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Walker Of The Worlds-Novel

Chapter 593 - Change In The Sleepscape?
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Chapter 593 - Change In The Sleepscape?

Lin Mu could definitely feel the difference in the Sleepscape. To confirm it, he spread his spirit sense completely and fully covered the Sleepscape.

"It really did expand... seems like my breakthrough should have done this." Lin Mu understood.

Lin Mu still did not have a full understanding of how the Sleepscape worked, despite having it for a couple of years now. There were new things to find out every so often, which ended up surprising him.

"I wonder how long it will take for me to complete absorbing all of the spirit Qi in this minor plane... though the increase in cultivation should be helpful." Lin Mu muttered to himself.

He had already planned out a few things that he was going to do in the Sleepscape once he was there, and took them out. The first thing that he wanted to do was to sort through all the gains from the past few weeks.

Lin Mu and Jing Luo had mined out the entire spirit stone mine underneath the main mountain of this minor world and had even taken the Source Vein off it. In the spirit stones that Lin Mu himself had mined out, there were a lot of waste parts such as rocks and soil.

Jing Luo had mined everything using a pickax that was a spirit tool, and thus he had mostly taken out the spirit stones themselves. While Lin Mu had mostly used Meld to cut apart the large blocks directly from the walls of the caves.

It was a time constraint that they had, and this was the fastest way they could rush it with. And now that Lin Mu was in the Sleepscape while his body absorbed all the spirit Qi of the minor plane, he would be free to do all the extra things.

"Let’s get this out of the way first." Lin Mu said before withdrawing all of the spirit stone chunks that he had obtained using meld.


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The sound of large objects falling on the ground could be heard as one after the other, Lin Mu withdrew the spirit stone chunks while flying around the Sleepscape. Thankfully, the Sleepscape had increased in size again. Or there may not have been enough space for Lin Mu to take them all out once.

"Now that I look at them this way... we really did mine a lot of spirit stones..." Lin Mu stated upon seeing the literal hills of spirit stones piled up around him.

Around seventy percent of the Sleepscape had been occupied by the spirit stones now, though a large quantity of them was also filled with the rocks and such things. That was the very part that he needed to separate.

But just when he was about to do that, he suddenly felt something.


"Huh? Why’s the ground shaking?" Lin Mu immediately became alert.


Beside Lin Mu, a Grey orb of light appeared. The light faded away, revealing Senior Xukong.

"Look there!" Xukong pointed.

Lin Mu followed his gaze and saw that he was pointing him to the place where the Source Vein of the Spirit stone mine was laying.

"Huh? It’s sinking into the ground?" Lin Mu muttered, feeling shocked.

He quickly flew to the Souse Vein to see what exactly was happening and Xukong accompanied him. In the two seconds it took him to reach the place, the Source Vein had already sunk into the ground and only a few inches of it were left on the surface.

Lin Mu gripped it on the top and tried to pull it out but could not. Despite his immense strength, the Source Vein was forcibly swallowed up by the ground.

"What the hell?! What are we supposed to do now?" Lin Mu couldn’t help but curse.

But then another change occurred in the Sleepscape.


The entire Sleepscape hummed with excitement as the wind started to blow.

"Wind? There was never wind here before... no, not just that... Spirit Qi?" Lin Mu muttered.

That’s right. Lin Mu could now feel spirit Qi appearing in the air of the Sleepscape. He could tell that the spirit Qi was slowly increasing in concentration too.

"How is this happening? The source vein... did the Sleepscape absorb it to produce spirit Qi?" Lin Mu wondered.

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"Seems like the Source Vein of a spirit stone mine was enough to trigger the Sleepscape to change again. This should be the new feature it gained by absorbing the source vein." Xukong spoke.

"But transplanting source veins is a very difficult task, didn’t you say that before senior?" Lin Mu questioned.

"Indeed... But you must not forget that this is not the real world or any other plane for that reason. This is a Garden Of Karma. We already have the bare minimum information about it thus anything could be possible here.

It absorbing the Source Vein and producing spirit Qi is not out of the range of possibilities." Xukong answered.

Lin Mu thought over it and found it to be reasonable. The Garden of Karma was basically an enigma, and there were new things he got to learn every time he came here.

"I guess this will benefit me anyway." Lin Mu accepted it in the end.


He took a deep breath and sucked the spirit Qi in, realizing that the concentration of spirit Qi in the Sleepscape was pretty much the same as that in the real world.

"Hmm, I should have expected that there would be some reduction after transplantation." Lin Mu muttered to himself.

Still, he did not mind and was fine with the source vein being used like this. He still had plenty of spirit stones with him, and he needed to sort them out. Lin Mu spent about two days sorting out all the spirit stones and cleaning them.

He also got some more surprises with them, as there were a few treasured materials stuck with the spirit stones too. They must have gotten mixed in with the rocks and soil and thus came with the stones.

Lin Mu separated them out too and stored them back in the ring.