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World’s Best Martial Artist

Chapter 179: I Really Want To Do A Big One
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The southern area was not small. MCMAU’s land spanned 30 thousand mu; the southern area definitely exceeded 5000 mu.

It was a vast expanse of space with very few buildings. Unlike other parts of the university, there were none of the usual classroom blocks or dormitories.

Other than the coastline, which stretched as far as the eye could see, there were only a few scattered buildings in the southern area.

By this time, Lu Fengrou had arrived in front of a tall building. She turned her head towards Fang Ping and said, “This is the weapons forge!”

“Weapons forge?”

“Exactly. Did you really think that our alloy weapons all came from the weapon companies? If you did, you’re wrong. A huge amount of them is supplied by MCMAU itself.

“Weapons can be forged here and also mended.

“Of course, there is a limit to how much the university can do. They can only fulfill the needs of the students.”

There were not that many students in MCMAU, so the majority of alloy weapons were forged by MCMAU itself.

The students and instructors were part of this process.

Senior students from the School of Weaponry often completed their missions here.

“The School of Weaponry leads any battles while the School of Production safeguards the logistics.

“In the future, when you form a team to enter the Catacombs, it’s best if you bring along a student from the School of Production. They can help the students who are leading the battle to mend their weapons, as well as perform miscellaneous other tasks.”

Fang Ping nodded slightly. He stole a glance at the large building in front of him. So this was the Munitions Factory.

Lu Fengrou did not escort Fang Ping inside but continued walking onward.

Very soon, a second building emerged in front of Fang Ping.

Lu Fengrou commented once again, “Building No. 1 in front is for weapons production.

“Building No.2 is actually much more important!

“This is the Battle Simulation Room!”

Fang Ping’s expression once more betrayed his doubts. A Battle Simulation Room?

“In the Catacombs, almost all technological methods can’t be used.

“As a result, what mankind knows about the Catacombs is extremely limited.

“After so many years, mankind has only been able to figure out the terrain of certain Catacomb entrances, their military distribution, and the distribution of their fortresses…

“In this building, there are maps that show the terrain of 3 Catacomb entryways near Magic City.

“Of course, this is just scratching the surface of things. There seems to be no limit to the Catacombs. From our explorations to date, we’ve discovered one thing—that the Catacomb world is much more vast than our own!

“There are altogether 3 entrances to the Catacombs near MCMAU itself.

“Logically, with the speed of a powerhouse, going in through the entrance and coming out from the other is not a difficult thing.

“However, all our explorations up to this point have shown us that if you explore and search according to the direction of the terrain, will be almost impossible to reach the next entrance.

“This could be related to the fact that we have no way of doing an in-depth exploration. You must never assume that you will be able to go into the Catacombs via one entrance and come out from another. If you are attacked once you’re inside, I guarantee you will die.

“The Battle Simulation Room is mapped from a blueprint based on the topography of these 3 entrances and their distribution of military forces. This will help students from the School of Tactics and Strategy to simulate battle conditions.

“Sometimes in the Catacombs, cold weapon wars break out, just like those in olden times!

“Most of the School of Tactics and Strategy students serve as reserves for the military officers.

“When these students enter the Catacombs, most of them will follow a large unit. When necessary, they will take over the unit to command the battle should a military officer be killed!”

“I see,” Fang Ping said thoughtfully before adding all of a sudden, “Building No.1 is equipped for the School of Production while Building No. 2 is mainly for the School of Tactics and Strategy.

“Are our main strongholds for the School of Weaponry and School of Social Sciences here as well?”

Lu Fengrou sneered, “Of course the School of Weaponry has their own stronghold. Let’s put it this way: the School of Production wants to train logistic talents while the School of Tactics and Strategy wants to develop a system of frontline military officers.

“Our School of Weaponry is working on sharp blades for individual combat!

“As for the School of Social Sciences… most businessmen and politicians come from the School of Social Sciences. Why would they need a stronghold?

“That’s why there’s nothing equipped for the School of Social Sciences here.

“These places don’t really matter anyway. Once you are qualified, you can go to any of the schools.

“I can only say that the School of Social Sciences doesn’t have the expertise to be involved in actual operations.”

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Fang Ping had to agree with Lu Fengrou after some consideration. The School of Social Science had no need for a stronghold.

Very soon, both of them came to Building No.3.

“This is a cultivation center.”

Lu Fengrou pointed at Building No.3 and said, “To give you a better idea—this is a stronghold for the School of Weaponry students.

“There are all kinds of combat techniques to be found here! Middle-ranked ones, upper-ranked ones, and even mental combat techniques designed by Grandmasters…”

“This is the Hidden Technique Building?” The words slipped from Fang Ping’s mouth before he could stop them.

“Let me finish!” Lu Fengrou interrupted. She then continued, “Combat techniques are actually just a way of using Vitality. It is not very important to us.

“The goal of any combat technique is to channel a higher burst of lethality.

“There’s no need to learn all the techniques. Also, it does not mean that the higher the rank, the better the technique. That’s why combat techniques are not the main focus of this building.

“The most important is the Energy Room!”

“Energy Room?”

“Yes, its source of power comes from mining energy. By releasing energy, martial artists can get used to the environment in the Catacombs.

“That is not the main point, however. The main point is that the energy derived from such mining can stimulate the Vitality flow of martial artists, enhancing recovery speed.

“This is why inside the Catacombs, martial artists are equipped with higher combat endurance ability compared to when they are outside!

“Certain locations have richer energy, thus martial artists can replenish their Vitality very quickly and proceed to battle. This is another point where martial artists in the Catacombs have a slight edge over normal people.

“Moreover, martial artists’ cultivation speed can also be increased. This is one of the reasons why so many students can achieve breakthrough very quickly at the university.”

When Fang Ping heard those words, he asked curiously, “If that’s the case, martial artists who cultivate in the Catacombs can actually advance faster?”

“Indeed, that’s the case.

“However, the Catacombs are too dangerous. Who would want to cultivate in there all the time?

“Besides, there is no way to enter on a mass scale. Even so, some individuals hide in the Catacombs to cultivate.

“Don’t think that this is a good thing. Danger lurks in every corner of the Catacombs. Even eating is a problem. Besides, the external energy sources are not strong enough. Even if cultivation might be slightly faster, there are still limits. It would be better to consume pills and cultivate on the surface world.”

“On our side…”

“The Energy Room here in MCMAU releases even more energy. Of course, this requires credits. It’s an hourly rate of 10 credits per hour.”

Fang Ping was rendered speechless. This was daylight robbery!

“Besides the Combat Techniques Room and Energy Room which are in building No.3, there are also other cultivation rooms. For example, the Gravity room, the Vitality Pool…”

Fang Ping could understand the concept of a Gravity Room. However, he was curious about the Vitality Pool and asked, “What is a Vitality Pool?”

“It has nothing to do with you. That concerns the middle-ranked martial artists.

“For now, do you know the cultivation direction of a middle-ranked martial artist?”

Fang Ping was speechless. How would he know if his instructor did not tell him?

The university was still teaching the most basic form of cultivation direction, focusing mainly on the lower three ranks.

If the instructors did not touch on it, Fang Ping really would not have any idea about the cultivation direction for middle-ranked martial artists.

“Honing the skull?”

There were 206 bones in the human body, with 29 bones in the skull. This was not an area which the lower three ranks martial artists cultivated.

Lu Fengrou shook her head. “No. Middle three rank martial artists cultivate the internal organs!”

“The vital organs?”

“Yes, bone-honing in the lower three ranks is just laying the foundation.

“Actually, there are far too many flaws in lower three rank martial artists, especially with regards to the internal organs. Internal bleeding is a very common phenomenon in martial artists when they fight.

“However, it is not the case with middle three rank martial artists. They cultivate their vital organs.

“They cultivate the internal and external parts of their bodies to the point that they are rock solid. It doesn’t take much imagination to see that middle three rank martial artists are much stronger in striking ability, defensive ability, and outbursts than any of the lower three ranks martial artists.

“Once cultivation gets to Peak Rank-6, one can say that the human body has reached its limit.

Martial artists of this rank are said to be virtually indestructible and immune to poison.

“Even if Peak Rank-6 martial artists die, their bodies will be like the legendary bodhisattva—their bodies never decay.

“Of course, their brains will decay.

“As for cultivation of the skull, it is actually meant for the upper three ranks. This is the time when the human body is truly reaching its peak.

“The entire body is flawless, the physical body has been perfected!

“Muscles, bones, skin, and vital organs have all been honed to maximum capacity.

“Grandmaster powerhouses are considered to be the living Golden Lohan. Technology-based weapons are no threat to them. That is unless a powerful cannonball strikes them head-on, only then can they be injured.

“The skull, brain, and mentality are the Grandmasters’ cultivation direction. You do not need to know the specific ways to cultivate them or the ways to differentiate Ranks 7, 8, and 9. That is still too far away!”

This was the first time that Lu Fengrou had elaborated on the overall direction and tendencies of martial artists’ cultivation to Fang Ping

, starting from the bone-honing of the lower three ranks, moving on to the internal cultivation of the middle three ranks, and finally to the completion of the body of the upper three ranks. They had gone through a real-life transition.

Fang Ping exhaled and asked in a small voice, “Are Grandmaster powerhouses not considered human anymore since they have completed their internal and external transition?”

Fang Ping could already tell that the lower three ranks martial artists were different from ordinary people.

The bones that they were honing were gradually turning the color of light jade and were not pale white like ordinary bones

Fang Ping could imagine that the bones of Grandmaster powerhouses were no different from the boddhisatva’s legendary golden body—not just the bones but every part of their physical bodies and internal organs.

“Human?” Lu Fengrou said lightly, “If you regard yourself as human, then you will be human forever!

“If you don’t regard yourself as human, even though you have the appearance of one, you are not.

“Are we the same species as foreigners?

“They look odd, yet you treat them as human. They treat themselves as human. Ergo, we’re all human, the same species.

“If you don’t treat them as human, and even they don’t view themselves as human, then we’re not the same species.

“Differentiating between species is just that simple!

“Some people treat their dogs as their children, therefore the dog is their child. They treat their dogs better than they treat humans. Would you make a distinction about whether a human or a dog is more important?”

Fang Ping did not know how to respond. However, he recovered his composure quickly and ventured with some embarrassment, “Instructor, I was asking about the Vitality Pool…”

He really had not asked about much, but Old Lu did know how to expound on a topic at length.

“Idiot!” Lu Fengrou scolded him. In irritation, she continued, “I’ve already said that middle three rank martial artists hone the internal organs and that it’s very risky as well as challenging.

“The Vitality Pool was built for middle three rank martial artists.

“Simply put, a huge amount of Vitality Pills is turned into liquid, which creates the Vitality Pool. When martial artists cultivate in the Vitality Pool, they can replenish their Vitality at any time. It is also slightly gentler…”

“That’s nasty!”

Fang Ping inadvertently thought about bathhouses—the public kind with water that was dirty enough it had to be changed.

How nasty!

With so many people cultivating in the Pool, what if someone urinated in it?

If anyone accidentally drank some of the water, it would be extremely disgusting.

Lu Fengrou’s expression turned dark and she snapped, “Do you think that the Vitality Pool is a big pool of water? That is just what it’s called. Vitality Pools are only for individual use.”

“Oh, I could just buy some Vitality Pills, melt it in the water and use it to take a bath,” Fang Ping suggested light-heartedly.

“Idiot!” Lu Fengrou reprimanded once again, her expression darkening even further, “If you melt Vitality Pills in water, their power of Vitality will drain very rapidly!

“The Vitality Pool is different because its Vitality won’t drain away like that!”

“Is that true? Instructor, what are the ingredients of the Vitality Pill? How is it they can be turned into Vitality…”

“Part of the auxiliary ingredients include some Vitality-replenishing herbs. Of course, the active ingredient is not a herb.”

“And the active ingredient is…” Fang Ping pressed.

“Why are you asking about this? Are you planning to produce pills? Don’t bother thinking about it.”

Lu Fengrou did not give him an answer nor explain why the power of Vitality in Vitality Pools would not drain away.

Fang Ping wanted to ask more, but Lu Fengrou had started forward again.

The prior 3 buildings had been eye-opening for Fang Ping.

When he realized what building No.4 was for, he felt an impulse to rob the place.

“This is the Resources Storage Building. It includes various pills, ready-made weapons, as well as a few valuable energy-mines. Everything is in here.

“The logistics department is only a temporary storage place.

“They mainly supply to Rank-1 and 2 students for cultivation.

“The really high-ranked vitality pills are all here, including the instructors’ cultivation resources.”

Fang Ping was already seeing dollar signs before his eyes. What a lot of money this would amount to!

He had already felt like robbing the logistics department, what more this place which even supplied thousands of middle to high-ranked instructors for cultivation! If he could just grab a handful, he would not need to worry about resources for the rest of his life!

Lu Fengrou noticed the gleam in Fang Ping’s eyes and said off-handedly, “This place utilizes the world’s most technologically advanced anti-theft facilities. Even the walls and floors are made out of alloy.

“Also, a Grandmaster from the university is here on duty all the time.

“You’re welcome to try and rob the place. I have no comments on that.”

Fang Ping gave a hollow laugh and said, “I wouldn’t dare. I just wanted to go in and admire it for a while…”

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“Stop dreaming, you’re only allowed to look at it.” Lu Fengrou’s words came as a great blow to Fang Ping.

They continued walking. By now, they could see a few tiny buildings scattered around both sides of the road.

“There are instructors and students staying here too. If you want to, you can move here once you have achieved middle rank.

“It is more peaceful here; no one will bother you.

“However, I still prefer the area at the Haven. The instructors and students here are heartless. You could go for a whole month without anyone speaking to you.”

It was rare to hear Lu Fengrou complain, and it was obvious that she thought the people here were very boring.

If you did not take the initiative to speak to anyone, the instructors and students here could ignore you for months.

This was the case with Fang Ping and Lu Fengrou. They had been walking around for half a day already, yet everyone ignored them.

After a time, they came to the side of the final building.

Lu Fengrou said, “This is the entrance that connects MCMAU to the Catacombs. Go down from here and walk for about 5 kilometers and you will come to the entrance of the Catacombs.

The MCMAU students who want to go to the Catacombs can use other passageways or they can go from here.

“The main reason for the existence of the passageways is so people can escape…”

“Escape?” Once again, Fang Ping was confused.

“There are plenty of people from the Military Department stationed at the MCMAU entrance to the Catacombs. This passageway is built with alloy, all 5 kilometers of it!

“It is to prevent uprisings in the Catacombs. Other passageways collapsed in the past and people were trapped.

“Therefore, a passageway like this was opened up. There are also people from the Military Department stationed here as guards.

“Unless absolutely necessary, we normally will not take this way. Getting clearance is slightly more troublesome because of fears that someone might cause damage.”

“5 kilometers. All of them alloy… What class is it?”


Fang Ping gulped. He really wanted to rob this place!

5 kilometers passageway full of D-class alloy. How much D-class alloy was contained in here?

This sort of alloy went for 20 credits per kilogram!

It was hard for Fang Ping to imagine how many weapons could be created once all the alloy from this passageway was removed.

Lu Fengrou continued, “Actually, the vice-chancellor held his ground against the majority and insisted on building this.

“That year, Donglin’s entrance to the Catacombs collapsed. Tens of thousands of people from the Military Department were trapped inside. In the end, they all died tragically, completely massacred by the creatures in the Catacombs!

“Middle and high-ranked martial artists do not really need an escape route like this. However, it’s still necessary for ordinary people and lower three rank martial artists.

“The vice-chancellor thinks that people’s lives are more important than money.

“At the very least, the normal military personnel from the Military Department will have a hope of surviving. They don’t deserve to die for nothing.

Fang Ping nodded. His thoughts were starting to drift.

“I’ve brought you here this time so you can take a look at things. If you want to come here again you can come on your own.

“The main place you need to visit is the Battle Simulation Room. You need to at least memorize the topography map of the nearby Catacomb entrances underneath Magic City!”

“If you lose your direction in the Catacombs… you will have zero chances of survival.”

Getting lost in the Catacombs was no different from being dead. There were unfortunate souls like that every year.

Fang Ping made a sour face and said despondently, “Instructor, I always get lost and I don’t have a sense of direction…”

This was the truth; he really had no sense of direction.

When the sun went down, he had difficulty identifying the four cardinal points.

Lu Fengrou replied sternly, “You must put in extra effort then. I warn you, if you get lost in the Catacombs, you are finished. Even I can’t save you!

“Or else, you can enter the Catacombs with a group and follow them.

“In any case, if you cannot remember this, your chances of dying are higher than anyone else’s!”

“This…” Fang Ping’s expression was bitter as he muttered, “I think it’s necessary to invent a GPS and mapping system for the Catacombs.”

“Haha, you can try.”

Lu Fengrou did not wait for him to respond. She turned and said, “Today I’ve brought you here to take a look. Other matters, you can take care of yourself. I’ll be leaving now if there’s nothing else.”


After Lu Fengrou had left, Fang Ping stole a glance at Building No. 4 once more. That was the Resources Storage Building!

He really wanted to organize a grand sale!

However, when he remembered that there were Grandmasters there, alongside high-tech weapons, Fang Ping was forced to banish the thought.

“Sigh, it can only be appreciated from a distance but not played around with…”

Fang Ping heaved a long sigh, feeling despondent and slightly dispirited. He did not even have the mood for looking at maps anymore. He could not enter the Catacombs right now anyway.