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6 Times a Day

Chapter 260 First Kiss And Makeout With Susan [DD Sponsored]
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DRUNK DARGON [ 5 / 5 ] ????


Alan felt pain in his penis, but it wasn't as bad as he'd feared. Actually, it was actually more numb than painful.

He figured, Once a person is numb, getting more numb doesn't really matter much. His pleasure definitely outweighed the pain, especially his mental pleasure from enjoying the whole situation. He felt a strange sense of power in seeing his mother naked on her knees between his legs, and that increased his arousal. He placed his hands on her head to keep her there at his crotch.

She licked his cock and balls clean, very thoroughly.

That simple act somehow seemed twice as wild to him as the blowjob on a mental level, even though it wasn't nearly as stimulating on a physical level. It was as if she couldn't get enough and had no self-control at all, so that it hardly mattered whether he was rigid or flaccid.

When she was finally done, she sat back on the floor and tried to recover her breath. Her eyes were still wild, with shivers of excitement still running up and down her spine.

Her eyes slowly refocused, until she got to the point that he could almost see a light bulb turn on in her head. "Tiger! Oh my gosh! I was so intent on getting you to cum that I forgot the reason for doing it in the first place. I completely forgot to do the abnormality check!" She smiled triumphantly.

"Oh no! Mom! No! There's no way I can get it up again now. No way."

"But we have to." She was again acting like a petulant child. To his surprise, she sat up on the bed next to him and cuddled with him. Her magnificent orbs pressed into his chest as she lightly stroked his upper torso and arms with her hands. "Do you want Akami to be angry? If we don't do the check, she's going to be quite angry with me tomorrow."

Susan had completely made up this last comment. She had hardly been in contact with Akami since the appointment with Alan where Akami had given Susan her thorough "breast check." Susan had no intention of calling Akami the next day unless she actually did find something very wrong with Alan's penis. There was a chance Akami would ask about the abnormality check at their next appointment, but deep down she doubted even that would happen. She was just reaching for an excuse, any excuse, to continue her cocksucking.

Alan momentarily felt light-headed from his mother's tenderness, as she kissed her way all over his face. To get sucked off was one thing, but she'd generally avoided mixing that with such physical signs of tenderness as kissing. Strangely, French kissing her seemed more off limits than blowjobs. Even now, it seemed she wasn't willing to kiss him like that.

He wanted to reciprocate with loving touches, and of course in normal circumstances he would have been delighted to get his dick sucked some more. But he was also aware of the sorry state of his penis. "Mom, we can't. It would just hurt too much."

With Ron home, she feared it might be days until she got another chance at his cock, or at least until she could find as good an excuse as this one. That made her unwilling to give up completely. Scraping her hard nipples up and down his chest, she said "But Mommy could make the check so much fun. I'm already completely naked, you know." She took his hand and brought it to her bare ass.

Dang! he thought as he sank his fingers into her muscular yet pliable ass cheek. What a fuckin' rockin' body! If I was lying naked here with anyone but Mom with her incest worries, I would be so into fucking the hell out of her!

She switched back to speaking in the third person, for the most part. "While she's pressing her thumb at the base, she could be licking all over the top. Doesn't that sound like fun? And then when we're done, you might as well shoot another load down Mommy's throat. Suzanne taught me all kinds of cocksucking tricks today, and then I read about even more."

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That reminded her about the erotic "testimonial" she'd read earlier, causing her to let out a loud, lusty moan. "MMMM! I need a lot of practice to get them right, and soon, before I forget the details. Too bad your father's never going to find out what any of them are. They're only for you!"

Alan found her words so insanely arousing that he thought he would be unable to think about anything else. His heart was racing fast. Both of his hands were on her ass now, squeezing her butt cheeks like they were stress balls. But then he remembered the painful burning in his loins when he had just cum.

He sighed. "I wish! I wish so much we could do more. But my penis is saying no."

She pressed, in more ways than one. "Look, you say that right now, but we still have another hour or more before your father gets home. I'll come back in a little bit and let you decide then, okay?"

"Okay." He was relieved, though not entirely.

She drew her face right up to his. "Mmmm! I know I'm not supposed to kiss you, but let me give you one little peck on the lips."

To their mutual surprise, that "one little peck on the lips" quickly morphed into a long necking session.

This was a very big moment, and they both realized it, because they'd never kissed on the lips before, not even during her sexy kiss and tuck in the night before.

Susan thought, Oh, dear me! What am I doing?! I just can't help myself! I love my son so very, very much. Mmmm! And it turns out I love kissing him almost as much as I love sucking him cock! And that's a whole lot! MMMM! Wow, what a kisser!

Actually, he wasn't that great of a kisser, at least not yet, but she was so hot for him that it was like he could do no wrong.

At the same time, he thought, Whoa! This is such a RUSH! I'm totally making out with Mom! God, what a thrill! It's odd. She's sucked my dick off and on for exactly two weeks now, but this is the first time ever we've kissed like this. Hopefully how that we've clearly crossed this barrier, we'll do it again and again and again!

The necking went on and on. Susan was so turned on that she made no protest when he started fondling her huge tits as well as her ass, even though that technically wasn't allowed. And once he got going on her tits, especially playing with her nipples, her arousal soared even higher. She had a big orgasm, though a quite one.

But that didn't slow either of them down whatsoever. They kept right on making out while their hands wandered all over each other. The only exception was that Alan avoided her pussy, as usual. Even so, he could feel her juices leaking onto him, especially when she ground her pussy against him. He was reminded of her great goodnight kiss and tuck-in from the night before.

However, after many minutes, it became clear than no matter how obviously aroused he was in every other way, his penis just wasn't going to get erect again any time soon. The male body has certain physical limits, and he was hitting such a limit.

Eventually, she decided that his penis might revive faster if she left him alone for a while and gave him a chance to truly rest. After another long good-bye kiss, or two, she got up and left the room.

She was so worked up that the only thing she could do to pass the time was masturbate. She didn't even bother to put on any clothes. She luxuriated in the freedom of walking down the hallway in the nude.

However, she was starting to get concerned about Ron coming back home and catching her with Alan, so, as she sat in her bed in the nude, she called Suzanne. "My friend, guess what? Tiger and I are about to have a long, hard time doing the abnormality check!"

Suzanne teased back, "Do you think it'll be a long, hard, thick, and tasty time?"

"You know it! Why I don't do this every day is beyond me. That dang troublesome thing needs to be checked a lot!"

They both laughed.

Suzanne was greatly encouraged by Susan's attitude (not to mention glad that she was alone in the house when she took the call). She asked, "Why DON'T you do it every day? I tell you often enough how I need the help."

"I don't know! I really do want to be my Tiger's personal cocksucker, so very, very much."

"One of them, at least." Suzanne hoped the lesson of sharing in the erotic story she'd had Susan read was sinking in.

"Yes. One of them, definitely. I guess the main problem is Ron. If only he'd leave already! Then I wouldn't have to feel so guilty. Unfortunately, he should be back home here pretty soon now. Can I ask you to keep an eye out for his car and call me in case he comes home? I'll have my cell phone near me."

"No problem. I'll sit out by the front window and read a book. I only ask one thing in return."


"Tell me more about what you've been up to. Somehow, I get the sense that interesting things are happening over there. You sound more contented and relaxed than you've been for days, which makes me think you just helped your cutie Tiger in some way. But at the same time you also sound anxious. I didn't think it was possible to be relaxed and anxious at the same time, but that's exactly how you sound."

Susan shook her head in disbelief. "Suzanne, you're amazing. It's like you're psychic. That's exactly how I'm feeling! It's just that I... Oh, I shouldn't tell you because it's so embarrassing, but you're going to find out sooner or later so I might as well confess now. You see, I went into Tiger's room a little while ago to give him his abnormality check, and, well, one thing led to another, and, um... I kind of ended up giving him a loving blowjob until he shot his load down my throat!"

"Ooooh! Lucky you!"

"I know! Mmmm..." Susan was lost in a moment of happy reverie. But then she remembered her call and pointed out, "But I messed up. You see, when it ended, I realized I still hadn't actually done the abnormality check part of the checking."

"And that's a bad thing? That gives you a chance to go back for a refill!"

"Oh, Suzanne. You're so bad!" But Susan loved the idea.

Over the next several minutes, Suzanne helped convince Susan once again that the abnormality check was both good and necessary. Furthermore, it would be downright cruel to leave him hanging afterwards.

As Suzanne put it, "Think about what Susie would do, or Sally for that matter. You need to do your duty, and that means giving him prolonged, highly pleasurable stimulation leading to orgasm. Any good big-titted mommy will wind up with her lips locked around his thick shaft, and then, after many, many, many minutes of joyous sucking, she'll feel his creamy sperm either on her face, or on her huge rack, or in her tummy. So what's the problem?"

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Susan was so inspired by this discussion that she found herself masturbating as she talked. Even so, she said with genuine anguish, "But what about Ron?! You have no idea how much the need to be faithful to one's man was drilled into me from a young age."

"You ARE being faithful to your man - Alan! Your son is your man now. That makes him the man of the house. Ron cheated on you, freeing you from your moral bonds to him. Are you or are you not one of your son's personal cocksuckers now?"

"You know I am." She felt a tingle of delight from admitting that out loud.

"Well, those aren't just words. With that title come duties and responsibilities. Spermy duties. A good personal cocksucker has to spend a long time bobbing on your son's cock, usually while naked and kneeling between his legs. Pretty much every single day!"

Susan sighed with a mix of emotions, mostly lust and guilt. "I know, but it's just... afterwards, I won't be all excited, and then I'll have to see Ron's face. I know I'm gonna feel so guilty. It would be so much easier if I could wait until after he's gone."

Suzanne said in her most commanding voice, "Susan, you just have to suck it up!" Then she realized her accidental double meaning, and added, "So to speak." She chuckled.

Susan chuckled with her.

Suzanne pressed on. "But it's true; you really do, in both ways. You need to accept your new reality, with Ron out of the picture and your son's cock not only entirely filling the picture but frequently filling your mouth! Which is more important: feeling slightly uneasy around Ron, the cheater, or showing your loyalty and devotion to your son and saving him from painful blue balls and the sin of Onan?"

Susan couldn't argue with that. She kept on playing with herself while fantasizing about lounging on her son's bed all day, sucking him to orgasm over and over again.

Suzanne asked, "Do I have to remind you of the famous saying derived from the Bible?"

Susan spoke it: "It's better to shoot your seed down into the belly of your mother than on the ground.' Thank the Lord for that saying. It gives me so much strength and comfort, every day."

Suzanne nodded gravely. Of course, she'd altered the meaning and wording of the original saying, but all that mattered was that Susan believed in this version.

Susan wanted to be convinced; she just needed a pep talk. She hung up the phone a few minutes later, feeling much better about what she was about to do. She was so thrilled that she fingered herself to another nice orgasm while thinking about the joys that she'd soon be experiencing.

Her climax didn't cool her ardor; in fact it only increased her lust. She was feeling so naughty and horny that she wanted to walk back into Alan's room wearing nothing but high heels. She even pondered shocking him by going there with her own cum still trickling down her legs. But since she needed to keep her phone near in case Suzanne called with a warning of Ron's return, she made virtue of necessity and dressed up in the sluttiest outfit she could think of instead.

She'd never had many clothes, period, much less really sexy ones, because up until recently she'd lived by strict Puritan values. She had lived her life for her family, her children mostly, and had few material wants or needs of her own. But it seemed that every day more and more of Suzanne's huge collection of clothes were showing up in her closet. Some items she picked out herself, but others Suzanne occasionally placed there when she wasn't looking. This left her so she never knew what she'd find there when she looked. For the first time in her life, she was finding it fun and exciting to choose what to wear, since any visit to her closet could turn up something new.

She picked out a shiny black leather miniskirt that belonged to Suzanne, but she couldn't find any top that was slutty enough for her current needs and also had a pocket of some kind for the phone. Finally she found an aqua-colored blouse that she liked that had a secret pocket. She decided to just keep it completely open in the front.

She got so excited while dressing that she practically had an orgasm just from thinking about what her son would do when he saw her in it. I just know Tiger is gonna love this! He's such a terribly cum-filled boy; if I don't slut myself up, there's no telling just how painful his blue balls could get, not to mention meeting his daily target. He needs to cum down my throat, and that's a plain fact!

She looked at the clock and saw that half an hour had passed since she'd left Alan's room. She worried that his penis might not have had time to recover, but she didn't want to wait too long, for fear of Ron coming home while she was performing Alan's 'abnormality check'.