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Chapter 215 Picnic @ State Park With Kath
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Alan figured that what had just happened with Susan would be his big sexual adventure for the day. He figured this was a day for him to rest and recover from his many recent intense sexual experiences, and he wanted to spend time repairing frayed connections with his friends.

Susan was very concerned about Ron coming home soon, even though the odds of that were still extremely low, based on his past habits. She changed into normal, unrevealing clothes, and made sure that Alan did the same. She put his cum-soaked swimsuit in the washer, opened the sliding door next to the love seat, and used air freshener in the dining room for good measure. Then she prepared some fresh pumpkin and leek soup for their lunch, after which they had a surprisingly normal and non-sexual time eating together.

At least, Alan outwardly pretended that things were normal and non-sexual. In fact, he was staggered by what had just happened with his mother. And even though she was covered up to the neck in her change of clothes, just seeing her stunning face directly across the table as they ate lunch was a constant and powerful reminder of what had happened. His penis underwent its usual refractory period, but even before he had finished lunch it was fully engorged once again.

A part of him suspected that he could get a repeat performance of something similarly arousing if he played his cards right with his mother, but he didn't think he could mentally or physically handle having another such intense experience so soon. The table hid the bulge in his shorts while they ate, and when he cleaned the dishes afterwards, he was very careful to position his hard-on in his shorts as well as angle his body from Susan to make sure she didn't realize he was erect again.

Susan was similarly sexually satiated, as well as mentally exhausted, so she wasn't too curious. As a result, he was able to "escape" upstairs to his room without her discovering his turgid condition.

Once he was away from her, his penis quickly went flaccid. But there still was a strong lingering lust, because he couldn't get his sexy mother out of his mind.

Still, he was determined to have a relatively normal day, so he made his plans. Ironically, his top priority non-sexual activity had a sexual component to it. He realized that for all of his sexual activity lately, he still was very sexually inexperienced. He was determined to change that, and fast. So he wanted to go to a local shopping mall that had a couple of good bookstores and find some information on how to improve his sexual skills.

However, his energy problem hadn't been "cured" yet, so he needed his daily nap. He slept for an hour, and felt much refreshed by it. Then he went downstairs to tell her his shopping plans and ask permission to borrow one of the family cars.

Katherine had come home while he was napping, and she was talking to Susan across the kitchen counter when Alan came downstairs. Once he explained his shopping plans, Katherine asked him if she could come along. Unlike many siblings, he greatly enjoyed the company of his sister, long before they'd gotten sexually involved, just as she enjoyed his company. So he agreed.

Funnily enough, given what they'd just done, he wanted to keep the exact nature of his book purchases a secret from Susan. He figured that although she had sexually opened up in some ways, she remained very prudish and conservative in other ways, and she would find such books "very improper." But he didn't see the reason to keep his shopping intentions a secret from Katherine, at least not once they were out of the house. In fact, he might even get advice from her on the best sex books to buy.

Alan and Katherine left a short time later, after Katherine changed into a different, and much more revealing, outfit. (She snuck to the garage without Susan seeing what she wore.) Once Alan had the car driving down the road, he asked his sister in the passenger seat, "So, what are you planning to do at the mall?"

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"Screw that!"

He frowned and briefly glanced her way. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. 'Screw that.' Who wants to go to the mall, anyway? Boooooring!"

"I do, for one. I didn't want to say this with Mom around, for obvious reasons, but the main thing I want to do is buy some sex books at the bookstores there."

"What, like porn?"

"No. I mean sex-advice-type books. I've suddenly been thrown into all kinds of sexual fun, and it's great, but I feel like I'm stumbling around in the dark. I want to get better and really master this thing. I know I can't become a sexual veteran overnight, and nothing beats practical experience, but I figure reading books like that will help speed things up."

Katherine sat silent, with a frustrated look on her face. Finally, she said, "Okay. I'll admit that if there's one thing I'm willing to let you buy, it's that."

He gave her another curious glance. "'Willing to let me buy?' What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that we have plans! Big plans! You'll see what I mean. Hurry up and buy those dumb books, and then I'll show you."

He repeatedly try to prod her to reveal what she meant, but she remained resolutely tight-lipped after that. Normally, she liked cruising the mall. She could spend hours there seeing and being seen, as well as checking out all the latest fashions, even if she had no intentions to buy anything. But not today. She was a model of efficiency. She bee-lined directly to the nearest bookstore and helped her brother make his book selections. After he paid for three books (and she bought a sex advice book for herself), she argued that he had what he needed, so there was no need to go to the other bookstore in the mall, or to any other store there.

He did want to do some other shopping at some other stores since he rarely went to the mall, but he could see that she was highly motivated to leave so she could proceed with her mysterious plan. Curiosity got the best of him and he decided to do his other shopping some other time, so he could find out what she had in mind.

But the mystery only deepened, because when they got back to their car in the mall parking lot, she insisted on driving. Then she drove off, but refused to tell him where they were going or what they'd be doing.

Eventually, they left the built-up area and headed into the country-side, at least as much of a country-side as their heavily populated part of Orange County had. They reached a road that allowed Alan to figure out that they were headed to a certain state park that they both liked. They'd been there many times throughout their childhood. It had many hiking trails that led up to hills looking out onto the ocean off in the distance.

He said, "Okay, I know where we're going. But WHY? I like hiking as much as you do, but why the mystery? Why didn't I get any say in this?"

She grinned impishly. "Elementary, my dear Watson. You didn't get any say, because you might have said 'No.' And we're not just hiking. I have a picnic basket all packed in the backseat. I know we've both eaten lunch, but I've packed fruit, rolls, drinks, and other goodies in there. I'm thinking we can sit on a scenic viewpoint looking to the ocean and just have, you know, some special brother-and-sister time. Away from all the sexual craziness from the house. Take a break from the whole world. When was the last time we did that?"

He thought that over, and smiled. "Okay! Now, we're talking. That sounds like a very good plan. In fact, that would be lovely. But still, why all the mystery? You knew I'd totally be on board with that, didn't you?"

"I did. But an intriguing mystery is frustrating but fun, you must admit. Plus, there's the fact that I'm incorrigibly uppity."

He raised a curious eyebrow. "'Uppity?' What do you mean?"

"You know the word, Mr. Near Perfect Score on His SAT Practice Tests. I quote from the dictionary definition: 'uppity. Adjective. Rebellious, self-assertive, not inclined to be tractable or deferential.'"

He gave her another strange look. "Okaaaay. It's weird that you memorized that, and it's an odd and obscure word all around. Why are you so keen on it all of a sudden?"

She gave him an enigmatic smile-smirk. "You'll see."

He sighed dramatically. "Oh, great. Another mystery."

"Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!" She laughed with great glee.

The two of them had an enjoyable time talking to each other and listening to the radio while driving to the state park. Once there and out of the car, they took the picnic basket, which was actually a packed backpack, and headed off on a hiking trail that Katherine chose.

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Alan was having a relaxed and carefree time. He felt refreshed being out in nature and away from his usual haunts and problems. The hike allowed him to stretch his legs, but it was far from overly vigorous, since the hills weren't that high.

After a half hour hike, they reached a spot that had a great view. It was a grass-covered clearing surrounded by trees on three sides, with a steep slope towards the ocean on the fourth. What Alan found curious was that they'd left the trail five minutes earlier to reach it.

Katherine was all smiles as she spread a big blanket over the grass. "So, Big Baton Brother, what do you think?"

He was busy unloading the backpack. "It's great. But what puzzles me is how you knew this was here. It's way off the trial, and I certainly don't remember being here before. And you haven't been to this park without me, have you?"

She gave him another enigmatic smile. "Have I? Or have I not? Hrm. Curious."

He chuckled. "What's up with you and your mysteries today?"

"It's all part of my fiendish plan." With that, she stood up straight and then pulled her tight shorts down her legs, taking her panties with them.

He was busy unloading the backpack, so he didn't notice her stripping at first. But unexpected movement caught his eye. When he glanced her way again, she was pulling her shirt off over her head. He immediately noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra.

He looked around frantically from where he sat on the blanket, but they were all alone. Still, he was freaking out. He'd been in a non-sexual mode their entire trip until now, so this took him by complete surprise. "Sis! What the hell are you doing?!"

"I like that you call me 'Sis' out in the open like this," she said in a casual tone as she bent over and carefully packed her clothes in the backpack he had just been fiddling with. "I hope you'll soon be screaming that all the way out to the Pacific!"


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