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6 Times a Day

Chapter 328 Aftermath Of The Party (2 In 1)
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All the party-goers from the Plummer and Pestridge houses woke up late Sunday morning. Nobody made it out of bed in time for church, and in fact Alan didn't even wake up until noon. They all felt woozy upon waking, and all three teens had full-blown hangovers. But after showering and relaxing for a while, they felt somewhat better.

Susan's plan to give Alan a blowjob as soon as they came home from the party turned out to be a non-starter. She wasn't used to drinking a lot of alcohol, and she didn't take into account the effect her drinking was having on her. By the time Suzanne had her home, she felt queasy and very sleepy. Suzanne had to guide her and an equally sleepy Alan to their rooms just to make sure they were okay. Susan was so out of it that she didn't even remember her blowjob plan until she woke up the next morning, when it was far too late.

Suzanne and Amy came over to eat a very late brunch at the Plummer house. Nobody really said anything about the party, and when questions were asked, for instance by Katherine who had slept through almost everything, few were answered. Instead, they talked about innocuous things, like favorite costumes they had seen.

Suzanne in particular was extremely keen to find out what had happened between Alan and Susan the night before. She started out by subtly probing Alan about it when she had a brief private conversation with him just after brunch.

But Alan had very little recollection of that part of the evening. Once he started asking her about what they'd done (since he thought he'd been with her, not Susan), she made an excuse to leave the room.

His memory was similarly foggy about what had happened between him and "Elle." He thought it best not to mention Elle to anyone, not even Suzanne (ironically enough). He hoped he'd remember more if he gave it a little time.

He kicked himself for not getting any contact information from Elle. Frankly, he'd gotten the impression that she was an easy lay, and would be a great fuck. He certainly thought she looked gorgeous. Despite all the sex going on in his life, he craved more actual fucking. However, he consoled himself by speculating that she was probably on vacation from France, so he wouldn't have been able to see her much more anyway.

Susan remembered full well what had happened between herself and her son while she'd pretended to be Suzanne, but for once in her life she didn't immediately confess every last detail to her best friend. In fact, the only clue she gave to Suzanne was a stern lecture on the importance of maintaining boundaries.

After brunch, Suzanne overheard Susan mumbling as she washed the dishes in the kitchen, "It was the alcohol, I swear. That was too close! I'm gonna be a teetotaler from now on!"

From that, Suzanne guessed something physical must have happened to make Susan feel somewhat guilty, but not overwhelmingly so. She speculated, Had they had actual sex, knowing Susan and how she's been acting just under the surface lately, I would half expect her to snap totally, instantly turning into a wanton, incest-loving slut. Just like she is about blowjobs now, except with fucking. Wow! Either that, or she'd be way more upset.

I can just picture her right now, naked on the couch with her feet up around her head, rubbing her pussy while just begging Sweetie to fuck her like an animal! And then we could all take turns with her. I could be licking one load of my Sweetie's cum straight from her pussy while he slams into me doggy style, pumping in another hot blast of spunk! But noooOOOoooo, she just sits in the kitchen making orange juice. Such a shame, and a waste of her perfect body.

Oh well. It's just a matter of time. We're on the right track. Yesterday we had some major breakthroughs. I just have to keep pushing and scheming. If only there were more costume parties! Those have such potential.

Suzanne was remarkably accurate in guessing just how close Susan was to completely snapping and giving in utterly to her desires.

But Susan's close brush with incestuous intercourse was an epiphany of sorts. She no longer had an overwhelming desire to be fucked, at least for the moment.

Susan thought, If my Tiger could show that much self-control and respect for my wishes, I have to try and do the same. I haven't been helping him enough lately; I've been doing everything wrong. I have to focus on a simple task: stimulating his cock in every way I'm allowed. I'm going to suck his member every single day until it plain falls off! I'm going to forget completely about fucking and focus entirely on cocksucking. I'm going to be the best cocksucker there ever was! That way, we can both have fun, and at the same time he'll respect me for adhering to my own boundaries.

Susan was ready to launch into her new cocksucking campaign right away, especially since she felt that she'd left him hanging at the end of last night's party. But the atmosphere wasn't right. Everyone, especially Susan herself, remained groggy and barely functional well after brunch. The whole gang, including Amy, hung out in the living room while reading different sections of the newspaper.

Later in the day, Susan found some time to be alone with Suzanne. They went out by the pool, sitting in the shade in lounge chairs. They wore fairly standard bikinis.

Suzanne took the opportunity to bring up an issue that was practically driving her crazy. "Okay, we've had a lot of distractions in the last 24 hours with the costume party and everything. But now, you MUST tell me about your Brenda secret!"

Susan grinned knowingly. "Ah yes, the Brenda secret."

Suzanne wanted to shake her fists. "Aaaaagh! You're getting some kind of perverse pleasure torturing me about that, aren't you?"

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"Nah. Well, maybe a bit. It's just that you're the queen of schemes and secrets, and I never have any good schemes or secrets, and now I have one of both. It's fun!"

"So tell me about it already!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to postpone again. It's one of those things where I know as soon as we get started, we're going to get super horny, and right now I can't handle horny. I'm still recovering from last night."

"Damn!" Suzanne groaned in frustration. "But... I suppose I can understand that. But soon, right? Soon!"

"Yes, soon. It'll be a blast, I promise. But remember, not a word to Tiger about it. Boy, is he going to get a surprise!"

"A good one, I hope?"

"You bet!"

"Grrr!" But Suzanne restrained herself.

They went back to resting quietly for a while.

Thinking about the future, Susan's thoughts drifted to her husband Ron. Nervously fingering her wedding ring, she asked, "Suzanne, I've got a question. What we're doing with Tiger... It's not exactly loyal to our marriage vows. I believe now that Ron's been cheating, although I didn't feel that way when I started helping my son with his medical treatments. The truth is, regardless of what Ron did, regardless of the need for Tiger's medical treatment and saving him from the sin of Onan, sometimes I just feel like an adulterous, cheating slut."

After a pregnant pause, she asked plaintively, "Tell me... am I a slut?"

Suzanne acted indignant. "Of course not! A slut will have sex with practically anybody. That doesn't describe you at all. No, you're your son's personal slut. That's a TOTALLY different thing!"

"It is?" Susan's face was lined with worry.

"Of course! It's like day and night! A slut just wants to feel good, and damn the consequences. Whereas you're all about loyalty, love, altruism, and bonding. You already had a relationship with your son that most other mothers would kill for, and now it's getting even better because you both can express your love for each other physically. Sure, it's a kick when Sweetie calls you his slut, and there's nothing wrong with that, but really, it's like you're the anti-slut. Sluts are disloyal, and you're as loyal as they come."

Susan sighed, "Loyalty. That's a painful word for me these days, because what about Ron? You haven't been faithful to Eric for some time now. Doesn't that bother you sometimes? Whatever happened to all those pledges, 'forsaking all others,' 'in sickness and in health,' and all the rest?"

Suzanne growled irritably, "I told you, there were extenuating circumstances."

"What? You've always been so mysterious about that. We're best friends, and a lot of time has passed. Why have you never told me about that secret?"

"It's... I don't want to talk about it. Let's just say that the reason I cheated was all HIS fault, and leave it at that."

Susan felt just as frustrated as ever, since Suzanne had left hints like that before. Over the years, she had come to suspect that Eric had cheated first, but if that had been the case she didn't understand why Suzanne wouldn't just tell her that.

Susan continued, "Maybe you had an excuse of some sort, but what's my excuse? I mean, I still wear my wedding ring! Sometimes I look at my hands as they're holding my Tiger's big erection, and I notice my ring as it slides up and down. And sometimes, quite often, actually, it gets covered with his cum or pre-cum. I feel awful!"

"Doesn't that turn you on though?"

"Well, yeah! Of course! It makes me so hot, knowing my son is relentlessly taking full control of me and my marriage be damned. I LOVE being one of his personal sluts and cocksuckers. You know that. But that doesn't make it right. Help me here. I need some good advice. What should I do about my marriage, one way or another?"

Suzanne gave the question serious consideration before replying, "I don't consider myself a cheater because I don't really consider myself married. My marriage died a long time ago. Eric was the one who put a knife through it, and then he continued to make things worse until I felt that I had no choice but to do what I did. I tried. I really did try to save my marriage, but did he put in any serious effort? No! Not one little bit!"

She stretched out her arms. "Look at me. I'm hardly ugly. I have to fight men off wherever I go. But Eric hasn't been interested in having sex with me for years! Years! I think when he put on all that weight, he somehow lost his sex drive. I don't even think he masturbates. Somehow he gets off just on money."

Actually, Suzanne was only telling part of the story. Eleven years earlier, she'd caught Eric having sex with his secretary. Worse, she'd discovered it was a long-standing affair. They'd never managed to repair their marriage, especially when she caught him a second time. After that, they only grew further apart as time went on.

She was so humiliated that she'd never told anyone the full truth, not even her best friend Susan. She couldn't understand how a man could be dissatisfied with a woman as beautiful and highly sexed as she was. His rejection had caused even her to feel inadequate sometimes during the following years. In fact, his affair had hurt her pride so badly that she'd tried to completely repress the incident.

She frowned as she went on, "But it's not just that. Our love died in so many ways. We have an implicit understanding that we'll stay married until the kids graduate. At least that's what I'm thinking, but we haven't had a serious talk in so long, who knows what's in his mind these days. But the long and the short of it is that I don't feel any guilt; I haven't for ages."

That part was all true, especially the point that they'd stayed together for the children. In retrospect, she regretted that decision. Her children had felt obliged to choose sides in the cold war going on in the Pestridge house: Amy had sided with her mother while Brad had sided with his dad. It was a terrible situation, effectively having two separate families living under the same roof, never talking seriously to one another. But since Brad and Amy were in their senior year and close to graduating, Suzanne figured she might as well see it through to the end.

She concluded, "Enough about me. You know how I hate to talk about that unpleasantness. This is a new thing for you though, so I imagine you're more troubled."

"Yes I am," Susan admitted sorrowfully. "Very troubled. What troubles me the most is that, okay, the love is gone from my marriage too. That should be some consolation. But is it? The thing is, my desire for my Tiger is so strong that I suspect I'd have fallen for him and become his hopelessly devoted daily cocksucker even if I had been still deeply in love with Ron! Tiger's just too cute, and handsome, and kind, and smart, and funny, and clever, and all-around completely irresistible!"

Needless to say, Susan was extremely proud of her son, and had been even before his diagnosis and six-times-a-day treatment began.

She added, "And don't even get me started about his big dick and how good it feels to hold it in my hands. Or the sweet taste of his cum. Or his stamina. Or the way fate all but put his penis in my mouth due to his medical condition. What do you think? Would it have happened anyway, no matter what was going on with Ron?"

Suzanne replied honestly, "I think you're wrong about that. For you, when you love someone, you love them with all your heart and soul. You would never cheat on someone you really loved. Like I said, you're like the exact opposite of a slut. Had you been deeply in love with Ron, this whole situation of your helping would never have come up. I probably could have managed Sweetie's daily help some other way. Maybe Angel would have assisted from the start, for instance. Who knows? It's pointless to speculate now."

Susan wondered about that, but didn't say anything.

Suzanne continued, "But you're confused, because you still maintain the fiction that you used to love Ron. I know you, and the fact is, you NEVER really loved him and he never loved you. The two of you tried to pretend there was something there for years, but there never was. You're such a dutiful wife and a big believer in marriage that you forced yourself to think you were in love and all was well, when it clearly was not. At best, the two of you were good friends and roommates. Believe me, I've had to sit by and watch everything for years, but there was nothing I could do. The worse things got, the more in denial you were."

Susan thought back. Everything seemed different now, with 20/20 hindsight. She realized Suzanne was completely right. She suddenly exclaimed, "Love is different! Because what I have with my Tiger now is love. And not just a motherly love, like I had with him before. It's such a powerful feeling that I want to sing and dance and shout for joy!"

Suzanne thought, Ditto! That's exactly how I feel too. Somehow, I fell in love with him when he was just sixteen. And love makes me do some pretty crazy things. Someday soon I won't have to hide my feelings anymore. He's so close to his mother and sister that I could never pry them apart. Nor would I want to, but they'll learn we can share him together and all be happy.

Suzanne nodded approvingly. "So don't feel bad. You're not a bad wife; you tried your best to make your marriage work, long after it was dead. What your helping your Tiger with his special needs shows is simply that you're a good, loving mother. The fact that you get sexual pleasure from helping him is besides the point because you'd help him anyway, even if it was extremely painful for you. That's the kind of person you are."

Susan breathed a big sigh of relief. "Thank you, Suzanne! You know just what to say. Oh my gosh! What words of wisdom. I feel so much better. I'm so glad I got this off my chest." She leaned over to Suzanne's chair and kissed her on the cheek. "You're the best friend in the world!"

If only that were true, Suzanne thought ruefully. If only I could open up fully to her like she opens up to me, we both might have been able to avoid a lot of pain and suffering. There's been too much deception and self-deception going on. Now that things are finally getting better, that's something I've gotta work on changing too. Once this scheme is over, of course. She can never know the truth about that, or it could all unravel.

She suggested, "If the thing with the wedding ring is bothering you so much, why not just take it off and keep it off? You know that I never wear mine, except if I want to ward off grabby men. You should do the same. What loyalty do you have to Ron now? We've been talking about how you could best divorce him, and he spends all his time in Thailand, cheating on you, without a care for you or even your kids. So why should you still wear his ring?" She knew more about Ron and why his marriage to Susan was doomed, but she still didn't feel it was time to share that with Susan just yet.

"I don't know," Susan said doubtfully. "I probably should take it off. But that ring has a lot of meaning to me. Taking it off would be so symbolic, so final. It's not even so much about Ron; it's a symbol that I'm married. That's very important to me. I'm scared of being single and alone. I need to be part of a family."

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"But you are!" Suzanne said with a surge of empathy and passion. "You'll never be alone, because you have a great family all around you. What are Katherine, Amy, Alan, and I but your real, de facto family? And who is the head of that family?"

Susan didn't even want to ponder that, because she didn't know the answer. She waited for more of Suzanne's wisdom. She, Suzanne, and Alan all had leadership roles these days.

"Tiger!" Suzanne declared proudly. "He's the real head of this family of sorts, don't you think?" She actually thought of herself as the natural leader, followed by Susan, since she was the other mother. But she said Tiger because she knew that Susan naturally looked to men to lead families, thanks to the conservative way she'd been raised. Plus, she knew it fit in with Susan's sexually submissive tendencies.

Something profound clicked for Susan. "You're right. You're so right! Tiger... He's the man of the house now!" She found that idea extremely arousing, as well as reassuring.

Suzanne continued, "He is. You'll always be his mother, of course, and that gives you authority over him in certain respects. But in other respects, especially sexually, he's the one you should obey. And, as the head of the family, how do you think Sweetie feels about you wearing Ron's ring? It's kind of a sign of disloyalty, if not adultery, don't you think?"

Again, Susan was floored by how appealing this way of looking at things was. "Wow! When you're right, you're right. Now I feel just terrible. I suppose I should just take it off. Maybe then I won't feel so guilty when I'm wiping my fingers through Tiger's sticky goo."

"Of course you should take it off. There's no question about that. You've told me that you've told Sweetie that you're going to be his 'centerfold mom.' And not just today or next week, but, and I quote, 'forever and ever.' Again, I ask you, what's more important to you than serving him, and constantly servicing his demanding cock?"

"Well, nothing."

"Are you or are you not one of his official personal cocksuckers now? One of his personal sluts?"

"I am, of course." She stiffened proudly.

"What does that mean to you?"

"It means the world to me! I realize in retrospect that my life has lacked meaning and focus for a long, long time now. But now I feel revitalized, focusing on giving him prolonged orgasms."

"Great! So take your ring off already."

Susan pulled the ring most of the way off her finger. But then she stopped, and fretted. "But Suzanne, that's just such a big lifestyle change! I need time to figure out what this all means!"

"Fair enough. But it seems clear enough to me. Your loyalty is still divided as long as you wear that ring. And frankly, it's kind of insulting to Ron if your Tiger's cum drips all over it every day. And it's insulting to your cutie Tiger. If you're serious about serving his cock, your obedience and devotion to him should be total."

Susan was anguished to hear that. She reluctantly slid the ring back into place. "But Suzanne! If only I could see definitive proof about Ron's cheating! I'd feel so much better. What if the whole thing is a horrible mistake? Maybe there still would be a chance to go back."

"Go back to what?! You were miserable! What if he wasn't cheating? Wouldn't you still dedicate yourself to serving your son's cock? Isn't that still the most important thing? Hasn't your marriage been all but dead and buried for years and years?"

"Yes, yes, and yes." Susan sighed like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. "I suppose there's no going back in any case, but proof about his cheating would make this all so much easier for me. I wouldn't have to feel so conflicted about my marriage vows. Can you please get that for me? Soon?"

"Of course. You know I'm on it. I've got a private investigator over there collecting evidence even as we speak. And I warn you, you're not going to like what he has to say. But I still think it's a moot point. You need to get your head out of your dead marriage, and put it right where it belongs: in between your Tiger's legs, happily slurping away."

"I know, I know!" Susan sighed.

Susan felt a lot better after talking things over with Suzanne, as she usually did. However, she still felt conflicted. While Suzanne briefly went inside to use the bathroom, Susan stared at her wedding ring again and twisted it on her finger. She seriously considered taking it off, but in the end she couldn't quite bring herself to do it. While her feelings for Ron were fading, she still had a strong sense of loyalty to the idea of being married, and she still harbored guilt over her own cheating with Alan. She decided that she could wait a few more days until Suzanne's investigator came back with the report about Ron's cheating. She figured Alan would understand, and he'd be able to forgive the delay.

Ironically, it wasn't even an issue for Alan, at least not yet. His mother had worn her ring ever since he could remember, so it didn't even occur to him that that might change.