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Way of the Knights

Chapter 468 - Tartarus
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"They look weak as fuck."

This comment came as a surprise for the Junior Disciples brought by Henry himself. Some couldn't help but glare at the six-armed guy. However, it would seem that the six-armed guy wasn't even remotely bothered by the glare. In fact, it seems that he was actually happy to see such reactions. 

"As always, your methods are incredibly obvious and nasty, isn't it so, Logan?" Henry replied while still wearing that amicable smile. 

Raven watched this with a bland look on his face, inwardly saying: 'Seriously. The moment we arrive, something like this already happens?'

"Oh come on, man. You've known me for so long my friend! I generally tend to speak what my honest thoughts are. Can't help it, honesty just runs in my veins." The six-armed guy named Logan spoke in a disconcerting manner. action

"And that's what makes you abnormal my friend." Henry said with a blinding smile, "It should be blood that runs on your veins, not honesty. This is why you remain you. Really, I guess that just the way you are, you'll never change…" 

Logan's lips twitched as he heard the fake-pity and mocking compassion on Henry's tone. Both of them glared at each other using their owns ways, leaving the disciples behind them at a loss. 

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Most of them wondered what's up with these two. Well, its pretty clear that they had some sort of rivalry going on but does that really include bickering against each other in front of newly recruited disciples? Weren't they aware that they're losing face by doing this? 

Raven could've sworn that he saw some sparks between them, however he amounted this to him being in an uncharted territory and threw the matter at the back of his head. 

After glaring at each other for a while, both of them snorted and looked away. They then started walking side by side, clearly heading towards the same direction. The elders behind them sighed and bowed to each other, they all then signaled the Junior Disciples to follow them. 

The two groups eventually arrived in front of a massive arching gate. There is a plate attached to the top of the gate that has several words written on it. It reads: Ancient Elysium Sect. 

Looking at the massive arching gate, some disciples felt some sort of an identity crises. Ever since arriving at the sect, pretty much everything they came across with reminded them of how small they truly were. From the sheer size of the war ships they rode, to the status of their recruiters and the unbelievable sizes of everything around them. Everything was just too big. 

Some of the students couldn't help but stare at the plate. To their surprise, just a single glance from it were already enough to give them splitting headaches. 

One elder from the opposite camp said: "You kids, stop trying look at the plate. You will die if you continue to do so."

'Yeah, that warning is a little too late isn't it?' Raven inwardly snorted, still amongst other disciples, only him was able to stare at the plate without experiencing any headaches. Still, he couldn't help but praise whoever created this at the bottom of his heart. 'An impressive spirit. The intent is strong, firm and lasting. A great deterrence or a simple display of might.' 

Thanks to the warning of that elder, the junior disciples stopped their attempts. Some of those who looked had cold sweat drenching their backs. Once again, they were reminded of how little they were compared to pretty much everything within here.

"Everyone, stay close to each other. We'll be entering the sect now." Elder Graybeard reminded the Junior Disciples behind them. 

Everyone tensed up but also followed the instructions. Some were trembling due to excitement while others tried to restrain their emotions to appear calm on the surface. 

The gate in front of them released a hum, it was then followed by a flash of brilliant light, causing some disciples to squint. Without further ado, Henry and Logan stepped forward along with the Elders and Junior Disciples. 

Everyone then felt the world spinning, their senses were a mess for a brief moment before the feeling disappeared. When they re-adjusted to their sense, they found themselves standing at a completely different space, and what they stunned everyone, including Raven into speechlessness. 

It would seems as though they arrived at Hell. 

The land was dry and scorched, the air was stifling and felt coarse. Nary a blade of grass could be seen around them nor any regular vegetation for that matter. 

The sky was covered with a black fog, causing the surroundings to appear dim and gloomy. The only source of light present, was a massive moon surrounded by five floating orbs. 

"Oh? Henry, Logan! It's been a while you two!!" 

A voice woke up everyone from their stupor, causing their attention to follow the source of the voice. They then saw a man with a pitch black skin standing at an impressive height of fifteen meters looking at them. This giant husk of a man stood with an equally massive spiked-club by his side. His arms were crossed in front him, which gave him a strict and intimidating presence. 

Nevertheless, the face of this man was visibly at ease as he looked at the two.

"Yo, Gatekeeper! It's been a while!" Logan greeted. 

Henry gave out polite greetings while saying: "Thanks for your hard work as always."

"Oh, stop it you. You're going to make me blush." Such words were uttered by the giant man while looking away, causing some girls to find this behavior rather…adorable - if that word was even apt to use for a man of this stature. 

The giant then saw Junior Disciples behind them and said: "Oh, are these you're recruits? Not bad you two. Let's hope that they can last here."

"Bahaha! My unit will surely last, I don't know about Henry's though, they look weak as hell if you ask me!"

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"Stop it you two." Henry shook his head, "You're scaring them with your words."

The Junior Disciples heard their discussion and some couldn't help but actually feel nervous and uncertain. From what they could see around them, things aren't looking good. After all, what they see around them was different from their expectations. 

"You guys going in right?" The Gatekeeper asked, prompting the two to nod. The giant then moved and peeked at the wall behind him, which only reached up until his waist. 

"Oy, open the gates will you?" The Gatekeeper told someone from the inside. A few seconds later, the doors in front of them creaked. It then slowly opened and revealed several infrastructures hidden behind. 

The Gatekeeper then look at the Junior Disciples and said: "Alright little ones. The doors of Tartarus are now open. Work hard and be careful!" He then gave them a eye-smile while doing a little wave with his hand. Causing some girls to find him adorable once more. 

Some disciples, including Raven, bowed towards the Gatekeeper before following the rest as they entered this place called Tartarus. 

As soon a they entered, the gates behind them closed with a loud bang, startling many of them. But before they could move any further, Henry and Logan stopped. They looked at each other, snorted and parted ways. Logan and his group went left and Henry along with his group went right. 

Their antics cause many disciples to secretly shook their heads. Some of them find the behavior of their superiors a little childish but none of them dared to say a thing. 

After separating with each other, the Junior Disciples behind Henry head him speak: "Ahem. That guy just now, is named Logan. He too, is a War God. Aside from his self-proclaimed title as my Eternal Rival, he also goes by the Thousand Armed War God title. Clearly the idiot doesn't know how to count. He only has six arms, not one thousand." 

Some disciples fought the urge to laugh as they heard that. 

"Anyhow. He might be a sight for sore eyes, but he's human. Him having multiple arms and another set of eyes are just side-effects of his blood lineage. He's pretty strong, but not as strong as me." Henry added. 

Raven couldn't help but to roll his eyes but remained silent. After walking with him for a few more minutes, they eventually arrived at a tall cliff filled with numerous holes. Henry stopped and faced the disciples behind him.

"Alright. Just for formalities, let me welcome you all once again to Ancient Elysium Sect." Henry smiled warmly to them, this time it was a genuine one.

"Don't be fooled by your surroundings." He stated, "This is not the entirety of the sect. Remember what I said earlier, Mount Olympus is the home of our sect. What you see around you, is just the scenery at its base. As you move on through the ranks, you'll see more and experience more of what our sect has to offer.

Henry paused for a moment and continued: "You've heard it before. The name of this place is Tartarus. Whether you like or not, this place is going to be your world unless you get rid of your promoted to an Inner Disciple."

"Now you'll ask me how to become one, and the answer is simple.." Henry dramatically paused before saying: "Hunt Devils."