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6 Times a Day

Chapter 322 Return And Meeting Glory [’Someone’ Sponsored] Updated
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[Updated Chapter] sorry for the missing content.


Alan and Amy were temporarily blinded, because the closet was so dark and the light seemed so bright in comparison. A few seconds later, as Alan's eyes adjusted, he looked out into the room and saw Suzanne standing there in her Catwoman costume. She was striking a sexy cat-pouncing pose, just like Catwoman would. "Got you!" she exclaimed. "Catwoman strikes again!" Clearly, she was hamming things up.

She didn't seem that upset, because she wasn't. Luckily, Amy had managed to pull her hands out of Alan's costume in a flash, so Suzanne thought the two of them had just been necking with some tit fondling. Suzanne was very reluctant to see Amy get sexually active, but compared to everything else going on at the Plummer house, that was small potatoes.

Then Alan saw Susan walk into view. If anything, she looked more upset than Suzanne did. With his arms protectively around Amy, he asked, "Mom?! Aunt Suzy?! What are you doing here?"

Suzanne folded her arms under her sizable rack and said wryly, "The better question is, what are you two doing in THERE?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she asked, "Did you get lost on the way to the bathroom?"

Amy asked Suzanne, "Mom, can't I get a little kissy with Bo? Everybody else is! And compared to you-"

Suzanne cut her off because she couldn't be completely sure they were free of eavesdroppers. "Let's not talk about that now. Later." She looked down at Amy's bare chest, and rolled her eyes. "Can you two make yourself presentable?"

Alan stepped out of the closet. "I guess the fun's over, huh?"

Susan was in chiding mother mode. "You can say that again! Tiger, you can't do something like this in a public place! It's HIGHLY improper! What if someone else had found you here?"

He was bummed, so lashed out, "If we're going to do something wild in public, is it better if we do it somewhere else... like a tennis court?"

Susan immediately blushed and turned away. Not only did that mention greatly embarrass her, it also aroused her wildly. Suddenly, it was like she was on her knees and bobbing on him right through the tennis net.

He turned to Suzanne and asked, "How did you find us?"

"You can credit Susan for that. She noticed you were gone and got concerned. She tracked you down through the process of elimination. I started wondering where everyone else had gone and ran into her, then joined the hunt."

Susan had recovered from his tennis court surprise, but she was still very red-faced. She pointed to his tiger mask and Amy's Elvira wig on the floor next to the closet door. "That's what gave it away. That, plus the moaning and kissy noises."

Amy finally had her dress pulled back up and into place, so she stepped out of the closet. She frowned. "Bummer." But then her frown turned back into her usual smile. "But I don't regret a second of it! That was super fun!"

She turned to Alan. "Thanks, Bo!" Despite the fact that Susan and Suzanne were standing right there, she kissed him on the lips again, and made it last.

Suzanne let out a heavy, defeatist sigh.

Susan stepped up to her best friend and put a hand on her shoulder. "Our kids are growing up. It's a part of life. Everyone gets older, even your cute Honey Pie."

"I know. I know. I need a drink. A stiff one!" She looked around as if expecting to find a drink within reach. Then she looked back at the teens. "Are you two going to behave?"

Alan and Amy nodded in the way that chastened kids do.

"No more sneaking off into closets?"

He grumbled, "No more closets."

"Good. Come on, Susan. Come on, you two. Let's go mingle and socialize. If we wanted to talk just to each other, we could have just stayed home."

The four of them returned to the party, and then they did try to talk to others. They also checked on Katherine. She'd woken up, but she wasn't feeling well and wanted to remain where she was for a while. Susan decided to stay with her and look after her. Not only was she a caring mother, but she knew that also would keep her from the lecherous men who tended to swarm to her even more than usual due to her revealing costume.

Suzanne was keen to kick her scheme into gear. That's why she'd been looking for Alan when she'd run into Susan instead. Unfortunately for her, Amy was sticking to Alan like glue. Amy was practically walking on air after what happened in the closet.

Suzanne was determined to carry out her plan, since she knew costume parties were few and far between. She felt dastardly about it, but she encouraged Amy to drink more of the "Iced Tea" instead of warning her of the effects. Her plan was to get Amy drunk too. Then she could take her and Katherine back home.

She might have done the same with Susan, but she wanted her to stay around for a little longer. After all, she couldn't keep secret from Alan if some people went home, and if he knew Susan went home, she obviously wouldn't be able to try out her option of pretending to be Susan. It would be ideal for her plans if Susan got somewhat drunk (since her disorientation was key), but not too drunk, and she knew Susan had a low alcohol tolerance. So she actually warned Susan to be careful and not drink too much, and especially to stay away from the spooky punch.

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Eventually, Suzanne's sneaky efforts paid off. Amy got fairly drunk, although not as much as Katherine had, and Katherine was still recovering slowly. So when Suzanne volunteered to take both girls home and put them to bed, nobody objected.

That's exactly what she did. But before Suzanne left, she told Susan, "Now, I know you're feeling exposed and vulnerable in that costume."

Susan nodded frantically. "To say the least! Why did I let you talk me into wearing this, this... napkin?! A bikini would be less revealing!"

"That's not true and you know it. Anyway, I have a special request. I know you're going to want to cling to your Tiger's side while I'm gone, but I want you to avoid that. Mingle."

Susan looked around with worry, like there were packs of wolves hidden just out of sight ready to get her. "'Mingle?' Alone?! Can't I mingle with him?"


"Suzanne, please! You don't know what it's like! It seems every man in this place is looking at me with bad intentions!"

Suzanne said, "That's because they probably ARE all looking at you with bad intentions. Susan, you still have no clue just what an extraordinary beauty you are. But you're also a big girl, and you've been to lots of parties. You can handle yourself."

"But not dressed like this! Not even close!"

"All right. I'll make you a deal. I'll get you a light jacket from your car you can wear. Remember we brought extra clothes in case it got cold."


"But wear it loosely, because if you zip it up, no one will know what your costume is. And mingle! Ever since things started with Alan's... medical situation... you hardly leave the house or see your friends. Tell you what. I'll make you an even better deal. If you mingle for the whole party and stay away from him, I promise..." She looked around, and then whispered right in Susan's ear. "I promise you'll get a turn with him as soon as we go home. Just think: in a few hours, as soon as the party ends, you'll be naked and on your knees, doing what you love best! You won't even be able to thank me because your mouth will be so stuffed with him!"

Susan's eyes lit up. "Deal!"

Suzanne was very pleased with herself. Now the path would be clear and she would be free to implement her scheme. As she walked away, she thought, Too easy. Just like taking candy from a baby. Or, more fitting, giving candy to a lady. A great big heaping hunk of piping hot cock candy, that is!

Suzanne drove Amy and Katherine home and put them to bed.


Alan was only alone for a minute when Glory walked up to him. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here, young man? A scary tiger? Oooh, I'm so scared!" She said that sarcastically, as if she was anything but scared. But then she winked and smiled at him, showing she was just having fun.

"Glory! Boy, are you a sight for sore eyes!" Then he remembered that others could overhear, and said, "Er, I mean, Ms. Rhymer. It's nice to see you." She was wearing a sexy cheerleader outfit, and he gave her an obvious sexually excited look over from head to toe. He remembered he wasn't supposed to look at her like that either, but it was too late to take it back. Luckily, no one was paying any mind to their interaction.

"And it's nice to see you." She was trying to act like she always did when talking to any of her students, but there was an unmistakable lusty fire in her eyes.

He said with sudden urgency, "There's something I've got to talk to you about. Very confidential, very important. Quick, come with me!" He started walking away at a brisk pace.

"What? What is it?" She had to hustle to keep up with him.

"Just a minute. Wait till we get there."


But he didn't explain, and kept walking through the mansion with a purpose. Finally, he came to the exact same room with the closet that he'd gone into with Amy. He knew from that experience that it was a good spot for privacy, at least if he didn't have a bombshell mother and aunt actively looking for him.

Still without saying a word, he grabbed a chair and propped it under the doorknob of the door he'd just closed.

As he did that, Glory folded her arms suspiciously and asked him, "Just what do you think you're doing, young man?"

"Sorry, but we need total privacy. What I'm about to tell you is too important, too private, and too personal to even chance that anyone else might hear!"

She was starting to worry that he really did have some big, secretive news to tell her, although she remained suspicious.

As he finished securing the door, he muttered, "There, that's better. Fool me twice, shame on me, right?"


"Never mind." He straightened up and stood right in front of her.

She looked at him expectantly. "Well? What is it already?"

"Just this." He blatantly gazed up and down her body, and said, "You look... really nice. Super sexy! I love it!"

She sighed heavily and expelled the concern that had been building up inside her. "That's it?!" She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that's kind of it, but it's a pretty big deal. Glory, you're costume is a work of GENIUS! I can't tell you that out there. I can't even call you Glory. But here, we can talk and kiss as much as we like." He stepped forward to hug and kiss her.

He got his arms around her, but she turned her head to avoid the kiss. "Young man, control yourself! What do you think you're doing?!"

"Isn't it obvious? I have a stone cold fox for a teacher who turned into a slutty cheerleader, and I can't keep my hands off her!" His hands slipped to her ass and he pulled her in tighter.

Her hands were being held awkwardly away from his body, because she didn't want to show approval by taking part in the hug. "Well, try!"

"Sorry, it's hopeless. You're too beautiful!" He leaned in to kiss her.

"Try harder!" She wasn't really attempting to fight him off, but when he tried to kiss her, she resolutely kept her lips shut tight.

That didn't discourage him even slightly. He already was worked up by what had been started but left unfinished with Amy not that many minutes ago. And seeing Glory in a cheerleader outfit had stirred him to such a degree that even he was surprised by it. He knew that she was very capable of firmly saying "no" if she wanted to, but what he was hearing from her was more like "maybe."

To test that premise, he took his hands off her ass, only to slide them inside the back of her skirt and panties until he was clutching bare ass flesh.

Glory didn't say or do a thing, and just stood still like a statue with her lips still pursed tight.

He knew then that he had her, although he had to heat her up some more first. He said, "What's the problem? We're in a room with no windows, and the one door is secure. There's no way anyone can get in. And if someone does come knocking, we can just say that we really were having an important private conversation. The brilliant thing is, most people here have no idea who you or I am. Even the teenagers, most of them go to the fancy private high school instead. Your costume is a perfect cover. In that, you really DO look like a teenaged cheerleader! Not only can we kiss and fondle, we could go back to the heart of the party and make out like two long-lost lovers and probably get away with it!"

All the while he was giving that verbose explanation, his hands were roaming. Now that he'd successfully "claimed" her ass, his hands went elsewhere. He was greatly helped by the skimpy cheerleader uniform, since he was able to slide his hands under her clothes with ease. By the time he was done talking, he had one hand under her top and bra and was rolling an erect nipple between his fingers, and his other hand had dipped inside the front of her skirt and panties and was working on her clit.

She started to protest, "Young man, that's a bunch of-"

But she didn't get a chance to say more. He had his mouth so close to hers that their noses were nearly touching, and he was waiting for his chance. When her mouth started moving, he brought a hand from her nipple to the back of her head to keep it in place and then he tried to kiss her again. This time, his tongue slid right in and their tongues started dueling before she fully realized what was going on.

She was so discombobulated from his uncharacteristically aggressive behavior that she was a couple of steps behind him. She thought, HEY! Unfair! Totally unfair! And get your grubby hand out of my panties! That's no way to treat your teacher!

But she was a goner, and she knew it. After about a minute of torrid necking, she thought, Fuck it! This is so wrong, so wrong, but I must have left my brain at home. My willpower too. FUCK! I'm too horny to say "no!"

In truth, Glory had chosen the cheerleader outfit pretty much just for Alan's benefit. She knew that the Pestridges and Plummers came to this party every Halloween. In fact, she'd chatted quite a lot with Alan during last Halloween's party. Furthermore, she knew he was sexually intimate with at least one cheerleader and very probably more. She wanted to show him that she was more desirable than anyone on the cheerleading squad, and somehow wearing a cheerleader costume seemed the way to do it. She'd even selected a red one that closely matched their high school's uniforms. But she assumed that he'd just secretly lust after her, and that was it. She still mostly thought of him as the shy Alan he used to be, who would have never, ever done something like this.

Even Alan was surprised by his behavior. When he'd rushed her to a private room, he was only thinking of getting to compliment and talk to her in private, and maybe give her a kiss or two. But he'd had so much sexual success lately that his confidence was soaring. He was feeling that if he let his lust roam wild, good things happened. His lust had taken over now, causing his intentions to rapidly evolve.

He was in such an erotic frenzy that he accidentally ripped her panties in two while he'd been moving his hands around inside her skirt. They eventually slipped to the floor. And while it was too much of a hassle to take her top or skirt off, at least just yet, he managed to get her top up around her shoulders, and her bra ended up on the floor too.

Glory again cursed to herself as she found herself unzipping the fly to his tiger costume while they continued to make out. Fuck it! Fuck it all! He seems to have my number and I don't know why. It's like I'm helpless to resist him!

She felt a thrill race down her spine as she held his thick erection in her hand. This thing again. This damn thing is the cause of most of my troubles. If only it would stay where it belongs and out of my hands! But she couldn't help but grin as she thought, I guess I'll just have to stroke it and maybe even suck it until the rambunctious little beast finally settles down!

One thing led to another, and the two of them got more hot and bothered with each passing minute. Eventually, every single thing Alan wore wound up on the floor, because his tiger costume was too thick and warm to be fun for the occasion. Glory would have ended up just as naked but he got a big thrill out of seeing her as a cheerleader, so he left her skirt on and her top pulled up to her shoulders.

Eventually, Glory was ready and eager to suck him, so she started to slip down his body.

But he stopped her. "Wait! I'd love that of course, but not yet. I've got something I need to do first."

She sighed, as if put out. "Oh no. What now?" But she couldn't wait to find out what he'd do next.

He dropped to his knees in front of her, but he sat up high so his head was level with her breasts. Then he started licking one nipple while pinching and fondling the other.

She loved that, and she loved it even more when he switched from licking her nipples to sucking on them. And when he kept doing that and started fingering her wet cunt at the same time, she was over the moon.

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She thought, No! No, no, no! I refuse to believe this kid can wreck me like this. Any second now, I'm going to cum harder than I EVER did with Garth! Who is this guy and what did he do with the Alan I thought I knew?! UGH! OH! OH NO! It's coming! It's coming! AH! ... YES! YES! AAAAAAIIIIIIEEEE!

She only screamed in her mind as her orgasm shook her, because she was very afraid of being overheard. It was one thing if they'd just been hearing talking or rustling around. That could be explained away. But a scream of total orgasmic euphoria definitely could not. She resorted to biting down on her hand to stay relatively quiet. It might have been an old cliché, but it worked for her.

Usually, after an orgasm she felt worn out for a while and she needed time to recover and recharge. But the opposite happened this time. By the time the last orgasmic aftershocks were finished with her, she was barely able to stay standing. But at the same time, her entire body was buzzing, as if every nerve ending had been stimulated, and she was raring to return the favor.

She dropped to her knees, which both saved her from the struggle of remaining standing and put her where she wanted to be. She barked, "Now, you stand up, and that's an order from your teacher!"

He stood up, but as he did so he asked in pretend confusion, "Teacher? What teacher? I don't see any teacher around here. All I see is one VERY slutty and VERY sexy cheerleader. Glory the blowjob queen. We call her Glory Hole, for obvious reasons."

Glory was already so motivated to give him a great job that any further incentive seemed unnecessary. But it turned out that wasn't true, because those words took her to another plane of desire. Suddenly, she felt like she WAS Glory Hole, the cheerleader slut.

She didn't even say anything in response, because her lips were already tightly sealed around his shaft by the time he said "obvious reasons." She started bobbing at a frantic pace, and thought, Blowjob queen?! I'll show you a blowjob queen! You're going to rue the day you said that, because I'm gonna suck your cock so long and so deep and so good that it'll make you go blind! And then you'll lose your friggin' fuckin' MIND!

For several minutes, her lips slid over him with tremendous suction and her tongue showed dexterous skill few possessed. But that was just the warm-up as she psyched herself up. Then she started taking more and more of him with each lunge down his thick shaft.

Alan WAS going out of his mind, in a sense. It certainly wasn't anything he was about to "rue" though, because the sensations were absolutely incredible. Then he noticed a change, a wonderful change, and looked down to see that her nose was in his patch of pubic hair!

Holy cow! Glory, you rock! Man! That is what I call a deep throating!

She kept that position for a surprisingly long time. And while she did so, she created a sensation that felt just like she was milking him or squeezing him with the walls of her throat tightly around his shaft. And as if that wasn't enough, her lips and her tongue never stopped working.

Just when he was getting concerned for how long she could last without breathing, she quickly pulled all the way off and gasped for air. But she quickly recovered, took a deep breath, and dove right back on him, all the way down until she couldn't gobble down any more cock.

Then she did the exact same thing, because she knew not to mess with success. There was nothing she could do with her mouth that was any more devastating than her milking and squeezing technique. It was very difficult to do, so she hardly ever did it, but she felt plenty inspired to do it now.

He grabbed her head and cried out, "Glory, you're killing me! Too... too much! AAAAAH! Gonna cum!"

She was grateful that he said that, because she didn't want to waste his cum by having it go straight down her throat. She pulled all the way off, gasped for air, and then sucked him back in. But this time she just bobbed back and forth over his sweet spot while his cum rocketed to the back of her mouth.

When it was all over, he crumpled to the floor. It took him several minutes before he could even breathe relatively freely.

He finally lifted up and stared incredulously at Glory, who was sitting on her ass. "What the fuck was THAT?"

"What do you mean?"

"Friggin' EPIC blowjob!"

"Hey, what else do you expect from Glory Hole, the slutty blowjob queen?" She smirked with glee. "But what the hell was with you, Mr. Grabby Hands Who Doesn't Know the Meaning of 'No.'"

Now it was his turn to smirk with glee. "What can I say? You inspire me. And by the way, I like your new nickname better than mine."

"Well, don't be quite so inspired next time. We can't take such foolish risks. As for the nickname, let's not mention that ever again, shall we?"


"I'll admit that at the time it spurred me to be even more slutty with you, and I even just said it myself, but glory holes are disgusting, horrible things and I hate how that drags my name down."

"Okay. It's forgotten already."

"Good. And here's a tip: when I deep throat you in the future, please don't hold my head in place. That could get dangerous."

"Oops. Sorry." He dropped his head back down to the floor and rested a little longer. He loved that she was taking it for granted that she would be deep throating him in the future, even though he wasn't surprised. It seemed that each time they got intimate with that each other, it only increased their mutual desires. They definitely had good sexual chemistry, to put it mildly.

Alan and Glory chatted for a while as they put their clothes back on and made themselves presentable again. Glory criticized him some more for taking such a risk, but she was secretly flattered at his explanation that he simply couldn't control himself around her when she was dressed like that. She knew that if she could turn back time, the only difference would have been that she wouldn't have stubbornly resisted so much at the start.

Since Glory's panties had been ripped in two, she was forced to go "commando." She acted upset about it, but it was a secret thrill for her, especially since the cheerleader skirt was so short. She knew that would keep her horny and thinking about Alan all evening, even if she wasn't able to be with him.

They agreed to leave the room at different times, go their separate ways, and then keep away from each other for the rest of the party. Both of them suspected that if they did get to talking of each other they'd wind up doing it all over again, but the risk was too great to do that. Alan also pointed out the obvious lusty look in Glory's eyes when they first ran into each other, and she revealed that he'd looked at her in a similarly blatantly desirous manner. So they agreed it was safest if they didn't even come close to each other for the rest of the night.

They went to separate bathrooms to better freshen up.

After that, Alan lost track of Glory and went out into the backyard, where maybe half of the partiers were. He looked around for familiar faces such as Susan or Suzanne, but didn't see them anywhere.

Just a few minutes later, a very attractive teenage girl named Carol came up to him and introduced herself. He didn't know her because she went to the private high school and he went to the public one. They started chatting away. She seemed interested in him from the very start, and grew more so, because he was even more sexually confident than before.

He thought, Boy oh boy! Today is my lucky day, to say the least! Why not try to see what happens with Carol? She definitely pushes my buttons. Right now, I feel like anything is possible with anybody!