Chapter 12 You Live Here Too
To Whitney's sumprise, it was Morl
She hadn’t expected the person waiting outside the elevator who guided her through the deal to be him. No
wonder he had call here at det beke she was trapped in the elevated?
“Thank you, Mr.Howard”
“'s nothing”
The property management
si stait thanked Noel and then asked Whitney if she felt unwell and needed to go to the hospital whey shook her
head, saying their was no need. She was just a bit shaken, nothing more.
Once the stall leit, she turned to thank Nor. “Thank you. You savedagain. “
This was the second the had cto her rescue.
As much as she tried to mid any entanglement with him, late seemed intent on making her men, flat she was
genuinely thankhel Hewing his voice in the elevator had truly calmed her nerves -
Noel lowered his paze. His deep eyes lingered on her for a moment behind his sibvs framed glasses. Then,
picking up the umbrellapainst the will, he saidcently, “Don’t play hard to get over and over again. Men will get
“What?” Whitney looked at him, contused The coutent was so nin of the bhee that she had no idea what he met
Noel shook off the son from his umbrla “Move back hat least you won't ha
Whitney frmed at his words. She trad to put his words together, and finally, she understood what he meant.
Her gratitude tumed to anger at once “You think I'm doing this un piepose to get Dvenian’s attention ?
“Aren’t you?” Noel asked with a hint of amusement in his eyes. “Do you ally plan on breaking up with
Whimney fell silent at once
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtshe wanted to end things, but reality made it hard to simply walk away. And after all, it was eight years of
devotion. It wasn’t easy to let po
“Thank your savingagain, but my elationship with Dis my business, | don’t need you worrying dioul
After saying that, she pressed her lips into a line and moved past Noel without a second glance
Even though the later was fixed, she didn’t know it would break down again. So, she took the stairs hinsteal
Frustrated, Whitney found herself moving quickly up the stairs. By the tshe reached the eighth floor, she was
out of hingath and had to show down. As she did, she beant footsteps belm.
Whitney peered down to see or following her at a steady pace.
What now! Had he not given her enough advice and was now coming to lecture her more?
“What are you doing following me?”” dhe snapped. “Are you thinking of going to my place to conte ocking met
When Not reached the landing between the seventh and eighth floors, his breathing wins stil steady, showing no
sign of fatigue.
“I'm going home,” he replied coldbr. As he ascended, he added, “If you keep a steady pace, you won’tler out of
Whitney stopped, dumblinded. “You live here to?”
By then, Noel had already passed her. His voice floated down from above, is that a problem?”
Upon hearing his reply, Whitney decided to drop the conversation
Taking his advice, she climbed more slowly. There were only a few steps between them. Whitney noticed that he
hadn’t stopped even after a long line. She wondered which four he actually lived on.
They both finally stopped on the 16th floor
Noel went to the door across from hers and unlocked a
“You live across from me?” Whitney was astonished. The sneighborhood, the building, and even the same
In the few days since she moved in, she hada’t sem anyone or heard a sound from across the hall, so she had
mounted the place was mujer
“I moved in yesterday” boel booked at her “Anything ebe you'd Beinsk
Whitney shut her mouth.
Where bechose to live was his own business
judging by Noel's attitude, he probably didn’t even know she lived across frombin, let alone hatbor any intention
of chuging saber aver that night
Nope,” she replied and tumed to unlock her own door
funil die was inside, then closed his twn door and diabol Thomas’ number.
(Why did you hangluwat Thomas asked on the other end.
on the phone with Thomas wheti for
overheard a property manageident
staff member TERR 6
wasstiok A Yh&elevator. He and
rushed to bakbigil. When he now that
the elevator was stucken the
timatios, besprinted up the stars The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
The peat morning. Whitney was ready to leave for work
just as she won about to turn the
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmdoorknob, her hand Pects m
locked Qu Fpuughithe pep ole The
hHWay was quiet, at the dog across
dumbers closed. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Chapter 12 You Live Here Too
She had hoped they wouldn’t cross paths aften, but it turned out they lived in the sbuilding and were
directly across the ball
Great Now, they'd be bumping into each other all the time. This would only make things awkward.
Sighing, Whitney made her way to the office
While organizing the meeting
minutes, she noticed something was
SSng £2 she asRécdSophic, "Didn't
Mr, Ho ‘have a video conference
last night? Did you forget to print the
minutes? The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Sophie looked at her in surprise. “He had a video conference last night?