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Villain Is on Vacation

Chapter 1 Boring Life. I Just Want To Rest
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The sun had long since set, casting a mysterious twilight over the city. The streets were still, the only sound being the occasional call of a bird or rustle of the wind. The shadows of the buildings seemed to stretch endlessly, darkening the already dim sky.

When midnight arrived, the moon was visible in the night sky among the stars.

On the streets, chilly gusts were blowing.

At that moment, the surroundings were desolate with very few people around, and most of the stores had closed for the night. The streetlights were dimmed, some flickering faintly, making it difficult to see objects from a distance.

As the silence loomed, the sound of a loud barking dog echoed through the emptiness, growing louder and louder with each passing moment. It was difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the barking, but it seemed to be coming from somewhere in the distance.

From time to time, some cars were passing through the road. The atmosphere was serene.

Nevertheless, you can see a man stumbling along the street. He was walking on the quiet street alone.




Like the moon among stars, he sticks like a sore thumb.

He had the appearance of a young man who had only recently begun to lead an adult life. A young person who could one day support his nation.

He didn't look very handsome, but he wasn't some average guy too. If he takes care of his body and appearance, he might look good.

You can notice heavy dark circles under his eyes on his above-average but not very attractive face, which he acquired due to lack of sleep.

It was not like he was pulling an all-nighter for something like some teenage boys. He just overworked in his company.

He was moving steadily and slowly.




You can tell from his attire and appearance that he just left his workplace or company, after finishing his work there.

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He is now making his way to his home.

Rain is his name.

Hello. Rain is my name. Rain alone. I'm twenty-five years old. I'm just a random office worker in a black company. After working until this hour, I'm heading home now. Despite having only a single tiny bedroom and a kitchen, it remains the only place I can live quietly.

Family? I don't have that. A simple orphan, that's what I am. To add to everything else, I'm not even sure where my parents are.

Do they still exist? Or did they pass away?

Never ask me because I'm not sure.

It appears that they never made any effort to find me, and vice versa. I also made no effort to locate them. It's because I don't have time to look for them.

Friends? I also don't possess that because I didn't have time. During my years as a student, I had to study to keep my scholarship, and I worked a part-time job to pay my living expenses.

Although I have many acquaintances, however, I am not sure if I can call them friends or not.

I started working at my current workplace after I received my university degree. Well, it's just a bad firm that grinds you to death. Exploitative in nature.

So why do I still work here? It gives me a decent salary. Additionally, I doubt that a graduate student like me can find employment anywhere, which will pay this much salary to me.

Although I tried, I was rejected in most of the interviews because of a lack of information or connections. In the end, this exploitive black company became my employer.

Hobbies? I have some. However, I rarely can give time to them. To start with, I'm also short on time right now. I spend the majority of my time at work. A typical black company, yes.

I get up early every morning. Then get dressed and get ready to leave for work.

I typically take a bus because I reside quite a distance from my workplace.

After missing the bus, though, it becomes pretty unpleasant. I have to take a taxi, too.

I leave the company after a long day of working like a machine. You occasionally have to put in additional hours. Then I return to my house. This cycle continues to run.

I rarely get holidays.

So what do I do during my holidays? I will go to see my girlfriend.

Just kidding. That's something I lack.

even though my face is better than ordinary and I am pretty tall. However, do you believe that I, a guy with little money and no friends, can find a girlfriend? Nope.

So, whenever I get a holiday from work, I just rest at my home. Nevertheless, my salary is respectable.

The majority of that, though, is being used for living expenses.

(Don't assume renting a room in a city is inexpensive. There are also many bills to pay at end of every month.),

The cost of traveling,

(Majority of the travel cost is bus fare, however, occasionally I have to book a special taxi after leaving the office during overtime. It's because it gets quite late and I can't find the bus at that time.),

Food (since I don't have the time to cook, I mainly rely on fast food and instant noodles to survive.),

This list is quite long, there is only one source of income while various needs.

My monotonous life is like this.

It's not like I didn't try to change it, it's just I failed miserably in that. I tried to find a good place near the company but couldn't. I thought of buying a vehicle but cheap ones were not good and I couldn't afford good ones. So I put a hold on that and I am saving money for that now.

I learned cooking too, but after coming late from work I barely have any energy to do anything.

Family, friends, and girlfriend are all absent from my life.

I did chores in the orphanage during my childhood.

During my adolescence, I worked part-time jobs and pursued my studies.

Now I am investing my youth in employment with a black company.

I am always busy in my life, never have I got any rest. In 25 years of my life, I just worked to live peacefully but I don't know when I will get some rest.

I'm very exhausted.

All I want is to sleep.

I want to lie down on my bed without any worry.

As Rain walked alone on the street at late night, the cool air seemed to embrace him, making him shiver slightly. The dim streetlights flickered, casting an eerie glow on the pavement, and the occasional gust of wind sent leaves rustling across the ground.

Rain walked with his hands in his pockets, lost in thought. The silence was broken only by the distant hum of a car engine and the occasional creak of a rusty signpost swaying in the wind.

Suddenly, Rain heard a loud rumble and turned to see a massive truck hurtling toward him. Its headlights shone like two blinding orbs, illuminating the darkness ahead. Rain's heart leaped into his throat as he realized the truck wasn't slowing down.

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Then, the sound of a horn came to his ears.




Rain was pretty much annoyed by the sound.

"Ah, It appears to be a truck." He mumbled.

"Oh, it's a truck after all. But why is it heading in my direction? And why is the driver only honking his horn?"

Rain was confused by this.

Time seemed to slow down as Rain watched, helpless, as the truck grew closer and closer. The screech of tires on the asphalt filled his ears, and he could feel the wind of the truck rushing past him. Just after some moments,

Rain was flying in the air after getting hit by the Truck.

'Will this truck-Kun take me to the afterlife?' Rain wondered.

Rain guessed that he would soon die. 'That driver should have pressed the break or maybe the brake wasn't working? Still, It's partially his fault.

I'm hoping that the driving department will revoke his license.' Rain thought he didn't want anyone else getting in an accident like him.

'Will I now be sent to a fantastical setting like that in s and become the main character?

What sort of a world will it be?

Fantasy? Urban? Inter-galactic? Wuxia?

I might regress or will be reincarnated.

No, it appears that I have some vivid fantasies.'

Rain chuckled. There was no way that things like this would happen in real life.

'My monotonous life is coming to an end now. I will be free. I won't have to do any overwork.

No one will keep ordering me around.

The most necessary thing is I can rest.

All I want to do is sleep.'

Rain had it in mind.