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Villain Retirement-Novel

Chapter 261: Where They Lie
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Chapter 261: Where They Lie


Although Empress's words slightly tickled Riley's attention, his face didn't seem to have even a single strand of curiosity in it. The only visible expression he shared was him slowly sitting on his bed, not even looking at Empress as he soon also lay down on the bed.

"What about Megawoman?" Riley then said as he stared at the ceiling of his room. And surprisingly enough, even the texture and the color were the same as the room in their house. Did Bernard take some sort of 3-dimensional photo of his room to achieve this?

"Don't feign ignorance, Riley Ross," Empress slightly furrowed her eyebrows as she looked down at Riley, "I know you have some sort of infatuation with her. The photos and videos on your phone further prove that; and before you even say that you're not Darkday, don't even bother– Bernard told me. And don't worry, I am the only one who knows it. I am not stupid enough to risk the lives of the other members."

"...Hm."-- was Riley's only response to Empress's long words. He did not even stand up as he just looked towards the window; the beautiful view of the dark ocean floor, slightly calming to the eyes.

"You said you needed my help?" And finally, after a few more seconds of Riley appreciating the view, he finally spoke to Empress.

"When I learned of your identity, I took it as a mission to try and wake Megawoman," Empress said as she sat on the bed, seemingly not affected by Riley's presence anymore, "But when I went to the facility that's supposedly taking care of her, she wasn't there anymore."

"...You knew where she was?" Riley said; his voice, still not containing any hint of curiosity as he continued staring at the ocean floor.

"Of course," Empress let out a small but deep sigh as she slightly shook her head, "Everyone in the Sanctuary knew– everyone that she took care of new. I even visited her before and saw how badly she was beaten by you; she was alive but completely unresponsive."


"But the building she was in is abandoned now," Empress continued, "And when I asked the realtors responsible for taking care of the land, they said the people there just suddenly… left."

"So where is she now?" Riley muttered, "I assume you know where she is?"

"I do," Empress nodded as she stood up, "Even if you threaten to kill me, torture me, or even kill a billion people, I will not tell you. Megawoman is the only person I know that can stop you– and I know you know it too, why else would you be trying to find her?"

"What makes you think I am trying to find her?"

"V told me," Empress let out a tiny scoff, "She told me with a smile on her face how happy she was when she was with you. How it would break the girl's heart and mind if she finds out who… what you are. I mean, why would you even do that? How could you even make someone fall in love with you? What sort of sick game are you playing at?"

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"You're the one sleeping with a married man."

"..." Empress almost choke on her own breath as soon as she heard Riley's words. But after a few seconds, she just swallowed her pride and turned to face him once again, "Will you help me recover her or not?"

"This is a very stupid move," Riley still continued to lie on the bed, "Why would you even approach me for something like this? You could have just told me about Megawoman without telling me that you know I am Darkday."

"...I know you know that I know you're Darkday."

"I actually do not," Riley let out a small chuckle; Empress turned to look at the window, only to see Riley looking at her through the reflection; the smile on his face, reaching from ear to ear, "This is the first time I am hearing it, adulterer."


"And why my help, specifically?" Riley continued to look at Empress through the reflection, "Why not just ask for the help of the entire Hope Guild? If it is to rescue Megawoman, then is that not something that requires the attention of the guild?"

"Because the Government is the one keeping her locked," Empress furrowed her eyebrows, "I can't involve my team in what might be seen as a rebellion."

"But you're willing to involve your team with someone like me?" Riley slightly chuckled.

"You… are a necessary evil."

"There is no such thing, Empress. Evil, at its core, is just evil. Seeing it as something other than that is an illusion of grandeur," Riley let out a small and very deep sigh, "What I am is something that should have been erased in this world a long time ago."

"Either way…" Empress slightly furrowed her eyebrows from Riley's somewhat… emotional words, "...I am still asking for your help."

"Then why not just go yourself? Why go so far as asking help from someone you know won't hesitate to just kill you here?"

"For someone who has antagonized and killed millions of people, you sure lack knowledge of what's happening in the World Government."

"I don't care about the government."

"The Government has their own supers guarding their facilities," Empress breathed out as she looked away, "Dogs at the same caliber as the members of the Hope Guild– all Grade-S…

…I can't infiltrate the facility on my own."

"And this isn't a trap to try to kill me?"

"If you were that easy to kill, I would do it myself," Empress scoffed as she turned her gaze back to Riley, "You–"

But before she could finish her words, she could not help but take a few steps back as Riley… suddenly started to melt.

"Boss says he is in," Riley whispered as his face soon started to shatter and wither away.

"W… what?"

"He will meet you outside, you can explain whatever your plan is in person," Riley's… clone finally turned to look at Empress.

"Wait, we're not going now!" Empress did not know where to be shocked more– the fact that the one she had been talking to since earlier was just a clone or the fact that Riley wanted to go as soon as he agreed.

"We are."-- and with those words, Riley's clone completely disappeared.

The only thing that Empress could do was let out her breaths which were probably heavier than the entire base; stuttering and almost a gasp.

Of course, she was afraid of Riley, how could she not be? All the times she met him as Darkday, he treated her and the rest of the Hope Guild like some sort of… trash that just happened to be in his path– kicking them without even any regard.

What she did just now was nothing but a gamble– a gamble on how much Riley valued Megawoman… and how less he thought of Empress and the rest of the people in the base.

Ever since she had learned of his identity, Empress did nothing but study Riley– his autism, condition, his impulse, the things he cares about, his temperament… everything. And Empress knew… that Riley did not even see them as a threat. They were something he could get rid of whenever he wanted to.

But at the same time, he should hold a little speck of merit in keeping them alive. After all, after Megawoman, they were the only ones that could actually prove to be… enjoyable for him. In short, Riley would not proactively go on his way to kill them.

Of course, everything was a gamble; and whether or not she was holding a winning card, she doesn't know yet. All she could do… was not fold; both figuratively and literally.

Empress continued to breathe; and with each beat, she started to calm down. And after a few more minutes of trying to collect herself, she realized something.

Riley asked to meet her outside… but where, exactly?

And as soon as she thought of that, Riley's phone that was idling on top of the bed started to ring.

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[I will send you the location after this call, Miss Empress.]

And as soon as she answered, Riley's voice quickly whispered into her ear, [Do not even try anything funny, or I really will kill a billion of you.]


[Please be safe on your way, goodbye.]

And with those words, the line got cut off, before another song rang in the air– bringing a message containing the location where they were meeting.


"I… do not classify this as meeting outside."

"How perceptive, M'lady. Boss is currently waiting inside."


Empress… was currently surrounded by nothing but a forest of ice. White, as far as the eyes could see. Empress had to stay in the sky for hours just to get to where she is now– nowhere in the middle of the Antarctic.

She had been wondering if this was some sort of plan to get rid of her without any trace… but Riley was more than capable of erasing her from the face of the planet even inside their base, she was sure of it.

Riley… or at least a clone of him, was currently in front of her; his silhouette, almost merging with the snow and ice that drowned their view.

"After you, M'lady."

And with those words whispering into Empress's ears, a hole started to open from the mountain of ice that was resting behind Riley's clone.

"This is…"

"Welcome to the Guesthouse," Riley's clone then bowed as he gestured towards the hole,

"Congratulations, you…

…are our very first customer."


If you want to support me, you can do so on my P.A.T.R.E.O.N: romeru.

Would really appreciate any value! I might also start drawing the characters once a certain goal is met. Thank you very much for liking and reading my story, let's do this shit!