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Way of the Knights

Chapter 388 - Celebration
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Final Haven Kingdom. 

The place that served as the last bastion for humanity in the Grand Ancestral Plane, is now bursting with activity and joyous festivities. 

Every street was busy. Food and alcohol were constantly being delivered from one place to the other. There are people who were dancing, eating, drinking, gossiping and etc. The scene depicted a picture of true happiness and satisfaction to each denizen of the Kingdom. 

Looking at this place, one wouldn't guess that this place had nearly experience its utter destruction a few days ago. It doesn't even look like the citizens remembered anything about the beast horde at all. 

What's the cause of this lasting celebration? Oh nothing much, it's just that from now on..

No one will be able to threaten the safety of their home. 

All of them owe it to those who participated in the last war. Those who fought valiantly with their lives on the line, those who gave it their all and didn't turn their back against their home even amidst the certain danger.

When the war ended, those who had died for the Kingdom had been celebrated as heroes to be remembered. Their families received the condolences of everyone and satisfactory remuneration for their loss. Although their were grieving, they held their heads up and felt proud to be able to contribute to the safety of their home. 

Right after the burial of heroes, the Kingdom announced it's certain path towards its Golden Age. No one was allowed to work, everyone received red packets from the Kingdom, food and drinks are free! Each streets were decorated with celebratory banners. The whole kingdom descended into a merry atmosphere. 

At the Royal Palace, many influential families were gathered. 

Each person mingled amongst each other while enjoying the festive mood as well as the delicacies prepared for them. Of course, the King and Queen were the host of this event. Ever since their recoveries, their hearts felt at ease for where the Kingdom's fate were headed. This kind of relaxation was something the everyone needed, so of course they didn't hesitate to do so.

Here, Ellen, Paul, Anne, and Mark could be seen. None of them are dressed in their military attire, the girls went with gowns and the guys went with their coats and suits. Hand in hand, all of them mingled and participated in this celebration.

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And as for the one who saved the Kingdom from peril, well - he isn't present at the current moment since he had other things to do.


"There!" Raven wiped off the sweat that accumulated on his forehead and stood up. 

He looked at the round object floating in front of him, which is now bearing his mark, and nodded in satisfaction. The old man who stood behind him was satisfied as well. 

"With this, all of the contingencies are covered." Raven uttered in a bit of an exhausted tone. 

"Thank you, Your Excellency. It's the plane's blessing to have your love and support." The old man bowed and said with reverence. 

"It's nothing, this is my home and this is where I grew up, It's only natural for me to protect it." Raven stated, "Now that this is done, building the foundation for Central Empire is next. I'll be troubling you for the rest then."

"Leave it to me, Your Excellency. I'll do my best." The old man replied. 

Raven's current location is naturally at the Center, and this old man is none other than the Old Consciousness himself. 

Now that Vit'hum is gone, the Kingdom is naturally headed towards prosperity. The expansion and relocation is all but a matter of time. In the future, the Grand Ancestral Plane will be centered around humans.

At the same time however, Raven's Ascension couldn't be delayed anymore. At most, he'll have five years before he eventually needed to ascend. Of course, if he really wanted to, Raven could delay the time even further but that wouldn't be ideal. 

He had already reached the peak of this world. Staying longer would only hold him back, and he couldn't afford for that to happen. 

In order for him to ascend in peace, he had left a contingency plan for the whole plane and asked for the Old Consciousness' help. With this in mind, he only needed to finish a few things before he eventually leave this place. 

After entrusting the Old Man with the task, he stepped inside the portal and left the Center. action

Raven then reappeared inside a small hut within the Kingdom's territory. Before stepping out of the hut, a curtain of light wrapped around him. At the point, his facial features began changing as well as his height. He assumed the appearance of an normal citizen and walked out of the hut. 

Busy noises flooded his ears almost immediately, the smell of alcohol and food assaulted his nose, warmth spread on every inch of his body as he saw the people celebrated their victory. 

Out of nowhere, a relaxing feeling overwhelmed his senses. A smile formed on his lips as he felt like he was floating. 

He felt free and calm. It was as if a huge burden was released from his chest. Raven nodded to himself and felt satisfied. The tragic memories of his past were replaced by this festive image. All of the pain and regret he felt disappeared. A comfortable feeling soothed his soul. 

This feeling almost made Raven cry. 

Finally, all of the regrets that he had during his past life were finally settled. He finally achieve the goal of saving his home from destruction.

With a smile on his face, he walked towards the streets, sampled some delicacies and drank some wine with some civilians. After that, he went towards the Royal Palace without alerting anyone and went towards Luna's room. 

Dispersing his disguise, he walked inside and found her fixing her hair in front of a mirror. She looked back at him and smiled.

"Shall we?" Raven asked, offering his arms. Luna chuckled and accepted his invitation. 

"Let's go." She said. 

Raven then escorted her towards the main palace in order to participate with the festivities.


"Fudge you dude!" *Hic* "You cheated!"

"I didn't shitted!" *Hic* "I'm not a shitter!"

"No no!" *Hic* "You cheated! I saw it! You shouldn't freaking lie! Dash bad!" *Hic*

"Like I shed!" *Hic* "I don't shit!"

Here were have Paul and Mark, utterly and irrevocably in a hammered state. 

At their current state, none would believe that these two are Golden Knights. Right now, they behave like any other drunk people. Shameless and unaware of what's happening around them. 

On the next table sat their partners, Ellen and Anne, who were just watching as the two monkeys argue with each other. They don't have any intentions on stopping them at all, instead they watched amusingly as the two fought.

"Dude! I caught more ants than you!" *Hic* "I win not you, you cheated!" Paul said while frowning. His face was flushed and his hair was a little messy. 

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"No way!" *Hic!* "I caught 25 ants while you caught 20! I clearly won! I didn't shit!" Mark argued back, similarly had a flushed face and even sweating a bit. 

"No! I caught 30 ants, you zapped 10 of them to ashes! I saw it! I am the winner!' Paul moaned in injustice.

"I didn't do shit! You're just drunk!" Mark replied.

"I'm not drunk! You're drunk!"

"No you!"

"No you!"

And the never ending 'No you' argument began. In truth, all they had to do is circulate their energies to flush the alcohol away from their system. However, none of them did that since they want to relax and enjoy themselves.

The ladies who's sitting on the next table shook their heads. Anne stood up and said:

"That's not gonna end." She sighed, she wore a faint blush on her cheek due to tipsiness. "I think it's time to take them away, It'll be a bit embarrassing if someone saw them arguing like this."

"I know right." Ellen similarly stood after emptying her wine glass, she then wrapped her hand around Paul's waist, pulling him away from the argument. She was unbothered by his groans when she asked: "Where are those two anyway?"

"Beats me." Anne replied with a shrug, "I saw them leaving earlier. Maybe they're having a good time."

Hearing her remarks made Ellen blush ever harder, she secretly eyed Paul but didn't say anything, her heart nearly leapt out of her chest when she saw Anne staring at her with a 'knowing' look. 

"Stop it!" Ellen exasperatingly, she was bit flustered and embarrassed to be caught like that. 

"Hur hur." Anne teasingly laughed, she then turned to Mark and said: "Let's go Hubby, I'm afraid we'll disturb some people if we stay any longer." 

"Yesh, Wifey!" Mark replied while kissing her cheeks. 

Ellen's face turned even redder as she heard her comments, she glared at Anne and said: "Hey Mark! Make sure to keep her 'busy' all night, you hear me?" 

"Aye Madam!" Anne nearly fainted hearing that answer from him. 

Ellen was about to gloat when she heard Paul say: "I'll keep you 'busy' too, Baby." 

By that time, their boyfriends were no longer drunk.