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Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 564 The Coolest Third Year Of Brynhildr Academy [Part 2]
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“Oh dear, these people do look scary.” The Old Man laughed. “But, seriously, George, why haven’t you beaten these dolts already? Have you not bonded with the God of War Axe yet?”

“Hah?” I looked at the Old Man as if he had gone crazy. “Gramps, this is really not the tto be talking nonsense. These people are bad news! Run while you still can!”

“George, my boy, can’t you hear it?” the Old Man inquired with a mischievous smile on his face. “Your Axe is trying to talk to you, why are you not paying attention to it?”

Just as I was about to ask the Old Man what kind of weed he was smoking, a faint voice reached my ears. At first, it was faint. But as I focused my attention to it, the voice that were reaching out tobeclouder.

"Guardian of the people, Ruler of the Sky,

In the heart of the brave, justice takes flight.

My master was Perun, a Deity without shame.

If you want my power, givea name.

So heed the call, let courage bend,

Forge your own legend, don't pretend,

In every step, let dreams befriend,

And write our stories to the end.”

At that moment, something inside ofresonated.

It was as if I had awoken from a sleep that lasted for thousands of years. In my hand, a familiar companion resided, and within me, a powerful force started to rise.

The Axe in my hand hummed and answered my call, givingthe power to unleash something that I never thought possible.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Sky Aria!”

Suddenly, a thunderous boom reverberated in the sky, sendingand the Five Rogue Wizards to a deserted plain, where lightning rained down from the heavens like rain.

“A Domain?!” The Skinny Wizard, who looked down onearlier, gasped in shock as the heavens lit up in preparation to answer their Master’s call.

“Roar with me!” I roared with all my might as I swung the Axe in my hand. “Fulminar!”

Countless lightning bolts descended from the sky and hit the Axe in my hands, empowering it with the power of the Deity of Sky, Lightning, War, and Justice.

With a single swing of my Axe, the Rogue Wizards were all blown away, suffering serious injuries.

All of them had skind of life-saving artifact protecting them, which prevented them from dying instantly.

As much as I wanted to give them the finishing blow, strength had already left my body, and the Domain I created disappeared without a trace.

“Not bad for your first time, George,” the Old Man said with a smile. “But, you still need to train. How about it? Wantto train you a bit for a month or two? It won’t be free though. You need to cough up all the Merit Points that you will earn until the school year ends. Are you interested?”

“…” As much as I wanted to reply, I was too exhausted to even speak. I couldn’t even lift a finger as I helplessly lay on the ground, still clutching the axe in my hands.

“Well, silence means yes,” the Old Man hopped down from the tree and walked towardwith the smile of a scammer.

He then pried my right hand from the handle of my Axe and gave it a shake.

“By the way, I still haven’t given you my name,” the Old Man said. “The nis James. And for a month, I’ll teach you how to becthe coolest and most popular guy in your academy. But, if you agree to also give your Merit Points for the next school year, I’ll throw in my handbook on how to be popular with the girls as a freebie.”

“… No thanks,” I used all the strength that I could muster to reply to him back then, fearing that he would take my silence as the answer to his question again.

“What a shame,” the Old Man sighed. “You could have becthe Harem King of your academy. But, since you don’t want it, then I guess I’ll just have to make you popular as a freebie. Somehow, you remindof a friend whom I haven’t seen for a very, very, very long time.”

As the old man kept chatting with me, Henry and the other Protectors from the academy arrived at the scene.

The Old Man, whose nwas James, explained that he was just passing by and happened to seestruggling against the Rogue Wizards, so he cto help.

Since he had the identification of a “part-tworker” in the academy, plus I was safe from harm, Henry and the others didn’t question him too much.

After I had recovered for a few days, James returned to the academy to pickup. He then tookto a training montage in a place called the Lands of Saraqael.

A few months passed, and I returned to the academy as if nothing happened.

I acted the sway I did so that the others wouldn’t be suspicious of me.

Unfortunately, something cup and one of my juniors suddenly found himself in a heap of trouble after gaining the Water Fairy Queen’s Legacy.

Because of this, he was forced to stay cooped up in the academy, which I believed was for his own good as well.

Unfortunately, trouble cknocking. Not on his door—mine.

As I was heading back to the academy after visiting Limeburgh Town, I was encircled by over a dozen Wizards and Witches who seemed to be loitering on the boundary outside of the academy.

“Hey, which Manor do you belong to?” a Witch with long brown hair asked with a smile.

“I’m from Dud Manor,” I answered.

“Perfect!” the Witch said. “Do you know someone named Ethan? He’s from Dud Manor, right?”

The Wizards and Witches immediately perked up after knowing that I was from Dud Manor.

‘Ah, these must be the people that are after my Junior,’ I thought with a bitter smile on my face.

“Cwith us peacefully, and you won’t get hurt,” a Wizard said as he pressed a wand against my back. “Don’t do anything funny or you will just get hurt.”

I nodded my head obediently and allowed them to taketo their hideout, where their other members were waiting for them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

‘I guess I’ll ask Ethan to treatto something good when I return to the academy,’ I thought as they boundto a chair with a rope. ‘But, first things first, I need to clean up the trash first.’

A faint smile hung on my lips as I waited for all of the members of the mercenary group that kidnappedto return to their hidden base.

Fortunately, I didn’t wait for long because they all returned to their base just after sunset.

“Kid, we have squestions to ask,” a burly looking man, who seemed to be the leader of the group, said, holding a knife in his hand. “But, before that, do you have something to say to us?”

The Wizards and Witches laughed because they found the words of their boss quite funny.

Clearly, this wasn’t the first tthey had done such a thing because all of them were oozing with confidence.

They didn’t believe that a Dud would be able to handle all of them at once. After all, in this kind of situation, even a Wizard with great power would think twice before making their move.

“Yes, I want to say something,” I replied.

“Go ahead,” the burly looking man smiled. “Feel free to say anything you like. After that, you will answer our questions, okay?”

I nodded before taking a deep breath.

All the Wizards and Witches looked atwith gazes filled with ridicule because they were curious about what their captive was about to say.

“I only have two words to say,” I said as the smile on my face widened.

“Sky Aria!”

A moment later, the smiles on their faces disappeared, replaced by shock and fear.

“I forgot to introduce myself,” I said as I rested the handle of my Axe on my shoulder, looking like the coolest Third Year in the academy. “The nis George Marshall. Make sure to remember that… if you live long enough, that is.”

Jumping high in the air and calling out countless lightning bolts to fight by my side, I prepared to swing my Axe and devastate all those who wished to harm my friends.

“Roar with me, Fulminar!”

Thunderous roars boomed like countless drums beating at the stime, making the entire Domain tremble.

After that, the Domain was bathed in a white light as the coolest Third Year of Brynhildr Academy showed off his overwhelming might.
