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6 Times a Day

Chapter 241 What If Mom Were To Walk In On Us?
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When Alan got home, he was surprised to find the house empty. Susan was nowhere to be seen. She'd left a note for Alan and Katherine saying that she and Ron were out. It included instructions on what the two kids should make for dinner.

Alan took a long nap. He was tired enough on a typical day, but after his hours of fucking two energetic cheerleaders he felt like he might sleep until the next morning. In fact, it had taken been a major struggle just to stay awake long enough to drive home.

Even after he awoke and put on some clothes, he found that he was still the only one in the house.

However, it didn't stay that way for long; Suzanne arrived mere minutes after he had sat down at the dining room table to read a book. More and more of her wardrobe was migrating into Susan's bedroom, so she went up there and changed into a sexy, but not overwhelmingly sexy, outfit.

Alan was a bit worried, because he thought for sure that Suzanne would be up for some hanky-panky, but how could he explain that his dick was hopelessly flaccid? He certainly didn't want to have to admit that he'd spent most of the afternoon having sex with his sister and another cheerleader.

However, it turned out the issue didn't surface immediately because the first thing that Suzanne said when she came back downstairs was, "Sweetie, bad news. I'm afraid your mother had another of her prudish relapses this morning."

He put down the book while she was pulling up a chair to sit next to him. "Oh no. I guess things went too far last night?"

Suzanne laughed. "You could say that again! To be honest, it was a lot more than I'd expected or wanted, especially at the end there when she blew you. But events have a certain momentum of their own. Unfortunately, today she was about as distraught as I've ever seen her. She was devastated that she'd had oral sex with you on what she called her husband's bed while he's still in town. To give you a sense of her mindset, she kept calling your cum 'the demon seed.'"

"Wow. That's bad."

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"You don't know the half of it. It was all fire and brimstone and going to Hell this and going to Hell that. Luckily, we met first thing in the morning, so she and I talked and talked until I managed to ease her concerns quite a bit, but at a price. She needed someone to blame for what happened, and could either blame me, you, herself, or some combination. Honestly, I pretty much pushed her into it, and the last thing she needs is to feel worse about herself, so I took most of the blame. I parceled some out to you too. So she's pretty mad at both of us. That's the main reason I came over here, to warn you."

"Oh well, thanks for doing your best. What does it all mean though?"

"At first she was determined to go completely cold turkey and never help you again. But that didn't last long. I think she realizes deep down that that's not possible. So then she vowed to avoid touching your penis until Ron leaves. I don't know if she'll manage to hold out that long, but in any case I think it's best that you and I cool it for a day or so."

Actually, Suzanne was exaggerating somewhat for effect. The basic facts of her story were true, but she was leaving out how quickly Susan had gotten horny again and then changed her tune. She didn't want Alan to be overconfident.

He said, "Dang. That sucks. I gotta say it bums me out most of all to hear she's that upset. She's been such a wonderful mom that she should never be unhappy. I wish she- Hey! If you just came over here to tell me bad news, then why are you dressed in a heart-attack outfit? Meaning one designed to give me a heart attack."

Suzanne grinned. "I don't know what you mean. These are just my hanging-around-the-house clothes." She pulled her chair back so he could get a good look at her from head to toe.

"'Hanging-around-the-house clothes'?! Are you nuts?! I'm having a mental orgasm just looking at you, and it's making it seriously tough to concentrate."

"Look," she said as she kicked a leg forward. She let one of her shoes come loose and dangled it precariously, using just her toes to wiggle it around. "These are only two-inch heels. If I was expecting to feel your cock tickle my tonsils in a couple of minutes, I'd be wearing three-inch heels at least, and probably four-inchers. I only wear five inchers every once in a while, since they're hard to walk in and rough on the feet."

He looked her over with great interest. Admittedly, she was publicly semi-presentable when standing, even though her lacy black top exposed all of her cleavage and a good deal of her midriff. In addition, her black leather miniskirt didn't quite reach down to the top of her dark stockings, leaving a tantalizing stripe of pale skin between them.

Her miniskirt rode up her thighs when she sat, especially when she kicked a leg up and kept it there dangling in the air as she was doing at the moment. Also, thanks to the 'no underwear' rule, she was flashing her labia whenever she opened her legs, which was quite often.

He just rolled his eyes in frustration. "If those are your hanging-around-the-house clothes, I'm afraid to see what you'd look like all dressed up to seduce someone. But I digress. Wait. Why would you wear high heels if you want to give me a blowjob?"

"Because you love 'em! They make you extremely horny!"

"I do? ... I guess you're right; they do."

She rolled her eyes. "That's what I call a non-denial denial. Look. Tell me this doesn't turn you on." She kicked her leg up even higher still, so it was as high as her head. Not many women of any age could perform such a feat; it showed just how limber she was. She pointed the toe of the foot with the dangling shoe this way and that, as if trying to draw attention to it.

Then with one leg up so high, she spread her other leg wide, totally exposing her pussy to his view.

He laughed. "It's a good thing you're here just to talk, and not to get me all horny."

"Oops." She brought her leg back down, then brought the two together, after which they both had a good chuckle.

Alan continued in a serious vein, "Anyway, I sure do wish Mom didn't have all those hang-ups, although I can understand her feelings about cheating on Ron, even if he did cheat on her first. What did you do to patch that up?"

"I didn't. She set up a dinner, party, and dancing date with Ron for this evening. She's out right now getting a manicure and having her hair done so she'll look her best. The fact is, they haven't been connecting much at all since he arrived. She hasn't been warm to him, no doubt in large part because of the bombshell about his cheating that I dropped on her, but he hasn't made much of an effort either. So we'll see what happens. She might even feel like getting physically intimate with him to help get over her guilty feelings. I warned her strongly about not doing that before she has him checked for STDs, but who knows what'll happen. I can't control everything she does; I can only give advice and encouragement. Be warned. Maybe they'll make out or something."

Alan observed that he was having a surge of jealousy. His face hardened and he clenched his fists. Even though Susan and Ron had been married since before he was born, at this point the idea of them merely kissing on the lips was almost more than he could take.

Suzanne noticed immediately and chuckled, "Looks like someone's getting a little jealous, eh?"

"Hey, I can't help it. You know, I'd feel the same about you. Oh God! I just had a horrible thought. You're not kissing YOUR husband like that, are you? I just kind of assumed you weren't since you two have been on the outs for so long, but what if you are?!"

Suzanne was touched. She smiled with just a bit of sadness and said, "No, don't worry. Eric and I share a good-morning peck on the cheek sometimes and a good-night peck on the cheek at other times, but nothing more. To be truthful, sometimes I worry about Eric smelling your cum on me when he kisses me like that, but if he ever has he hasn't let on. I don't even know how much he'd care at this point. We're like housemates. As I'm pretty sure you already know, we sleep in separate bedrooms."

She grew wistful and stared off into the distance. "Now that I think about it, I can't even recall the last time Eric really kissed me." She didn't love him anymore, but she still felt sad over how their marriage had fallen apart.

Alan, though, was still pumped up and agitated from his jealous feelings. "Well, good! I mean, I'm sorry about your marriage and all, and I know it's horribly hypocritical of me, but I can't help the way I feel."

Suzanne refocused on him and smiled. "Don't worry. I understand how you feel. As it is, you happen to have two big-titted married babes who have dedicated themselves to pleasing you. You must be just about the luckiest kid in town, and that doesn't even count the mysterious help you seem to be getting outside the house, as Susan pointed out last night."

Alan looked abashed. "Well, you see..."

"Don't worry. I really don't mind. We'll talk about that another time. Having to share you is just a necessary by-product of the intense medical treatment required to cure your tiredness problem."

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Alan was certain that, after his workout with Katherine and Kim, it would be at least a couple of hours before he could get hard again. However, as soon as Suzanne said "You happen to have two big-titted married babes who have dedicated themselves to pleasing you," his dick came back to life. The fact that he'd been able to nap for over an hour helped quite a bit.

Suzanne noticed his engorged state at once. So as she said "Speaking of which, how'd you do today?", her foot started to wander forward and up his leg.

"Good. Very good. I'll make six today no problem." He certainly felt her foot, but tried not to show it. He joked, "More checkmarks on my chart from that mysterious outside-the-house help."

Suzanne raised her eyebrows. "Hmmm. Now I am getting jealous. Susan's right; you really are becoming quite the stud around town, aren't you? Before long, it's gonna be difficult for you to squeeze me in, or should I say squeeze you into me?" Her foot rose higher and found its way to his crotch. She began circling the bulge in his shorts with the toe of her shoe.

Alan found himself growing increasingly aroused, but he was concerned that his mother might come home and didn't want to upset her any further. He said, "Um, that feels good, but didn't you say that you and I should cool it for a day or two at least?"

Suzanne frowned while her foot kept exploring. "I did say that, didn't I? Well, Susan's not home, so what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Besides, I'm not doing anything; these are what I call my 'evil shoes.' They have a mind of their own and they're up to no good, as usual."

Alan laughed before standing up to get away from the 'evil shoes.'

However, they rose with him and kept sliding over his bulge.

He said, "We'd better stop before your 'evil shoes' get carried away too much." However, his resolve wasn't that strong, so he found himself staring between her legs where her cunt was again presenting him with a lewd, wide-open display. "Um, be careful what you're showing there. We're kind of in an exposed location."

She purred, "Yes, we are. Isn't it exciting?"

His heart was thumping hard but he tried not to let it show. "Are the 'evil shoes' causing that too?"

She sighed theatrically. "Unfortunately, yes. The power and reach of the 'evil shoes' knows no bounds. I didn't even want to wear them today, but they made me." She grinned and winked.

Alan was extremely frustrated because, although he was very aroused mentally and growing more so every minute that he let Suzanne charm him with her bag of sexy tricks, his penis still had problems. He said, "Aunt Suzy, I can't believe I'm saying this... You're sexy as hell, but I'm not really feeling that now is the time for fun. Do you know what I mean? I keep thinking of Mom. What if she were to walk in on us?"

Suzanne wave a hand dismissively. "Pshaw. I can hear your garage door from a mile away. Even if I were bare-ass naked, slurping and slobbering heartily all over your cock, I'd manage to make myself presentable in time."

He gulped at the thought of that highly thrilling prospect, but still he remained worried. "Even so... I'm also thinking how angry she must be at me."

Suzanne finally pulled her foot back, allowing him to sit back down. She even closed her legs - most of the way. She could tell she needed to address his concerns before he would get really frisky. "Well, truth be told, she's mostly angry at me and at herself. Even when she gets in one of her moods, she's so taken by you that she figures the boy with the golden penis can do no wrong. In fact, for all my efforts to redirect the blame to you and mostly to me, she wants to take all the burden of what she's done on her own shoulders. I'd like to level with her more honestly and tell her just how much I've been steering events, but if I did that, her future sexual progress would be much slower and way more difficult. Sometimes a little deception can be a good thing."

He raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Yeah, we've heard that from you before. But I do believe you care and think this is for the best. So what do we do now? For one thing, how should I deal with her next time I see her? You know I don't want to plot, but this isn't plotting. It's just figuring out how to get her out of her funk."

The two of them talked for quite a while about Susan. Every now and then, Suzanne's 'evil shoes' would wander up his legs and get a little frisky, but not too frisky: just enough to keep him interested.