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Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1991: Strange Situation At The Morning Glory Clan
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Lin Mu's question was something that all the elders and other members wanted to know too.

"I couldn't find it." Princess Feng Lan shook her head. "At least, it wasn't something I could understand. The hole seemed to be striking, but it didn't seem like it was made from brute force and neither did I find any damage there." She explained.

"What about our formation masters?" The Clan head turned to the elders.

"We are investigating it as we speak." One of the elders who was part of the formations division answered.

"And what about the external affairs division? Any news from our 'neighbors'?" The Clan head asked next.

"None so far Clan Head. There have been no movements from the travelers." The elder in charge of the external affairs division replied.

Lin Mu took note of this, and felt like there was indeed something wrong that had been going on.

'As far as the map said, there are no other clans or smaller powers living near the Morning Glory Clan. Thus they should not have any permanent neighbors.' Lin Mu thought. 'Considering he said that they were 'travelers', they shouldn't have been here for too long.' New people appearing and settling near an established clan would always be a matter of concern for the said clan. Thus the Morning Glory Clan had been paying attention to their new neighbors. The only question was how long they were there for and why had they come.

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Lin Mu couldn't help but feel his curiosity growing, as there were several mysteries that seemed to be mixing in. After all, there was also the factor of attraction that Meihua had for beasts.

"I think I have an additional piece information, you would like to know." Lin Mu spoke up.

"What is it, Daoist Mu Lin?" Clan Head Guang San asked.

"While I do not know how the hole in the clan barrier was made, I can at least tell you why the Branch Horn wolves were chasing Meihua. Or at the very least why they targeted her." Lin Mu replied, catching the attention of every person in the hall.

"And why's that?" Princess Feng Lan asked with slight impatience.

"I got to know this from my own tamed beasts, but apparently Meihua's scent is quite attractive to the beasts. Of course, there is difference in this, such that the tamed beasts do not react as aggressively as the wild ones." Lin Mu revealed.

Princess Feng Lan had indeed seen beasts killing the Branch Horn Wolves earlier, thus she could somewhat believe it. "I think it's best we confirm it." The Clan Head stated, not wanting to rush to any conclusions. "Elders, bring in some beasts. Both tamed and untamed." He ordered.

"Yes, clan head." The elders soon carried out the order and in just a couple of minutes six beasts were produced before the man.

Of course, these beasts were still immortal beasts, but there was no way they could threaten anyone in the hall here.


The first beast they had brought in was an untamed dog beast that quickly showed its aggression. The way its gaze went right away to Meihua was a good indicator.

But that wasn't all, when they tried it with two more untamed beasts the results were similar. After that, they tested it with tamed beasts and then asked their owners what was the verdict.

"My tamed beast says that young miss Meihua has a delicious smell." The beast tamers of the Morning Glory Clan confirmed.

Hearing that, a frown appeared on the faces of several elders while the Clan Head's smile stilled.

The Princess only held Meihua firmly, while a few thoughts went through her mind.

"Why would such a thing happen with Meihua?" Someone questioned.

"We need to determined that for sure. Until then, it is best that Meihua is kept secured in the clan." Guang San declared.

"Clan head, could this be related to the sudden breakthrough of the young miss?" an old elder with a long beard spoke. "We couldn't determine the cause for that either after all." He added.

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"Hmm, it could be possible." The Clan head furrowed his brows.

"Is that why Meihua is at the Nascent soul realm already?" Lin Mu questioned.

Most cultivators would let their children grow somewhat before letting them breakthrough to the Nascent soul realm, as this would often freeze their appearance. Of course, this was a problem that only the upper-upper tier of cultivation families even had.

For most people, even in the Immortal world, reaching the Nascent soul realm at the age of hundred was already quite good. The concern with breaking through too early, wasn't even something they would ever think about.

Most cultivators might think of it being fine that someone had a child's body. But once a hundred years or more passed, they would soon realize it came with multiple disadvantages.

There were even many Qi skills and techniques that simply did not work, if one did not have an adults body.

Plus most cultivation techniques were made to be used by fully grown humans.

The Princess looked at the Clan head, who nodded his head and allowed her to speak freely.

"It happened last month. Meihua was sleeping, when suddenly we all felt a surge of Qi in the clan. It rushed towards her, making me check up on her. But by the time I reached, she had already broken through to the Nascent soul realm." The Princess explained.

"And what was her cultivation base before that?" Lin Mu asked.

"Nothing." The Clan head spoke this time. "Our clan's cultivation technique did not suit her, as such we were waiting to find a perfect technique for her. But we had never thought that she would breakthrough on her own." "Huh… And you don't know the cause for that either?" Lin Mu asked feeling doubtful.

"We've checked many times. But there is nothing that stands out. And neither is there any abnormality in her body." The Clan head replied.