doesn't have a lot of disciples, but what we do have, they are all very good in their own ways."

"Our army majorly consists of the disciples and the elders of the sect with slight external support from the small families and powers of the Redstone City."

Lith thought about what Wan said and he realized, everything he just explained was all for naught since Wan didn't have a lot of people with him.

'Then, should I get some people from the castle and help him out? Hmm… No. Not a good idea. Wan doesn't know I am the Prince, and if I bring some people, I'll end up blowing my cover. Not to mention that…' Lith placed his hand over his chin and bent forwards while thinking.

'I am here to gain experience. The best experience would be gained if I use what little resources there are and still end up making Wan win this. But then, how should I go about this…'

Wan let Lith think and didn't disturb him.

It didn't take long for Lith to come up with an idea and he said, "Alright, we can do something else."

Wan was all ears and stared at Lith.

"Instead of doing the previous attacks, we'll go do a sneak attack on them. If there are few members present, but they are strong, doing a sneak attack is the best."

"I'll take them inside the territories of the enemy, you don't have to worry about it. They'll cause damage and then we'll return. We'll strike where they least expect us to and while one squad is doing this, we'll have another few squads out in the open to distract them."

Lith continued to explain things to Wan and Wan took notes of it. This new strategy seemed much better than the previous one and he was all in for it.

While these two talked peacefully, things weren't the same in the SKCT.

"Hurry up and call the people you are supposed to. We can't wait for longer." Senzal knitted his brows and said to Kenzal who was standing beside a pond and gazing at the water.

"No need to remind me again, you bastard. I know what and when to do." Kenzal turned around and said hatefully. He really hated Senzal for reversing things like that.

"Then hurry up. We're running short on time." Senzal urged again.

"Tsk." Kenzal clicked his tongue and took out his phone.

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He dialled a number and soon…

"Hello? Mayor Winston?" Kenzal said when he heard the phone getting picked up.

"Yeah, it is me. What business does the Clan Head of the Kenzal Clan have for me? Shouldn't you be at war?" The Mayor Winston said from the other side.

Kenzal sighed and explained, "I am at war indeed. But I do need some help. I hope you sir can assist us."

"Hahahaha! You know it Kenzal, things don't work like that. I am a Mayor of a city in the Neutral Continent. We are all neutral peace loving people. I won't be able to help you." Winston said.

"I wouldn't have called if I knew things wouldn't work out, you know, Mayor Winston?" Kenzal said calmly without getting angry.

"Oh? You should know that I abide by the laws given to us by the Parliament of the Neutral Continent. And also, anything you say can be used against you, so be careful about that." Mayor Winston warned.

"Sir Winston, you and me both know this call is well encrypted. And anyway, I am not asking you to do anything that would make you break the law. All I want you to do is convince those small families and powers to join us and ditch the sect." Kenzal explained calmly.

'He sure is calm…' Senzal was surprised when he noticed the way Kenzal was talking. But then he realized that he was talking to the Mayor who was a absolute powerhouse in himself. Disrespecting him was the last thing Kenzal should do.

"Are you ordering me?" Winston asked from the other side.

"Haha, no, no, Sir Winston, how could I? That's just a request from my side and it entirely upto you to accept or reject. Of course, if you do end up helping me with this favor, I'll not forget to send thank you gifts to you in return." Kenzal laughed heartily and said.

"Hmm… I don't mind helping my people but just know, my wife is really picky even though it's gifts. If she doesn't like it, then I'll probably have to send them back to you." Winston gave a warning indirectly.

He basically meant that if the benefits Kenzal was providing was not upto Winston's standards, then he would simply reverse the things he would do, meaning make the entire small families of city be against Kenzal.

"No worries, no worries. Please consider it done." Kenzal said and after some small chat, he hung up.

"I didn't know your venomous tongue can spit honey as well." Senzal said sarcastically.

"Shut the fuck up, bastard. I am gonna have to pay that stupid fuck so much money just because of the little shit you pulled on me. Ugh, thinking of it makes my head hurts. Go fuck off now, my job is done, do you need anymore proof?" Kenzal said with his brows furrowed.

"Venomous tongue." Senzal spat at the side and left after saying so.

Kenzal didn't bother with Senzal's actions and got back to doing his own things.


A while passed.

Back in the sect, Lith was still discussing things with Wan when suddenly, Ling arrived with a not very good look on her face.

Lith and Wan both noticed and Wan couldn't help but ask, "what's wrong, dear?"

Ling walked towards Wan and sitting beside him, she said like a worried wife, "dear, there's really bad news."

"What news?" This time even Wan seemed concerned.

Ling took out her phone from her pocket and showed it to Wan. "Look, almost all small families and powers have backed out. We are left with little to none external support now."

"What!?" Wan was shocked and he took the phone from Ling's hand and checked it.

A few seconds later…

"This is really bad." Wan couldn't help but say with his brows knitted like Ling.

Lith roughly understood what may have happened with Ling's words and now he was sure that the sect had even less people in their army to attack.

Lith wondered how such a small army was able to put pressure onto these two clans for so many years and how it's only now that they are having some difficulties.

Wan got up from his seat and said to Lith and Ling, "I need to have a meeting with the few people who have decided to stick with us. And I'll also have to bring this news to the other elders."

Ling nodded. "Make it quick, dear."

Wan nodded back. "Yes, I will. Till then, Sir Ray, you can discuss the things with my wife. She knows as much as I do and she's also in control of everything. I shall take my leave now."

Wan quickly left after saying so and now Lith was alone with Ling.

Lith looked at Ling and asked, "So the sect is lacking external support, am I right?"

Ling nodded her head. "That's right. We were aiming to be self-reliant ever since the creation of the sect and never really needed the help of others. But times like these, when the two clans are bringing out all their resources and using all their connections to attack us, we do need some external support."

"We did have some as most of the small families and powers were with us and helping us. But most of them left now for some reason and I couldn't figure it out yet."

"I see." Lith nodded in understanding.

The way the sect did things, they weren't wrong. But they should've been better prepared for such a situation and should've preficted it beforehand about what they would do if all external support was gone.

But no worries, the biggest external help was still there for them. And the one providing it was none other than Lith himself.

"No worries, Sect Master Ling. You shouldn't dwell much on this as even without such people, the sect is bound to win this war." Lith said confidently.

He was here directly participating in it. If even then the sect doesn't manage to win the war, then it was a shame on him. He had cultivated so hard for the past few years, learnt so many things, and even then, if he fails, it surely was a bad thing.

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But Lith was confident in his abilities and he said so to provide some assurance to Ling and to ease her worries. The most important thing in war was to always keep your emotions stable and not worry too much. Ling was currently facing some stress and Lith was just trying to ease it.

"That's easier said than done, Sir Ray. You don't know how much power we have lost with the small families backing out of this." Ling shook her head and said.

Lith smiled lightly and said, "So what will ease your worries? Some more people taking your side?"

Ling nodded. "Kind of."

"Alright. I'll call some people then." Lith said in a neutral tone.

"What?" Ling couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Lith didn't bother to reply to her and took out his phone and dialled two numbers on it.



A/N: Sup guys. This is a normal chapter.

1002/1000 powerstones goal completed. +1 bonus will be given soon!

From next week onwards, the powerstone goal shall be stretched slightly and let's see if you guys get it done or not (:

Upcoming goals:

812/1000 Golden tickets (+3 bonus)

The updates are slightly slow now a days because I have to juggle studies, research, and writing together.

I am currently researching on how to write war properly and that can only be done via reading books and learning from them.

It's been around a year since I last read anything and now I am back to reading a few books. I'd you've got any recommendations for war related books or ones containing heavy action, do let me know.

But yeah, this is my first time writing a war arc, so do be patient with things and forgive me if there are a few things wrong. Also, don't forget to point them out to me.

Alright, see you in the , take care and have a good day :)

Oh btw, I forgot to mention, just a few blocks away from me, a student committed suicide.

Haiz, this is really saddening and it's a gentle reminder from me that if any one of you need someone to talk to, please don't be afraid to text on the discord server that I've made or dm me directly.

I'll always answer your messages. Just be patient as I may be in classes or studying.

If I am not there for you, then please please please feel free to text on the general channel of the server and please, don't feel shy about things.

I am there for you, there are others who'll help you as well.

Anywho, please take care and I genuinely hope you that won't do anything stupid like this.