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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 91
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Chapter 91

Sofia couldn't help but scoff at the privileged air that surrounded Natalie. “You think you're something special

just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. If it weren't for your brother, your family would be

nobodies. And let’s not forget who pulled him back from death’s door on the battlefield.”

Natalie offered a soft, dismissive laugh in return. “And if he hadn't been a decorated war hero. would you have

risked your life to save him? | think not. It takes a woman with real guts to cfrom the other side of the tracks

and still have the heart to welcsomeone like you

into the family.”

“Well played!” Miller, who had been watching the exchange, couldn't help but praise Natalie's poise under fire.

The script called for Sofia to throw a cup of coffee at Natalie in a fit of rage. But instead, Sofia suddenly stood up

and, with a fierce swing, slapped Natalie across the face. “How dare you!”

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The slap left the room in stunned silence.

A flicker of shock passed through Natalie's eyes, quickly replaced by tears that threatened to spill over as she

clutched her reddening cheek.

In an instant, she had seamlessly channeled her emotions into the scene.

Miller was about to step in, but realizing the scene was still rolling and Natalie hadn't called for a cut, he signaled

the crew to keep filming.

Three minutes later, Miller called “Cut!” and rushed over to inspect Natalie's face, which bore the clear imprint of

Sofia’s hand, swelling visibly.

Sofia had hit her for real!

Miller turned to Sofia and said sternly, “Natalie has more scenes this afternoon. How do you expect her to shoot


“My apologies. | got carried away, and it was a perfect take, wasn’t it?” Sofia said, feigning innocence.

*Since she prefers to act with minimal makeup, isn’t that handprint just the perfect continuation for her next

scene? Saves the makeup artist from having to paint on bruises.”

Miller was fuming at the feeble excuse and about to blow up when Natalie spoke quietly. “It’s fine. It does work

for my next scene.”

Then, she stood and walked to a corner where a small chair sat with her next script. She sat down, the picture of


Miller watched her for a while and turned to the rest of the cast. “Did you see that? That's what professionalism

looks like. Learn from it.”

Chapter 91

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Natalie just smiled quietly to herself.

Rosie approached with concern on her face as she examined Natalie's cheek. “If Gavin finds


“Tell Gavin to find a better actress to replace Sofia within a week. We'll reshoot all her scenes,” Natalie said, her

eyes never leaving her script.

Rosie’s hand paused on Natalie's cheek. How could this woman remain so composed while uttering such

heartless words?

“Have the PR team leak evidence of Sofia’s on-set feuds and her tampering with the script tonight. That way, the

stuhas grounds for recasting, and we can appease the fans,” Natalie continued evenly. “And while we're at it,

let's drum up smore buzz for ‘Dazzling Destinies.“” It would kill two birds with one stone. Natalie wasn’t

opposed to giving Gavin a hand.

Since Sofia wanted to play rough, it would be her downfall.