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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 272 - Projection realm Tribulation
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Chapter 272: Projection realm Tribulation

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: VindiFan#1 & Juicetin

Proofreader:? Arya

Hearing Bai Hua Fairy’s voice, Gu Qing Shan opened his eyes and stood up.

He solemnly said: “Shifu, this is senior Wild Raging Flame Armor”

He then looked to Wild Raging Flame Armor and respectfully said: “Senior, this is my Shifu, Bai Hua Fairy Xie Dao Ling”

This is the very first time since his birth that Gu Qing Shan was introducing an armor and a cultivator.

But he, as well as both of the introduced parties, felt nothing wrong or strange about this at all.

Bai Hua Fairy very slightly lowered her head to bow and said: “Thank you for giving me a place to breakthrough, I’m very grateful”

A female voice came from the Wild Raging Flame Armor: “Are you confident with this breakthrough?”

“As long as there is no interference, I will definitely succeed” Bai Hua Fairy replied.

“Very well, the purple shirt young master is currently not here, he’s returned to his world to face his own Tribulation ——–the last few days of Tribulation realm is always when the Tribulation becomes the fiercest”

The female voice continued: “Aside from him, there are also 6 other Sainted realm cultivators in his world, are you prepared to take them on 6 to 1?” historical

Bai Hua Fairy casually: “Once I’ve broken through, killing them will be a breeze”

The female voice was pleased: “If that’s the case, then I’ll let you borrow this place to breakthrough, but I must tell you something very clearly”

“Please do”

“I’m an armor, my expertise isn’t attacking, if in the off-chance that there’s a cultivator who exceeds Sainted realm were to arrive, I alone can’t do anything”

“If that happens, I won’t be able to hold them for too long, I may even be forced to escape on my own”

——-if such a situation really happens, if Wild Raging Flame Armor leaves while Bai Hua Fairy is still breaking through, then the situation becomes infinitely more dangerous.

After staying silent for a bit, Bai Hua Fairy answered: “I understand”

The female voice tried to advise her: “Do you still want to face the Tribulation? Truthfully, with your cultivation, you can just hide away in the space vortex to avoid this war between the worlds”

“It’s my home world, I will not let anyone touch it” Bai Hua Fairy answered.

“Hm, I truly like cultivators like you, I’ll give you this scripture”

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As the Wild Raging Flame Armor finished speaking, a jade tag appeared from thin air and started floating in front of Bai Hua Fairy.

Bai Hua Fairy received the jade tag and looked at her.

The Wild Raging Flame Armor spoke: “I’ve seen how you fight; this is the most suitable Projection Scripture for you in this world”

“Thank you, I owe you a favor” Bai Hua Fairy very solemnly said.

She then began to read through the scripture with her inner sight.

A while later.

“It’s almost the same as what I’ve figured… only more detailed” Bai Hua Fairy muttered.

In fact, with her talents and comprehension, she could’ve broken through to a higher realm much sooner.

But in the cultivation world, the highest realm possible is only Sainted.

The Laws of the world itself became her shackles.

And now, it’s finally time for her to break open her cocoon and turn into a butterfly.

Inside the hidden ruins, wind began to blow.

A blinking light began to manifest in the air.

This is Tribulation lightning manifested from the Law of Heavens, as it felt a cultivator breaking through, it passed through the many layers of the earth and directly appeared here.

The Projection realm Heaven’s Tribulation is about to begin.

Wild Raging Flame Armor brought Gu Qing Shan and the Chao Yin sword flying out of the ruins.

They floated below the sea of swords, staring at every detail of Bai Hua Fairy’s Tribulation.

“We can’t enter its range, otherwise the Tribulation will only become stronger” the female voice said.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “How strong is the Projection realm Tribulation exactly? Will it be difficult?”

“Among all the realms, the Projection realm Tribulation has always been known as the most dangerous, the most violent method of elimination” Wild Raging Flame Armor answered: “Only 5 or 6 out of 100 Sainted realm cultivators can safely get through it”

Gu Qing Shan’s heart couldn’t help but jump, his eyes closely watched as the lightning gathered below.

In the air, 7-8 balls of purple lightning manifested.

After floating around for a bit, the purple lightning started to strike Bai Hua Fairy.

Bai Hua Fairy stood still, softly blowing at these purple lightning balls.

In just a second, the balls of lightning couldn’t hold their shapes and dispersed, like fragile soap bubbles.

Gu Qing Shan looked at that scene and proudly said: “With my Shifu’s strength, it’ll be no problem for her to pass this Tribulation”

This is the first time he’s ever seen someone being able to deal with Tribulation lightning by just blowing on them.

“It’s hard to say, this is only the beginning, once the Lightning Tribulation and Wind Tribulation alternates and combines, she won’t be able to deal with it so easily anymore” the female voice rang out.

The Chao Yin sword also nodded with its hilt.

Gu Qing Shan retorted: “You just don’t understand, she’s really strong ——–and I’m not only talking about her cultivation”

Seemingly furious with Bai Hua Fairy’s actions, a few dozen balls of lightning appeared at the same time, striking Bai Hua Fairy.

Casually grabbing them with her hand, Bai Hua Fairy gathered all the lightning into one single bolt in just a few seconds.

Then she squeezed.


The lightning was scattered.

The Tribulation suddenly started to mellow out, as if thinking of a way to deal with her.

Very quickly, a dark red ball of lightning appeared.

Seeing that, Gu Qing Shan’s expression changed as he held his breath.

Both Wild Raging Flame Armor and the Chao Yin sword didn’t say anything as well.

This ball of lightning is just that frightening.

This is the strongest type of lightning in all of the Tribulation lightning, the Soul annihilation lightning.

When a living being is hit with this kind of lightning, they’ll die in both body and soul, not getting a chance to even reincarnate.

Bai Hua Fairy also became serious, ready to meet the enemy.

But the dark red ball of lightning just floated in midair and didn’t strike down.

Suddenly, another ball of Soul annihilation lightning appeared in the air.

Then another.

Two more.

Five more.

Ten more.

All these balls of Soul annihilation lightning silently merged into a lightning wyvern, coiling around in the air before barrelling down at Bai Hua Fairy.

Bai Hua Fairy didn’t bother to retreat, the intense Martial Thaumaturgy gathered in her hands as she struck upward against the wyvern’s head.

[Sky Fall!]

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All the Soul annihilation lightning was scattered by the strike, breaking into tiny red sparks.

All the pieces started to fly up and once again gathered in place.

More Soul annihilation lightning appeared.

The newly manifested red Tribulation lightning started to merge with the pieces from before, turning into a giant hand.

This is a giant hand formed from the Soul annihilation lightning, it wasn’t sentient, but had a single-minded will to completely destroy the one facing the Tribulation.

Carrying an air of utter destruction, the hand of lightning grabbed at Bai Hua Fairy.

Bai Hua Fairy’s figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The lightning hand disappeared then reappeared together with her, grabbing Bai Hua Fairy.


Bai Hua Fairy suddenly turned into a cloud of spirit mist, squished by the lightning hand.

——-it was just her incarnation.

“I’ve never seen the Lightning Tribulation manifesting as shapes before” Bai Hua Fairy was standing at a secluded spot in the ruins, looking at the hand of lightning and said.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t only feel frightened as his heart was beating nonstop.

The lightning hand slightly stopped, slowly hovered into the air again.

A few seconds later, more and more dark red balls of lightning manifested.

These lightning quickly merged into the lightning hand again.

The lightning hand expanded, got bigger and bigger until it finally turned into a masculine arm.

Another ball of lightning gathered the red lightning around itself, turning into a long whip.

The arm grabbed the whip, striking with all its force at Bai Hua Fairy.


Bai Hua Fairy evaded in time as the whip left a deep mark on the ground.

But Bai Hua Fairy didn’t stop there, she was almost dancing around the ruins as she moved like a hundred phantom butterflies.

This was because when the whip struck, tiny arcs of red lightning were scattered all over the place.

Although these arcs were small, they still had the same power of a normal Soul annihilation lightning bolt.

No matter who it is, being struck by even a single arc could result in the instant destruction of both their body and soul.

Before the lightning was able to fully dissipate, the whip had already struck a second time.

Bai Hua Fairy jumped up again, dodging where the whip struck.

This time, the strike scattered even more arcs of lightning.

The arcs of lightning began to spread, forming an ever moving grid of unpredictable death, covering the entire area.