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6 Times a Day

Chapter 200 Sexy Almost Naked Cheerleading....!
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Meanwhile, Alan's time at school passed surprisingly uneventfully. For his first three periods, he started to get very excited about his plans to masturbate in Ms. Rhymer's classroom during lunch, hopefully with her watching like she had the previous time. But Christine sat next to him for all three of those periods, and she noticed him behaving even more oddly than he had been in recent days. So he had to force himself to look and act normally, even though he was bursting with anticipation on the inside.

Just as he had the day before, he was sporting a huge hard-on when he walked into Ms. Rhymer's fourth-period history class. And just like yesterday, he had to hold a textbook strategically over his crotch to hide that fact. He was looking forward to more sexy staring between him and his teacher, which would hopefully lead up to a very steamy lunch period.

But as soon as he walked in, she waved him over. Once she had him one-on-one, she muttered to him angrily, "Your plans for an extra credit session during lunch? Consider them cancelled!"

He was shocked, and he showed it. He quietly stammered, "Bu-bu-but..."

She glared at him. "You're in big trouble, young man! Meet me after school and we'll talk about it. As for lunch, why don't you try to spend it actually eating lunch, for once? Do you think you can handle that?"

Now, he was shocked and hurt. He had no idea that Mr. Jackson had talked to her the day before and told her about catching him in the closet with Kim, so he was completely confused by Ms. Rhymer's sudden about-face. He nodded, and muttered, "Okay, I'll see you after school."

He went to his seat, his penis having gone flaccid in a couple of seconds.

For the rest of the class, Ms. Rhymer seemed to go out of her way not to even look at him. This made him even more confused than before. As a result, he wasn't aroused or erect in the slightest.

When class ended, he lingered to see if she wanted to say anything more to him, but she continued to ignore him. So he walked out with the last few students.

As a result, for the first time in what seemed like ages but was actually only a few days, nothing special happened to him during lunch. He'd had big plans with Ms. Rhymer that were shattered, and although he ate with his friends Sean and Peter, he remained glum.

— — —

In Katherine's cheerleading practice during the last period of school, her painting scheme was finally exposed. And it occurred on its last day, too, since Alan had pronounced it was too risky for him to continue painting them, now that they couldn't use the supply closet. The exposure, when it came, was due to a combination of Kim's carelessness and the fact that Alan hadn't touched up her paint job.

As the six cheerleaders stood around on their practice field to warm up and get ready for practice to begin, Kim bent down to get something out of her supply bag. In doing so, she bent from the waist and completely exposed her ass to her fellow cheerleader Joy.

A number of small gaps and missing patches in the paint job made the situation obvious, causing Joy's mouth to fall open. Without thinking, Joy said out loud, "Kim! Your panties... They're painted on!"

Kim immediately straightened up, but the damage was done.

Janice, the only other person truly surprised, said in confusion, "Joy, what are you talking about? Kim, what is she talking about?"

"I just saw... her..." Joy stammered. "Her panties, they're like, made out of paint!"

Heather moved closer, trying to rush to Kim's rescue. "Now, now, what's the big deal? Who cares if her panties are painted-on? What's the big deal?"

Heather was pissed off that their secret had been exposed, because she'd hoped to take Kim into the girl's locker room and get involved in a sixty-nine under the excuse of another "muscle cramp," just like she'd done with Katherine the day before. She was disappointed that she couldn't use the painted panties as an excuse for playing with another of her cheerleaders.

"'What's the big deal'?!" a still incredulous Joy asked Heather. "I would expect that you, of all people, would be having a conniption fit. Or you, Katherine! After all, today's a game day, and you can totally see that she's not wearing real underwear!"

It actually wasn't that obvious, but the game did pose a problem for Kim's now-spotty paint job.

Amy, surprisingly, came to the rescue. She already knew that at least four of the six cheerleaders, Heather, Katherine, Kim, and herself, didn't have a problem with it. "I think it's sexy!" she said. "What does everyone else think? Do they think it's sexy, or do they not like it?"

"I think it's sexy too," Katherine immediately added, pretending not to know what was going on while trying to help Kim.

"So do I," said Heather, also pretending to be clueless. "As head cheerleader, I give my approval."

"Well, I think it's out of control," said Joy.

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All eyes turned to Janice, who appeared to be undecided.

"Can I... take a look?" Janice asked. "I want to see how obvious it is."

Kim bent over, and quickly flashed the others her painted butt.

Janice asked, "What's it look like in the front?"

More reluctantly, Kim turned around, and held up her skirt so the other five could stare at her painted and shaved pussy. Her face was beet red and she was too shy to speak.

"What on earth did you do it for?" Janice asked.

"It's not like I wanted to," she lied. "I... lost a bet. It's just for today and then it's over!"

Janice answered, "I have to admit - it IS pretty sexy. Are you really planning to go to the game like that?"

"Yeah," Kim admitted as she blushed even more. "I mean, what's my choice?"

"I think it's fine," Heather said again, resolutely. "What do you think, Janice?" she asked. "Do you think Kim should remove the paint before the game?"

"Hey, if she wants to go like that, that's her own get out. Like I said, I think it's pretty sexy. I just can't imagine in a million years that I would ever do something like that."

"What about you?" Heather asked Joy.

Joy stood farther back from Heather, still staring open-mouthed at Kim. After a pause, she said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but ... if everyone else is cool with it, then I'm cool with it. I don't want to be a party-pooper. And it is pretty exciting. But no way would I ever do that, either!"

"All right, we're all agreed," Heather pressed on. "We'll allow it, but only if everyone here agrees not to tell a single soul. Can we all agree to that?"

Everyone nodded.

Heather figured that now that the cat was out of the bag, she might as well go all the way. She started to make up a story off the top of her head that would allow her to gain more control over the others. "It's really no big deal, and I should know, 'cos I've had to do it myself, before I was head cheerleader."

"Really? Wow!" said a wide-eyed Amy.

"Yes. It's a common punishment head cheerleaders give their cheerleaders who don't behave. In fact, the bet that Kim is talking about, what she really means is that she made a very serious error, which confidentiality prevents me from mentioning the details of. I warned her that unless her behavior changed, she would get this punishment. She didn't, so here she is. In fact, she's not the only one. At the same time, I'm punishing Katherine for another serious offense."

There was a gasp from Joy and Janice.

"Katherine, you want to show them?" Heather asked.

Now it was Katherine's turn to blush furiously. She turned around and briefly exposed her butt. "I'm... shaved in front too," she said very quietly.

"Heather, you can't give out punishments like that!" said an aghast Joy. "If that happened to me... I think I would die of shame!"

"I can and I will!" Heather said sternly. "If anyone here tells a single other soul, even your best friend or sister or whoever, then whoever tells will have this as their punishment. If someone tells and I can't find out who, then you all will have to be painted and go to a game that way. Does anyone want to challenge me about this?"

There was complete silence. No one ever wanted to oppose Heather openly.

"No? Then good!" Heather reveled in her newly-confirmed power over the other cheerleaders.

"All right, then. Katherine, you take Kim back to the lockers and get her paint job touched up, if you can. You know who to get help from." By this time Heather had figured out that Katherine's brother probably was the painter, so she was careful to refer to him obliquely. "Come back and rejoin practice when you're done, and have Kim come back and rejoin practice as soon as she's dry. Now, run along."

The two of them started to scamper off, but Heather had a new idea and stopped them. "Wait! Stay here for a sec."

"It's not as big a deal as it appears, girls," Heather realized that she might have gone too far in frightening her squad, judging from their panicked faces. Even easy-going Amy seemed panicky at the prospect of being painted and then getting found out by the crowd.

Heather continued, "The fact of the matter is, this happens all the time, in total secrecy of course. The only people who can possibly find out are the other cheerleaders, because everyone else is too far away to see clearly. Do you know, over the years, how many times this has happened to girls on our squad? Lots. Hardly anyone knows just how many, 'cos no one ever finds out. It's a head cheerleader secret."

She looked around with an intense stare. "The truth is, Katherine and Kim have actually been like that all week, and none of you suspected a thing!"

All eyes went to Katherine, who suddenly looked very sheepish and embarrassed.

Janice laughed. "No wonder Katherine said she was fine with it!"

Heather continued, "I don't know why Kim had such a bad paint job today, but if she hadn't you still would never have noticed. So don't worry about those two during the game today. This is the last day of their punishment."

That relieved the others a lot, even as they were shocked to find out that both girls had been like that for a week without them noticing. But the others were still intensely curious about it all, and especially keen to see what would happen during the game.

"Okay," Heather went on, "since that's all settled, I must say I'm still curious about this paint job. I want a closer look to see just what the problem is. Kim, can you lean up against that chain link fence over there?"

Kim nervously walked to the fence and wondered what new deviltry Heather had in mind.

Heather commanded, "All right, lean up against the fence. Higher. Stick your butt out further, so we can get a clear view. And don't get all prudish about a little nudity, because we all see each other naked in the showers."

Kim protested, "But we're outside!"

"Bah. We're practically miles from anyone else. It'll be fine."

Kim was forced to bend over and place her butt at an obscene angle, so much so that it was actually higher than her head.

"That's better," Heather continued. "Everybody gather round. This damn skirt keeps getting in the way." Heather had purposely let Kim's skirt fall over her hands twice to make it seem like an obstruction, when in fact it was not. "This damn stupid skirt. Better just take it off."

In one fell swoop, Heather pulled Kim's skirt down until it hit the ground. "That's better," she said as she suppressed a snicker.

"NoooOOOooo!" cried Kim. "I'm naked! The football players will see!"

Football practice took place not far away on the other side of the fence. Even though it looked like Kim wore panties, to Kim it felt like she was totally nude.

"No you're not," chided Heather. "Remember, nobody thinks you're naked unless they can see you up close. That's why I pulled your skirt off, to make a point. Look - the football players aren't taking any notice at all."

It was true; the football players were busy running plays. But even if they thought the paint job was real underwear, the sight of all the cheerleaders gathered around one person, staring at a skirtless crotch, was bound to bring lots of attention as soon as any of the boys noticed. Heather didn't care much though; she loved living dangerously.

Kim was silent, hoping that a lack of discussion would hurry things up.

Heather put her hands on Kim's butt and peered at Kim's ass closely. "Everybody take a close look. The pussy lips were painted originally, but now they're not. You can see her pink fleshy lips if you're paying attention. That's bad."

The other cheerleaders couldn't help but gather closely and stare, like passersby gazing at a car wreck.

"Heather, please stop this, I beg you!" cried Kim. "I'll do anything; just let me go! I'm so embarrassed. I think I'm going to cry!"

Heather reluctantly let Kim go, mostly because she didn't want to have the other cheerleaders, especially Joy and Janice, freak out too much.

Kim was allowed to put her skirt back on. She walked off to the locker room with Katherine. The whole incident had taken less than a minute, and luckily none of the football players had noticed anything odd.

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Katherine, meanwhile, had no idea how she was supposed to touch up Kim's paint job.

As the two of them walked to the locker room, Katherine complained, "It's a real shame that Joy noticed. I can't believe Heather ratted me out too! And pretty much exposed my brother in the bargain, though at least she didn't mention his name. I'm gonna have to get her for that. Anyway, I think she's right about one thing: our only choice now is to find Alan and fix your patchy paint job. He should be playing tennis right now. You stay here in the lockers and I'll come back with him on the double."

"Thanks," was all Kim could say. She was very emotional, still on the verge of tears.

Katherine tried her best to reassure her new friend, giving her a supporting hug as they kept on walking. "Don't worry; I'm sure it'll be fine. No way will any of the others ever tell with that threat of a punishment. Heather sure gave a convincing story. And I thought your paint job was good enough. Anyway, I'll be back soon."

Katherine was able to get Alan out of tennis with the excuse of a family emergency. Ever resourceful, he had kept a brush and some of the paint in his locker in case of emergencies, so he went to get it.

He quickly painted Kim in the big shower stall of the girl's locker room, where he most certainly wasn't supposed to be. It was also the same spot where Katherine, Heather, and Amy had played with each other just the day before.

He wondered what would happen if another girl came into the locker room while he was there, but it seemed that neither of the girls wanted to even consider that possibility.

Kim's fright made it more difficult to paint her labia. It took him a few minutes of fingering her pussy lips to get them puffed up enough for him to paint properly. He had to first calm her down with soothing words, and then talk nasty to get her aroused.

Katherine, meanwhile, stood guard.

He returned to class as quickly as he could. One couldn't see the tennis courts from the cheerleader's practice area, but the other cheerleaders who didn't already know Alan's role had seen Katherine head toward those courts and return with Alan. That gave them an obvious reason to believe that Alan was the painter of the faux underwear.

Back on the practice field, Kim and Katherine felt very self-conscious as they did their exercises. The other girls were still somewhat shocked, and frequently looked in their direction.

Heather finally had to order the others to not give any unnecessary glances at Kim and Katherine during the game, for fear of drawing the crowd's attention towards them.

The game itself went without incident. There were some exposing moves like the high kick, but they were kept to a minimum by Heather and apparently no one in the crowd suspected a thing.

Kim and Katherine were nervous as hell the entire game, but really they were in little danger of getting caught. The crowd was so far away that no one could have noticed unless they looked for something suspicious with binoculars.

Both of them secretly enjoyed the experience. Like the thrill of a bungee jump or a frightening horror film, they enjoyed it and hated it at the same time.

After the game ended, all the other cheerleaders crowded around Kim and Katherine and fawned over them like little schoolgirls (except for Heather, who remained aloof to maintain her authority).

"Oh my God, that was so hot!" Janice gushed. "Every time we did a high kick or shook our booties, I got so excited, even though it wasn't me!"

"Me too!" said Amy.

"What about you, Joy?" Katherine asked.

"It was pretty crazy; that's all I can say." She shook her head in wonder. "Okay, I admit it, I felt the same way. You two are pretty cool, that you can do that. If it were me, I would have pissed in my panties in total and utter fear!"

Janice joked, "What panties? Piss in your painted-on panties?"

Everyone laughed at the absurdity of that.


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