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6 Times a Day

Chapter 371 Dammit! Just Look At That Body.
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After a remarkable Tuesday, Alan figured he needed to take it easy for a while. As he awoke, visions of the previous day flooded his thoughts. Between the memories of fucking Heather and getting repeatedly blown by his mother, his penis was hard in seconds.

He recalled his mother's "cock hungry alarm clock" treatment, and looked around his room, half-expecting to see her there. But he found himself alone. He remained in his bed and waited until his penis had calmed down before leaving his room to take a shower.

Susan didn't dress provocatively or act out of the ordinary during breakfast. In fact, she wore a plain T-shirt and shorts, much like Alan did most days. She did seem slightly embarrassed though, and simply nibbled silently on her rice balls while avoiding direct eye contact with him.

Alan thought to himself, I'll bet this is just a passing phase. It fits her recent pattern to take a step back after doing some new thing. She's just freaked out at what a total nympho she was yesterday, and she's probably trying extra hard not to repeat what happened yesterday morning. She needs some time to absorb that. But that was her true nature. I imagine she'll be begging to suck my cock before night falls.

He was right, especially about Susan's fear of repeating what had happened on Tuesday morning. She certainly wasn't against giving him a blowjob, since she had fully embraced her role as "one of his personal cocksuckers," but she was wary of doing anything sexual around Katherine. Thoughts of the way Alan had played with her bare tits even while Katherine sucked him off filled her with shame.

As a result, when Alan announced that he needed a break, and didn't even want any morning stimulation, Susan went along with it. She wasn't entirely happy about it, but she didn't feel like she should sexually satisfy him with Katherine nearby either.

Katherine normally teased him a little when Susan wasn't around, but unfortunately their mother was almost always close by. So it was a tame morning all around. Alan left for school without a single orgasm, or even anything flirty happening.

— — —

When Suzanne came over to the Plummer house for her morning exercise session with Susan, she saw that her friend was frowning. Since Susan was puttering around in the kitchen, Suzanne sat on a stool at the kitchen counter and said, "Okay, talk to me. What's got you down?"

Susan looked down shyly. "Oh, nothing."

"Come on; it's not nothing. Look at you: you're wearing a boring T-shirt and equally boring shorts, so I can tell right there that things aren't right. Are you going to make me tickle it out of you?"

That made Susan smile and remember just what a wonderful, close friend Suzanne was. "Okay. I'll tell you. It's just that it's so silly and meaningless. I feel like I blew it this morning. I didn't do anything with my Tiger. Nothing! He left not ten minutes ago and I'm still depressed about it all. You can probably guess from the clothes I'm wearing how unsexy I was. I mean, I didn't even flash him a single nipple. Today's going to be a lousy day, I can tell."

Soon, Suzanne had worked the full story out of Susan. Once it had been told, Suzanne commented, "From what it seems to me, it's partly your fault and partly his. He was pretty overwhelmed yesterday, you know, since you say you saw eight marks on his orgasm chart. But still, he's a very, very sexually potent boy. If he doesn't take the initiative, you need to. In a couple of hours he's probably going to be suffering some painful blue balls, since you didn't do your part and help him blow a morning load or two."

"I know." Susan was wringing her hands, not doing any actual kitchen-work. "And what will he do for relief? It's going to bother me all day. But what was I supposed to do with Angel right there?"

Suzanne shrugged. "I don't see what the problem is."

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"What? How can you say that? Need I remind you what happened yesterday morning? There was no end to the debauched craziness. Angel even bobbed her mouth over his member while he played with my big breasts. Could things get any more improper? I didn't even tell you the full story then because it's so embarrassing. While all that was happening, in my mind I was calling myself..." Her voice trailed off.

"What?" Suzanne asked impatiently.

"No. I can't tell you. It's still too embarrassing."

"Susan, are we not the very best of friends? You can tell me anything, absolutely anything, and I won't judge you harshly. You know that."

Susan sighed. "You're right. It's just that it's so... Well, if you must know, I called myself... God, I must have been out of my mind. Temporarily insane! I called myself his 'tit slave.' Okay?" She looked away, blushing furiously.

Suzanne grinned slyly. Oh my. That's cute, and absolutely delightful. "Tit slave." She's coming along nicely! But she merely said, "I see. And what did you mean by that, exactly?"

Susan's hands shook as they held the edge of the counter. "Don't make me tell! Oh, if you must know, it's that... the thing is... God, I can't believe you're making me say this. The problem is, I get so horny! Especially when he plays with my breasts. I start thinking that it's like he owns them."

"Your big tits, you mean," Suzanne clarified. She liked to repeat "big tits" a lot so Susan would come to use that as the default term instead of "breasts."

Susan nodded. "Yes. He plays with them so aggressively, like I don't have any say in the matter. As if they're there just for his pleasure. I mean, he was kneading them and mauling them while his very own sister was giving him a blowjob! Isn't that wrong? It must be wrong. And she wasn't just giving him any old blowjob; she was really going to town, sliding her lips tightly, sucking and even suckling on that delicious, thick cock-meat..."

Her eyes bugged out. "Oh God! Now it's all coming back to me. I could actually hear just how tight the suction was, and all the slurping, the noisy slurping! And the smell of his powerful male seed! It's no wonder I went a little wild with that crazy 'tit slave' thinking. But I prayed to God about it last night and again this morning, and I believe in my heart that the Good Lord will forgive me."

Suzanne asked matter-of-factly, "What's to forgive? Remember, thanks to Sweetie's special medical condition and his prescribed treatment, you get a free pass. You can say and do and certainly think whatever you want, so long as it helps him have many prolonged orgasms. And even though he obviously couldn't read your mind, having sexy thoughts about being a 'tit slave' helped your mental attitude, I'm sure. After all, doesn't that get you SO HOT, thinking that he owns your tits?"

Susan didn't answer. She was increasingly aroused by this kind of talk, but she was also still blushing and incredibly embarrassed.

Suzanne prodded, "Don't you love the fact that he could do anything to your big tits, whenever he wants? Close your eyes and imagine that he walks into the kitchen right now, this very moment."

Susan closed her eyes and braced herself. She was both fearing and looking forward to continuing her sexual talk with her friend.

Suzanne continued, "He sees you dressed like this, and he's appalled." She changed her voice, trying her best to imitate Alan. "'Mom, what the hell is wrong with you, dressing like that? Are you going to some bingo game at the retirement center? I want to see you topless with your big tits bouncing around for my pleasure. Like they always should be. Well? ... What are you waiting for?'"

There was a pause.

Susan opened her eyes and looked at Suzanne. "Do you want me to... uh..."

Suzanne replied firmly, "It's not what I want; it's what your cutie Tiger wants." She switched her voice again. "'Mom, hurry it up. Are you or are you not my tit slave?'"

Susan replied, quietly and uncertainly, "I... I... I am."

"'What's that?'"

"I am." Her voice was a bit firmer.

"'Of course you are. And don't just take off your top; take it all off. And don't just take off your clothes; do a sexy little striptease.'"

Susan briefly opened her eyes again and asked, "What, right here? In the middle of the kitchen?"

Suzanne continued her Alan imitation. "'Mom, it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing. Your number one task is to pleasure my cock. That includes visual stimulation. And it doesn't matter who you're with either. If Sis is there, that makes no difference whatsoever. Is that clear?'"

Susan dropped her head in defeat. "Yes, Son." But she was anything but sad. She absolutely adored being sexually defeated by her son. In fact, she felt energized and aroused enough to begin her striptease, even though there was no music playing.

Suzanne was having a ball. She fingered her own pussy a little bit as she watched Susan take off her clothes in a very sultry manner. She wasn't worried about being caught, due to the counter hiding her hand motion. This is the bomb! I need to have more discussions like this where I play the Alan role. I know my voice sounds nothing like his, but so what? Susan really gets into it. It's like a switch has been flipped.

Dammit! Just look at that body. What a fit body. So close and yet so far for too many years. Soon she'll be mine! God, just look at those mighty tits come into view! It won't be long before I'll have my hands on those. In fact, maybe we should take this dialogue a step further, with some hands-on action.

Nah. I can't get too greedy. One step at a time. She might even accept it at first, but I'd go too far and freak her out. How could I control my hands or my lips on a body like that?!

Soon, Susan was down to just her socks, leaving her effectively nude. But she danced around quite a bit before she got around to taking her socks off.

Suzanne thought, It's amazing. If you didn't know her and only saw her all dressed up in a heavy, loose sweater, you'd probably just think that she's an exceptionally pretty soccer mom. But not only is she hiding the body of a perfect goddess, she's got so much sexual passion that it's not even funny! Look at her dance like she was born to it, yet she's standing in the middle of a kitchen with no music playing, inspired entirely by her lusty thoughts about her son. That's truly amazing!

Susan's sexy dance eventually came to an end after she ran out of clothes to remove. She stood in the middle of the kitchen, with uncertainty and embarrassment threatening to overwhelm her again.

Suzanne reverted to her normal voice. "So what we've learned here is that sexy thoughts can inspire you, which in turn will inspire him. Imagine if he really were standing here right now. Can you picture how thick and long and stiff his cock would be? It would be like a steel flagpole! You'd have a hell of a time just opening your mouth wide enough to cram it all in!"

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Susan's doubts faded again. She stared dreamily into space. "Oh, but what a joyous struggle!" She licked her lips repeatedly.

Suzanne had an idea. She got up, picked up a counter stool, and carried it around the kitchen counter to where Susan was standing. Then she pulled it up close to the counter and patted the seat. "Here. Sit down. We've got a lot to talk about."

Suzanne wanted Susan to sit there, because with her sitting on one side of the counter and Susan sitting on the other, they would be close to each other yet still be able to hide what their hands were doing below the counter edge if (or perhaps when) either or both of them wanted to masturbate. She realized that this was actually a much better setup to seduce Susan than just talking while they were exercising in the basement.

She said, "As Sweetie just said during that little imaginary exercise, it doesn't matter who's with you. Not even if Angel is with you. The important thing is to help him cum six times a day, at least. Does that stop if she happens to be around? No! It never stops!"

Susan bowed her head sadly. "I know. I'll try harder in the future. But it's just so tough, trying to change my ways. I thought I understood everything."

Suzanne said, "But really, you understood nothing. All those ideas that others put in your head, those ideas didn't come from Jesus or from God. They came from petty, sexist priests in the Middle Ages who were afraid of women and afraid of sex. Mostly, almost all men back then were afraid of sexually liberated women, because they feared they might not be sexually satisfying their wives enough, so their wives might look elsewhere. But forget all that. What I really want to know is, what happened yesterday. It was a Tuesday. You must have had lots of fun."

Susan's eyes lit up. "Oh boy! I did! But, um, before I tell you everything, can I put my clothes back on?"

"No. This is good practice for when Sweetie is around. You need to get used to being naked around him. Please continue."

Susan said, "Very well. But I have one request: please don't ever mention the term 'tit slave' out loud. Please? I'm trying to wipe that from my brain. And if someone else like Amy or Angel were to hear... or Tiger! Oh my! If Tiger were to hear that, I'd just die!"

Suzanne said, "Fine. You have my word." She meant it too. She figured she had enough material to work with to continue Susan's indoctrination while still being able to keep that promise.This chapter is updated by ɴovelFɪre.net

Susan told Suzanne everything that had happened between her and Alan the day before. She went into great detail on the most sexually arousing aspects, as usual. Except that during this telling she was free to masturbate 'secretly', so she did.

Suzanne had the disadvantage of being fully clothed. In fact, she hadn't even changed into her more accessible workout outfit yet. Even so, she still managed to have fun playing with her clit and pussy lips through her clothes.

At one point, Susan mentioned in passing that the head cheerleader, Heather, had come over to study with Alan. Susan only mentioned it to explain how her anticipation was even greater than usual when she finally had a chance to have fun with him later in the afternoon.

But Suzanne seized upon the event, asking detailed questions about Heather's visit. After Susan explained all she knew, Suzanne thought, A-ha! It's like I thought. Sweetie played hard to get for so long that Heather couldn't handle it anymore and went straight for the jugular. Or should I say the cock. I was right that she's the sort who gets what she wants, by any means necessary. This is actually a serious concern; we can't have her dropping by this house at any time, angling for another hot fuck. I'm going to have to talk to Sweetie about that!

I sure hope I'm right that her interest in him is just a flash in the pan. She could be a nightmare to deal with if her interest in him grows. But thankfully, from what I've heard, she's so hard to please that no man can satisfy her for long. If she stays hooked to him longer than expected, or causes any trouble, I'll have to be more proactive to get rid of her. But most critically, now I'm really worried about the sexual disease aspect! She could be responsible for giving us all something really bad.

As Susan started to describe her adventure with Alan and the chocolate frosting, Suzanne continued to mull over the Heather situation. I wonder what Susan would think if she knew Sweetie and Heather are fucking. I honestly don't think she's put two and two together on that yet.

Maybe that's for the best. Heather isn't just another pretty face and hard body. Even Susan has heard the stories about what a hugely manipulative bitch Heather is. She'll worry. Plus, what if she thinks of the sexual disease risk herself? She's heard Angel complain about what a "skanky, slutty bitch" Heather is. I think it's better to keep her ignorant on this, at least for a while.

Susan continued with her recounting of the chocolate frosting episode. As her tale hit its final climax, she had a nice climax of her own.

Suzanne noticed, even though Susan thought she was being very covert about her masturbating. Then Suzanne announced it was time for Susan to put on a leotard so they could start exercising. Both of them still had more sexy stories to tell, but Suzanne wanted to save that for later, since they still had a few hours to enjoy together before lunch.