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6 Times a Day

Chapter 171 First Meeting - Brenda
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It turned out the environment for the card game in the Plummer house didn't stay female only. After Susan, Suzanne, and Brenda had played poker for a couple of hours, Alan came home from school. He went straight to the kitchen to get himself a snack. From there, he could easily check out Brenda sitting at the dining room table, since the dining room was only separated from the kitchen by the kitchen counter. Her visual impact on Alan was just what Suzanne had expected. Her unbelievably large tits were something new to him, and he couldn't help but linger while trying to grasp how really big she was up top.

Brenda was doubly-cursed, or blessed, depending on one's perspective. Not only did she have gargantuan tits, but she also had long, pointy nipples that seemingly could poke through anything. She wore the thickest bras she could find, but even they seldom hid her nipples. There was almost nothing she could wear, not even a loose sweater, in which her 'points' (as she called them) didn't make themselves aggressively visible.

And that was when her nipples weren't erect. As Brenda complained to them later, one of her biggest problems with them was that everyone who saw her assumed she was constantly aroused with erect nipples, when in fact that was their normal state. It didn't help that she lived in warm and sunny Southern California, where there was rarely any need to even wear a sweater and it was awkward to dress in layers.

But still she did her best to always cover her chest. For instance, on this day she'd worn a thick, high-collared shirt and business jacket not just because of her perception of Susan's prudish sensibility, but also to hide her nipples.

Nonetheless, Alan's eyes were drawn to her tits and nipples like a magnet. Enough time had elapsed from his adventure with Ms. Rhymer for him to get quickly aroused again. He thought, Dang, it's like she's hiding two beach balls under there. This is where it's at. Mature, curvy, sexually experienced women. Sweetness!

Brenda was lucky she also had a very pretty face, or she would almost never have been able to make eye contact with anyone of either sex.

However, Alan had a hard time getting to peek at Brenda, because he found her staring at him much of the time while he puttered around the kitchen. That puzzled him.

The explanation was that Suzanne figured if she wanted to join in the sexual fun that she envisioned in the long-term future, she needed a lure, and Alan was the obvious one, since Brenda was a self-proclaimed heterosexual. Suzanne felt that if she was going to hype him for Brenda, she needed to start from the beginning and stay consistent about it. Luckily, she already was hyping him to the skies for Susan, so she continued to do so with Brenda there too. Since Susan already believed the hype to a great degree, she was reinforcing Suzanne's hype, and in a very sincere and guileless manner.

As a result, Brenda was extremely curious about Alan, even before she had a chance to formally meet him. According to Suzanne and Susan, he was some kind of sexual superman, with an extremely long and thick penis, endless stamina, and the ability to take women to inconceivable heights of pleasure. Actually, that was far from the truth, although Suzanne hoped that with time and training he could go far towards making the hype come true. But because Susan and Suzanne appeared to believe it was true, Brenda tended to assume that it had to be true too. She had no reason to suspect they would be dishonest about this, since she couldn't see a motivation for such a deception.

Once Alan selected a granola bar to eat and poured himself a glass of orange juice, Suzanne stood up at the table, and said, "Hey, Sweetie, what are you doing over there? Can't you see we've got a new guest? Put your snack down for a minute and come introduce yourself."

He wasn't happy to hear that, because even from across the room, there was no denying the incredible, and incredibly voluptuous, beauty of the three women at the table. As a result, he'd gotten a raging erection, and he didn't see how his shorts could hide it if he had to walk over there. But he didn't see how he could get out of such a common courtesy, so he smiled and walked over to the dining room table.

He'd carefully adjusted his package behind the kitchen counter before starting to walk. But it only took him a few steps before his erection sprang free from its trapped position. The result was an extremely prominent bulge in his shorts. He decided his best defense was a good offense, hopefully creating enough of a distraction so Brenda wouldn't notice. So he walked boldly right towards her with a hand out. "Hi there. My name is Alan. Nice to meet you." He smiled and made eye contact.

"Hi, I'm Brenda." She stood up and shook his hand, and tried to maintain eye contact too. However, his shorts were tenting so outrageously that she couldn't help but glance at it several times, even though she knew he'd notice her doing so.

Suzanne stood between Alan and Brenda and put her hand on the backs of both of them. "Alan, Sweetie, Brenda has been an acquaintance of both your mom and me for some time now. The three of us have decided to start a new tradition. We're going to play cards every Wednesday."

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"That's nice." After his initial bravado, he was having trouble maintaining his confident front. He was particularly unsettled by the way Brenda was looking him over, and especially repeatedly looking at his crotch. He was dying with shame on the inside at his bulge, but he didn't know what he could do about it.

Susan had stood up too. She couldn't resist the opportunity to boast a little about one of her children. "My son! Brenda, I'm so proud of him. He gets top marks in school, and he's just the nicest, most wonderful son any parent could want."

Suzanne added with a sly grin, "And he's a real lady killer. It's incredible. He's only eighteen, and yet you should see some of the gorgeous older women he's dating. And so many! It's like he's practically got his own personal harem."

Susan frowned in confusion at Suzanne, because she knew that wasn't true. In fact, he wasn't really dating anyone at all.

Luckily, Suzanne knew Susan so well that she was able to give her a look that said "Just roll with it, I'll explain later." Suzanne was able to do that because Brenda was still giving Alan a long and very curious look, so she wasn't paying any attention to Susan or Suzanne.

Alan was confused by Suzanne's comments as well, but Suzanne gave him a similar look, which also went unnoticed by Brenda.

As a result, when Brenda asked him, "Is that really true?" he was able to reply with apparent modesty, "Well, I don't know about all that. But I guess I do okay with the ladies."

Suzanne snorted, as if incredulous at his understatement. "I'll say! Brenda, you'd better let go of his hand, before you find yourself under his spell."

Alan had been careful to only look her in the eyes while she was looking at her, but with Suzanne's flattering comments, such as calling him a "lady killer," he was able to get in a few quick looks at her body. Even with the way she was thoroughly covered up, he couldn't help but notice how endowed she was. He made particular note of the way her nipples were visibly poking through her clothes.

He thought, Wow! What's up with that?! Does that mean her nipples are erect, just from shaking my hand?! (In fact, they were, due to Suzanne's hype and Brenda's very low threshold for getting aroused. But her nipples would have been tenting her clothes at least somewhat anyway, due to her unusually long nipples.)

Man, I can totally picture her naked, thanks to those "headlights" pointing the way! Even with her all dressed up like that, I can tell she's seriously stacked, and a stone cold fox! No way would I have a chance with her though. I remember hearing that she's married, and a multi-millionaire or something crazy like that. Great eye candy, though!

Brenda realized she'd been holding his hand for an unusually long time, and suddenly let go of it like she'd just been burned by a hot stove.

Alan didn't understand what was happening, nor did he know what to say. He chuckled nervously, and commented, "Yeah, right. Anyway, Brenda, it's nice to meet you. I'm thirsty and starving, so I'm going to go back to my snack."

She nodded. "Nice to meet you too."

He turned and walked back to the kitchen. It wasn't far to go, but he was greatly relieved. Just by turning around, he was able to hide the bulge in his shorts from Brenda's curious gaze.

Brenda didn't know what to think about Alan. She guessed that his sexual prowess must have been exaggerated due to some weird sense of pride by both Susan and Suzanne. But the hype had an effect, because her heart was racing just from meeting him and shaking his hand.

Once she thought he was out of hearing range in the kitchen, she sat back down and whispered to Susan and Suzanne, "Is he really all that with women?"

Suzanne nodded with a very earnest expression. She whispered back, "He is. Did you see his aroused condition?"

Brenda whispered, "How could I not?! Is he like that all the time?"

Suzanne nodded again. "Pretty much. It's incredible. You wouldn't believe how many times he cums a day."

Susan quietly hissed, "Suzanne, please! That's not the kind of thing proper people discuss."

Brenda complained, "I agree completely. Besides, how the heck would you know that?"

Suzanne replied, "Sorry, but I'm hoping and assuming that these card games will become a weekly tradition, and if you're going to be here a lot, you need to be aware, because it'll probably impact you one way or another. If he was a genius or mentally challenged or highly allergic or what have you, I'd let you know that as well. As far as how I know, Susan and I talk every day and we share just about everything. Let's just say she's incredulous at how often she has to clean his sheets."

Susan looked abashed. "You didn't have to tell Brenda that."

Suzanne responded, "I had to say something, or she'd think we're weird. Besides, she asked if he really is 'all that.' And you do have to admit that if his penis isn't erect, it's because he probably just had yet another orgasm. Brenda, believe you me, this is a topic I would much prefer to skip. But it's just an unavoidable reality around here. You have no reason to be alarmed. He's very polite and not the type to try to make a move on you. It's just that, well, he's pretty much always aroused, and it's hard for him to hide the evidence of that. So please, don't be alarmed or offended if, to be frank, you see that he's got an erection nearly all the time."

Brenda said, "I get it. He's an eighteen year old guy. They're horny all the time. But that doesn't make him any different from other guys his age, right?"

Suzanne raised an eyebrow. "You have no idea. Brenda, I've told you about Brad, my son who is the same age as Alan. Compared to Brad, Alan is like some kind of human sex machine!" She said this like she was concerned for Alan, not boasting.

Susan frowned. "Well, that may be true, and I don't doubt it is, but still, let's not air all our dirty laundry in front of our guest. Where I come from, people don't talk about such things. Can we please stop whispering and get back to the game?"

Suzanne resumed her normal voice. "Fine. Who's turn to deal is it?"

They went back to playing poker.

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Brenda didn't know what to think of such revelations about Alan. It seemed that the other two were trying to warn her and prepare her, not hype him, so she figured it was understandable and acceptable. (In fact, it was all hype, just of a more subtle and clever kind.)

Alan went upstairs to his room to take a nap after consuming his granola bar and guzzling down his orange juice in less than a minute. But he certainly hadn't failed to notice how buxom Brenda was. Before falling asleep, he masturbated to fantasies of Susan, Suzanne, and Brenda together in bed with him.

The three buxom women had a grand time playing cards. They all got quite tipsy and giggly.

To Brenda's surprise, she was disappointed that Alan had gone upstairs so quickly. She found that feeling very atypical and odd. She felt a strong desire to make a good impression on him, which she couldn't do if he wasn't there.

Brenda got easily annoyed at men who ogled her chest, and fully expected to get angry at Alan. But she also found it strange that in the brief time Alan had talked to her, he had maintained eye contact with her nearly the entire time, and never looked down at her chest. In fact, she'd noticed the only blatant ogling he'd done was aimed at the sizable racks of Susan and Suzanne.

In fact, Alan had been extremely careful not to noticeably ogle Brenda's tremendous bust because he figured he was already in hot water due to his obvious bulge in his shorts, and he didn't want to get in any more trouble.

But, luckily, Brenda didn't know that. She was chagrined to find that, although she usually fought to be ignored, now she craved more attention from him.

Being ignored, even in a minor way, was something she was completely unfamiliar with because she'd never had serious female competition like these women in her life. Somehow, that drew her closer to them. It was like she'd finally discovered the "impossibly gorgeous women club" and wanted to be a member. It was both a chance for her to be treated relatively normally, for once, and also latch onto an entirely new group of fun-loving friends after going through a painful time with her divorce.

Shortly after Alan went upstairs, Katherine also came home. Naturally, she was soon introduced to Brenda as well. Since she hadn't been hyped up like Alan had been, they made some small talk without incident.

Then Katherine was asked if she wanted to join in. The plan was still to play bridge, if not this week then on some other week in the near future, and one needed a fourth for that. Katherine was flattered that she was being treated as one of the grown-ups, and she agreed. However, she didn't know how to play bridge, so the four of them continued to play poker.

Katherine and Brenda got along well. Katherine was mildly jealous at the enormous size of Brenda's breasts, but since Brenda was dressed so very conservatively, that wasn't much of an issue, and it was easy to forget.

By the end of their day together, it felt like the three older women had become good friends. Even Susan, who was initially reluctant about getting to know Brenda better, looked forward with anticipation to another round of cards the next week. Katherine was late to join in, and she didn't play long before Brenda had to go, but she fit in nicely as well.

Suzanne was pleased at how the card game had gone. She still wasn't sure where she wanted this scheme with Brenda to go, or why she'd arranged it, exactly. She had the vague vision of herself in the middle of an orgy, getting fucked by Alan at one end while sucking on Brenda's tits at the other. But she had a long way to go before she could hope to make that a reality. Among other things, she'd heard Brenda make a derisive comment about lesbianism at the party at which Suzanne had concocted the scheme. But Suzanne considered that to be merely a challenge, and she loved a good challenge.


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