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Void Evolution System

Chapter 1328: Avatar [9]
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It was a shame.

Yes, it was an event where the Judgement Order was supposed to practically collapse, leaving no more than four members alive, and yes, Alexander's interference made sure a majority of them lived.

However, he couldn't save everyone.

The laws of causality didn't allow him to create a "perfect" timeline, because such a timeline would be nothing more than a dull existence without any semblance of reality.

Therefore, Alexander couldn't intervene as he pleased.

He had to wait for that signal.

That moment when Rose activated the array and summoned a helper.

The person who was originally meant to take that place wasn't reliable in the slightest. He was a member of the Angel Race named Deraphiel, someone who didn't have much presence in the universe.

He was a coward, and while he did manage to defeat Hans, he didn't do anything to the Hound Lord, which led to many more casualties within the universe before the Ancient Battlefield opened.

Deraphiel also forcefully demanded compensation for his work, which, in that atmosphere, drove a wedge between the Judgement Order and the Heavenly Clan, another detrimental move.

When considering that he was also barely able to save them and killed several of them through the collateral damage of the fight, his presence was truly a misfortune more than anything else.

So it was good that Alexander intervened, even if he couldn't save Xue Yue and the others.

The second he caught wind of that specific spatial turbulence he used the main body's abilities to connect himself to the portal.

His body manifested in Eien.

Looking around, he smiled as he saw the faces he hadn't seen in so long, but he was also well aware that, in their eyes, he wasn't "Damien Void."

He could easily see the anxiety on Rose's face. It wasn't hard to imagine what she was thinking.

"No, it's not that," he said, answering her doubts while trying his best to hide the tender emotions in his voice.

"I just took control for a bit. I don't know who your original target was, but I'm better than them anyway."

After all, that potential future no longer existed.


Hans finally reacted to his voice, snapping the Judgement Order out of their dazes.

"Who am I?" Alexander repeated.

The formation's light swirled madly and concentrated in the very center of the base camp, where the Nox's summoning formation was located.

"Didn't she just tell you?"

His shadow started to reveal itself to the crowd.

He grinned wildly, his gaze settled on Hans.

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It was necessary. Because if he didn't have an expression like this, he wouldn't be able to hide the absolute rage in his eyes.

Regardless of whether he knew the details of the situation beforehand or not, he really couldn't stomach seeing his people being treated like this.

"I'm death."

He pressed his foot into the ground and shot forward with all his power.

He controlled his force so the man didn't die immediately, but even that was far greater than anything a mere Hans could understand or fight against.


A terrifying rumbling resounded from several tens of kilometers away.

A dust cloud swept into the air.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I can't really answer them, so…"

Alexander looked over towards where Hans had been thrown before turning back to the Judgement Order.

The majority of them were missing limbs. That majority was far outnumbered by the corpses on the ground.

And the blood painting all of their bodies…

His eyes turned cold.

"I'm going to make that guy experience everything he did to you."


He was aiming to wrap things up as fast as possible, but he was absolutely going to make this Nox being suffer.

He reached Hans in a matter of nanoseconds, and within the next few of the same increment, he punched out hundreds and thousands of times, targeting every bone, muscle, and ligament in the Nox's body and crushing each and every one of them into dust.

'Ah, I should give him to them, shouldn't I…'

Revenge was great no matter how it was served, but it was far more satisfying to achieve it with one's own hands.

Within a minute, "something" crashed in the area before the Judgement Order.

When the dust cleared, that thing's identity became clear—


—well, not so much anymore.

Alexander landed on top of Hans' crumpled body with so much force the impact dug a crater several hundred kilometers into the ground.

He and Hans disappeared into the darkness of that hole, but the sounds of their battle resounded so clearly it was a miracle they weren't projecting the sound.










A black blur shot high into Eien's sky, a red one following soon after.


Hans' body was slammed into the ground again, and Alexander once again followed.

However, this time, he didn't make such a powerful move.

He landed next to Hans and pushed his arm out.


All four of Hans' extremities were torn from his body.

It was an injury even Nox regeneration couldn't heal.

He practiced just for this moment, you know?


Alexander looked around the Judgement Order group.

"Didn't you want revenge?"

They were immediately spurred into action by his words. As Alexander and a few of the others watched on, the majority of the Judgement Order went to torture Hans and give him the slowest, cruelest death imaginable.

"It's not over yet," Rose said, snapping Alexander out of his thoughts.

"We came here for him."

Her eyes went to the tent at the very back of the camp, the only area left standing after the previous clash.

"Ah, that guy?" He said.

"Don't you think there's a reason he never left his tent?"

He didn't grin due to the severity of the situation, but the amusement in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

"Come here."

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He beckoned with his finger, and a figure came flying out of the tent.

"Introduce yourself."

He held a man by his throat. The man had the head of a dog and the strong bronze body of a pharaoh.

The aura of Divinity could be sensed obviously from him, but…

Why did he look so weak?

"What…are you?"

The Hound Lord, whose reputation preceded him in terrifying the masses, asked in an almost whimpering tone.

"Who am I?" Alexander said again, taking full control over the opportunity to look cool…

'...never mind. If I do that, the second they find out Alexander is my Avatar, it'll be over for me.'

"I don't feel like repeating myself, but you get the point. Just shut up and die."


"Oh, but I can."

Alexander gripped his fist, a motion mirroring Hans from a few moments ago.


The sound that echoed through the camp was not an expected one.

It was like glass shattering.

After 4000 years of training, not just regeneration or Immortality, but the very essence of Divinity could be shredded by his power.

"This is quite the useful skill," Alexander said nonchalantly.

"Ah, you must be curious…"

"Well, it's nothing much. I just shattered his Divinity."

…in the end, he couldn't stop himself from trying to act cool.

Hans was not dead, but he might as well have been. His death was only a matter of when the Judgement Order was finished enacting their revenge.

As for the Hound Lord, his body wrinkled and shrunk. He looked like someone who hadn't had a proper meal in decades.

Alexander had done his job splendidly, and the time to make a stunning exit had come.

The Judgement Order still had plenty of doubts against him, and while seeing his wives question him so suspiciously was definitely painful, it couldn't be helped.

He couldn't reveal his identity just yet.

So as they tried to understand his intentions, he could only say one thing.

"Well, let's just say the Judgement Order's biggest fan sends their regards."

He grinned, and before anyone could ask another question, he vanished.

There was still much more to do!