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6 Times a Day

Chapter 391 You Promised: No Pregnancy Comments.[Bonus ]
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Dantess Bonus Chapter


That day's tennis matches seemed to last forever, and Alan lost all three. The last match, against the best player on the team, was a complete humiliation.

That left him in a lousy mood when he drove over to Kim's house for the biweekly S-Club orgy. He was completely exhausted, and also sweaty and dirty from tennis. He hoped that a shower at Kim's would liven him up and put him in more of a sexual frame of mind.

He thought, The day is already more than half-way over, and the only naked woman I've had fun with so far was Mom. How bizarre is that? Talk about changing expectations. I'd never even SEEN a real naked woman until a matter of a few weeks ago, when I saw Aims first, then Kat and Mom and Aunt Suzy.

Oh well. At least the S-Club orgy will make up for a relatively inactive day. My balls are practically bursting and I'm ready to deposit a couple of hefty loads in my two cheerleader beauties! He chuckled to himself.

By the time he arrived at Kim's house, Kim and Katherine had already been going at it with each other for two hours.

Alan let himself in, then went up to Kim's bedroom.

His sister paused briefly from sucking Kim's nipple, long enough to say 'Hi', but then she went right back to it.

He was amused, and a bit chagrined. He said, "This is funny. Last time, both of you greeted me at the door and couldn't wait to get started. Now I can't even get you to look my way and see the big bloody gash on my arm."

Both Katherine and Kim suddenly turned and stared at him with fear.

But he just chuckled and raised his arms, showing there was no injury. "Gotcha!"

Katherine went back to playing with Kim. "Very cute. I'm going to get you back for that. The two of us are gonna punish you with a long, loving double blowjob; just you wait and see."

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He laughed. "Oh no! Somebody save me!"

Kim pointed out, "Don't worry, Alan. We're not ignoring you. It's just that we're both on the edge of some nice orgasms. Once we're done and warmed up, we'll be all over you."

"That's great. Take your time. I really need to take a shower anyway."

He took his shower, but he didn't feel terribly revived afterwards. However, anticipation of the sex to come gave him an insistent boner well before the shower was over. By the time he was dried off, he was in serious need of sexual relief.

The first thing he wanted to do was fuck his sister, which he did. But his performance wasn't up to his usual recent standards. He reached his long-awaited and much-needed release, but he was like a half-dead man who had collapsed on top of her. She'd had to do most of the work by churning her hips.

Their fuck was over in less than five minutes, which was shockingly short by comparison with his recent performances.

Alan was very disappointed. "Sorry, Sis. I don't know what happened there."

She joked, "I just hope THAT wasn't the time you knocked me up. Anyway, I know you were just getting warmed up yourself."

"Siiiiiiiis! You promised: no pregnancy comments."

"Oops. But what if later on I get that special tingle that indicates you've fertilized me?"

Alan just rolled his eyes disapprovingly. Changing the topic back to his apology, he said, "The thing is, I just finished playing tennis for this stupid tournament until I was almost too tired to stand. And on top of that, I've only cum once since last night, which is unusual for me these days. So I was majorly pooped AND needing fast relief. I'm really sorry."

"Why? Bro, I'm your number-one fuck toy. I'm your busty, beautiful sister, put on Earth to satisfy your every desire. Right now, your need was just to empty your sperm into me, your oh-so-fertile sperm, and I was happy to be your cum dump."

"Sis! Please. Don't talk about yourself that way. You're not put on Earth to satisfy me, and you're not a cum dump! You're my sister and I love you. I should be YOUR cum dump, if that were possible."

She giggled while tenderly running her hand through his unruly hair. "It's not, at least not unless you go down on me while I'm above you, which maybe should be called 'going up.' Otherwise I'll just have to be your cum dump." She giggled some more. "Don't worry; you know I love this over-the-top way of talking. I get off on it and there's no harm done, so don't worry. Okay? Remember, you like it that I'm uppity."

"That's true." He happily snuggled into her, wanting to just rest and recover for a while.

But then he remembered that Kim was still there in bed with them. He knew that he'd established an impressive image with Kim, and he didn't want to ruin that by having her seeing him when he was down. So he tried to be commanding and build on the authoritative style he'd established the last time they were at her place. Even while he was laying there cuddled up to his sister, he opened his eyes briefly and said, "Kim, clean it up. Clean up everything."

"Yes, sir!" Kim said with a salute.

Alan liked that. Her response even revived him slightly.New chapters are published on ɴovelFɪre.net

Without protest she licked all of his and Katherine's juices from his dick. The stimulation of her tongue kept his penis partially hard.

However, he still felt like he was without energy, especially after all the demands of his tennis matches.

Yet, funnily enough, even as his mind was shutting down for a rest, his dick responded to all the licking and grew harder the more she "cleaned" it. Before he knew what was happening, she was sucking him off. He didn't even want it - if he was going to shoot another load, he would have far preferred another fuck. But he was too tired to do anything but let her continue.

Katherine grew increasingly aroused watching Kim suck and lick. She said, "Girl, you really inspire me. I mean, that's just such a fucking big cock for your mouth. You struggle mightily just to keep your lips locked around it and keep breathing. But that doesn't slow you down! You're bobbing and licking and stroking and using a lot of suction, I can tell." She nudged Alan. "Is she?"

"Hell, yeah!"

Katherine continued, "Kim, you're practically worshiping that cock! It's like, the only thing that matters is bringing it pleasure. It's like you're nothing but a slave and that cock is your lord and master!" She suddenly sat up. "Oh, fuck me! What am I doing just sitting here and talking and making myself all hot and bothered when there's plenty of cock for both of us?!"

Alan had to sit right on the edge of the bed to provide room for both girls to kneel together. But the effort was worth it, despite his exhaustion. Just seeing the two naked cheerleaders shoulder to shoulder, eager to suck, gave him new life.

As usual, Kim was deferential to Katherine (as well as Alan). So Katherine bobbed over Alan's sweet spot for a couple of minutes while Kim mostly just licked his balls and around the base of his shaft.

However, Katherine realized that Kim was the one who had gotten him hard again, thanks to her cleaning efforts. Also, she knew that she'd been fucked already while Kim had not. So she pulled off and let Kim take control of the much more sensitive top half of his cock, instead replacing Kim at licking his balls.

Alan hardly even noticed the switch, because they were both doing such a good job blowing him. Kim really loved cocksucking, and the double blowjob brought out her competitive instincts; she really wanted to try harder to outdo or at least match Katherine.

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Many minutes passed. After a while, Katherine got frustrated at being so close to, yet so far from, the sweet spot she craved to lick, but she still didn't want to be pushy and take Kim's place. So she stopped her licking and sat back up on the bed to neck with her brother for a while.

For a long time, Alan was at an ideal pleasure plateau where he felt great arousal but didn't have to worry too much about fighting the urge to cum. Eventually though, his arousal increased to the point that it would have been a big effort to keep holding back. He was too tired to use his PC muscle to delay his ejaculation, so instead he simply let go. His cum burst forth into Kim's mouth as from a breaking dam.

Kim was still inexperienced with blowjobs, and he hadn't given her any warning of his imminent climax. Furthermore, this was an unusually large load, since he'd been building up a charge for the better part of the day, during which he'd only come once. Her eyes bugged out and it looked like she would choke as the flood of cum filled her mouth and poured down her chin. But she struggled to keep up, managing to swallow most of it.

When she was done, she asked him, calmly, "How was that?"

"Good for me, of course, but how about you? Are you okay?"

"Never been better. I just love doing that. If only women had penises." There were actually tears in her eyes from the struggle, but she really had enjoyed it. In fact, she actually preferred the difficulty. She wiped her chin clean of her saliva and his cum.

Alan was too sleepy to ask more. He merely said, as he closed his eyes, "Now do my sister, please. Get her all clean."

"Mmmm. More Plummer family cum. I'll take it any way I can get it." Kim dove into Katherine's pussy. A river of seed was seeping from Katherine's hole from her earlier fucking, but Kim soon took care of that. After the cum was finally cleaned up, Kim continued to lick until Katherine arched backwards and screamed for joy.

Unfortunately for Alan, he missed most of that arousing sight because he'd gone from metaphorical collapse to literal collapse. He'd closed his eyes and was out like a light; the next thing he knew it was just after six o'clock and past the time for the two Plummer kids to go home.

Kim and Katherine had let him sleep for over an hour. He woke up alone, since Kim and Katherine had vacated the bedroom to allow him to sleep while they continued to make love to each other elsewhere in the house.

He was a bit disappointed that he hadn't had the energy to fuck them some more. But upon reflection he thought it was probably for the best. He'd needed to sleep more than to fuck. It was only his pride and sense of obligation, and the fact that the other two were waiting for him, that had brought him to Kim's house in the first place.

He felt that way mostly because he didn't want to let down his waiting sister. He'd often been worried lately that she was feeling neglected and inadequate, since she had to compete with Susan, Suzanne, and now Brenda. He'd guessed her feelings rightly, but on the other hand her newfound sexual desire was so great that she would have felt neglected even if he'd been fucking her twice daily. He figured that perhaps in time her desire would abate some, but right now she was completely thrilled with the discovery of sex and so couldn't get enough.

Even after his nap, he felt tired beyond tired. Four consecutive days of the tennis tournament were catching up to him all at once. He offered to fuck his sister again, but she could see that he wasn't up to it, so she insisted that they leave.

Katherine drove the two of them back home. He slept for the entire trip.

His mother and sister left him alone during a sedate dinner, and they silently shared an aubergine casserole. Afterwards he flopped into a chair in the living room and spaced out watching old Red Dwarf reruns.

By his recent standards, he'd had a bad day. The worst thing was, he had an essay due in one of his classes the next day and he hadn't even started on it. That impending deadline had weighed heavily on his mind throughout the day. He decided that he'd delayed the inevitable long enough, and it was time to get started. He figured he would be up late finishing it. At least it was a creative essay, a mock college application, so he didn't have to do any research.

To help him avoid distractions, Katherine retreated to her room and Susan actually left the house for a social visit. His body was rested up but his brain was still too tired to think much, so he vegetated and watched TV instead. His plan was to get started in a few minutes, but the right minute never seemed to arrive.