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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 232 - Seeker of light
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Chapter 232: Seeker of light

Proofreader: Arya & Kiwi

Reading these lines of text, Su Xue Er very quickly calmed down.

She’s seen the Game of Eternal, Man Killer Fiends, the sea creatures, the Murder Clown, her ability to accept strange occurrences has become much stronger than before.

I’ve already travelled to another world, so being forced to play the ‘closed beta’ of some game isn’t something I’m not able to accept.

The main problem is the first closed beta play tester, why do they want to kill me?

Su Xue Er shook her head and stopped thinking about those things.

The most important thing to do right now is to get out of here.

She stared down at the floating piece of wood underneath her feet, sighing.

This piece of driftwood is the only thing that’s keeping her above the surface of the sea, but she’s only able to stay here for 5 minutes.

There’s only 5 minutes left!

What should I do now?

Su Xue Er bit her lip, then suddenly her eyes lit up.

She saw an arm reaching out from below the surface of the water.

Shortly after, a person slowly floated up.

“Excuse m——“

Her question got stuck in her throat.

The thing that floated up was a human corpse, already gnawed through halfway by something and suddenly floated to the surface.

The corpse’s expression was very tranquil and calm, as if it was in ectasy.

The corpse was quickly taken away by the current.

And then another corpse floated up.

This corpse’s eyes were bulging, its mouth opened wide, as if screaming from seeing something frightening.

Su Xue Er was stunned, but mustered her courage to look carefully below the sea water.


There were corpses everywhere.

They were hidden, looming just below the surface of the water. Without paying attention, no one would be able to notice them at all.

The ocean itself was seemingly divided into two layers, the layer on top is a natural green hue, but if you look at it carefully, there’s another layer beneath that’s crimson red.

The crimson red sea water was right under the top layer of green water, and the innumerable corpses were trapped inside, being carried away slowly by the underwater current.

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Occasionally a few corpses would move out of current and float to the surface, but will quickly be pulled back onto its previous path.

Feeling a deep sense of unease, Su Xue Er bit her lip and quickly made her decision.

She’s going to head toward the area with the thick fog.

Because there isn’t anything else but sea water in every other direction.

Only the fog-ridden area could possibly hide her only hope for survival.

Su Xue Er touched the water behind the piece of driftwood, controlling the power of the wind to propel herself forward.

She was using all her power so the driftwood quickly darted forward.

1 minute.

2 minutes.

3 minutes.

Almost 5 minutes.

Su Xue Er felt hopeless.

Although the piece of driftwood is moving very quickly, the distance from here to the fog area was still too far.

She won’t be able to stay on the driftwood much longer.

As she couldn’t help it, Su Xue Er could only prepare to jump.

It’s not that she trusts the self-proclaimed ‘Quest’, but as she used her wind power in the water, she could feel the current changing as something unknown was coming towards her direction.

She doesn’t know what’s coming.

But from what Su Xue Er could tell, it was an incredibly large creature.

An unknown world, an unknown creature, she’s not confident that she might be able to defend herself.

Even if she could defeat whatever is coming, this is the ocean, the smell of fresh blood will very quickly attract even stronger predators.

Not to mention all the eerie corpses floating under the water.

Some sort of danger could be hiding in there.

Even if she jumps into the water, what if something is waiting for me down there?

Su Xue Er stepped on the edge of the piece of driftwood and sighed.

There’s already no other choice.

She can only jump in, use what she learned during high school’s swim class to see how far it’ll take her.

Trying her best to ignore the corpses, she gritted her teeth and was about to jump into the water.

Suddenly, a voice came from somewhere.

[Connection with the Blazing Angel has been severed]

[Attempting to connect to Impartial Goddess]

[Connection failed]

This voice is ——–

Su Xue Er reached into her shirt and pulled out a black string on her neck.

She looked at the ring on the string in surprise.

Ever since she received the control unit for the Blazing Angel, she’s never heard it even make a noise.

[Begin GPS tracking]

[Tracking failed]

[Attempting to contact Gu Qing Shan via prepared method]

[Connection failed]

[Begin testing for anomalies in the vicinity]

[Detected two Suns, clear difference found, primary conclusion: we have left the original world]

[Activation conditions fulfilled]


The ring went silent for a second.

Suddenly, Gu Qing Shan’s voice came from the ring.

His tone was hurried.

[Xue Er, I don’t know what or how this world will change, so I programmed this into the ring]

[In short, if you’re hearing my voice, then you’re in an exceptionally dangerous situation]

[I had Impartial Goddess create a situational AI that will quickly judge your current status and use the ring to create the most effective method of adaptation as quick as possible for you]

[This ring is made of the newest Nano-sized shape shifting material]

[As long as there’s wind, sunlight or any other energy source, it will automatically recharge itself]

[Now, use that ring, quickly run away]

[You have to live, definitely live!]

As soon as Gu Qing Shan finished, a large shadow appeared below the driftwood.

The ring in Su Xue Er also began to emit a milky white light.

The ring itself was expanding, blowing up like a giant baguette-shaped balloon. historical

In the same moment, the ring also opened up and stuck itself onto Su Xue Er.

It slowly molded itself into a droplet-shaped pair of wings.

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[Aerodynamic optimization complete, Wind Elemental infusion propeller wings ready for usage]

The electronic voice of the AI resounded [Su Xue Er, use your Wind Elemental power now, we’re leaving]

Su Xue Er glanced at the huge shadow beneath the water that was getting bigger and bigger, gritted her teeth and said: “We’re leaving!”

A green glow exploded from her body.

‘Wu wu wu’ ——–as the Wind was being infused into it, the wings slowly lifted her up.

It’s hard to tell if they’ll make it out in time, the green water has begun to sway, mixing and boiling with the pungent red water below.

The giant something beneath was rising up in full speed, getting closer and closer to the piece of driftwood.

Su Xue Er flapped her wings and rushed upward.

Right at that moment, a terrifying giant mouth opened up from below.

Fortunately, Su Xue Er had already taken off with her wings of wind, escaping from the driftwood.

But the mouth didn’t give up, still trying to chase after and catch her in its jaws before biting down.

The wings of wind stuck close to Su Xue Er, urging her to use all the Wind Elemental energy she could.

On the wings, numerous scales opened up, splitting apart the wind to allow her to rise up as fast as possible.

“Aaaaaaaahh! Flyyyyyyy!!!!!!”

She screamed desperately.

The wings enveloped in a green energy finally turned into a streak of light, leaving the mouth of the monster below while ascending past the clouds.

I’ve escaped!

Su Xue Er caught the wind and glided forward following the gentle wind in the sky.

When her flight has become stable again, a voice came from the wings on Su Xue Er’s back.

[Current temperature: 19 C]

[Wind direction: light Northward wind]

[Air pressure: 1021 hPa]

[Moisture: 88%]

[Visibility: 10Km]

[Through scans, no abnormal creatures have been found in the vicinity, flight can resume as normal]

“Understood, thank you” Su Xue Er said.

[This intricate Nano technology was made through Gu Qing Shan and Impartial Goddess’ combined efforts, I’m happy to serve] the AI inside the wings responded.

Su Xue Er was a bit surprised, but softly smiled.

Below her was the thick layers of cloud, while she was flying above, following the direction of the dim but warm sunlight.

Two lines of warm tears flowed down her face as the girl started to sob, while her eyes were clear and shining.

“Hic.. hic… Qing Shan… I will definitely live! I will definitely come back to see you!”

She controlled the wings and drew an arc across the sky, breaking through the layer of clouds and started to head towards the sea filled with fog.