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Will You Marry Me My Ex-Wife

Chapter 1625
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Pursuing My Ex-Wife Isn’t Easy chapter 1625

“What a jokester you are, Jim.” Heather chuckled. “Of course Riley is me and Malcolm’s child; how can we possibly

have messed up?”

With that, she quickly changed the subject. “How are you doing now, Father? Does your head still hurt?”

However, Jim refused to let her change the topic. “Heather, I don’t think you should be so sure of yourself. I’ve

been watching the news, and there have been many cases where the hospitals messed up the child ren in

Merchant City as of late.”

He narrowed his eyes and added, “I think it’ll be better if you, Malcolm, and Riley went to do a D NA test together.

It’d be best if Riley were indeed your daughter, but if she isn’t, we can still get the real one back.”

With that, he turned to glance at Charles. “What do you say, Father? You wouldn’t want what happened to Heather

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and Luna to happen again, do you?”

Charles furrowed his brows.

Truth be told, he had agreed with Heather and felt it was not necessary to conduct the DNA test at all, but as soon a

s Jim brought up the misunderstanding that had swapped Luna out with Heather…

Charles let out a sigh and lifted his head to glance at Heather. “Your brother is right, Heather. It’d be best to have a

DNA test so we can all ease our minds.”

Heather’s face turned pale upon hearing this. She bit her lip and let out a slight cough. “This… We’re in no rush.”

Jim raised his brows. “How can that be? The sooner we do the test, the faster the results will come out!”

With that, he stood up and grabbed hold of Heather’s shoulder. “Since Father is fine now, I’ll go with you to Quinn

Mansion to get a strand of Riley’s hair and then another of Malcolm’s. The results will be out in a few hours.”

Jim was determined to make Heather as uneasy as possible.

Malcolm and Heather had killed the servant right in front of their eyes and then caused Luna to have nightmares

throughout the night…

He had to give them a taste of their own medicine!

As soon as Jim placed his hand on her, Heather finally started to get worried. She bit her lip and struggled against

Jim’s grasp. “Why are you so impatient, Jim? This kind of thing… I still have to talk this through with Malcolm first,

haven’t I?”

With that, she lifted her head to stare at Charles helplessly. “Father, keep an eye on Jim! He’s going to bring strands

of Riley and Malcolm’s hair to do a DNA test. We know that he’s doing this out of good intentions, but what will the

Quinn family think of this?

“Will they think that somehow the child isn’t Malcolm’s and think I had cheated on him?”

With that, she burst into tears. “There are only two more days until my and Malcolm’s wedding; I don’t want them

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to think of me this way…

“Father, the three of us will go do a DNA test someday, but we have to at least wait until the wedding is over!”

Charles could not help frowning when he saw how tearful Heather looked. He fell silent for a moment, then lifted his

head to glance at Jim. “Let go of her.”

With that, he sighed and added, “In the end, whether Riley truly belongs to them or not is their business and has

nothing to do with us at all.”

Jim snickered and released Heather from his grip.

However, as soon as he did so, he whispered next to her ear, “I’m just giving you a little taste. If you dare to say

anything bad about my son and daughter in the future…I’ll bring the three of you to do a DNA test immediately.”

With that, he let go of her and turned to leave.

Heather broke out in cold sweats as she watched him leave. She could not help feeling that…

Jim somehow had found out about Riley’s true identity.

Otherwise, why would he know that she would be terrified o f conducting a DNA test on the three of them?


All of a sudden, Charles’ voice pulled her back to reality.