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A Divorce After My Rebirth by Gentle Rain in June

Chapter 904
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‘Nancy never had a friend before. She.

Knew what frends were lie and longed for one, but she never ad one.

So when Bianca mentioned they were friends, she was touched.

“Really? “Yeah, We're frends, okay?" So, twas olay to help friends, ight? Naney never expected that someone as high and mighty as Banca wouldbe.

willing tobe her friend.

"Olay. We're frends." Finally, Nancy had her first end, he most special one i her world.

Bianca nodded.

After diner, Blanca suggested that Nancy stay here, but Nancy nsisted she

would get better soon. With that, Bianca had no choice but to take her back home.

Nancy said she would walk, but Bianca insisted. the end, Nancy listened to Blanca. When Bianca returned home, she.

found a plump woman standing ther house door.

Seeing Banca get out of the ar the.

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plump woman approached and warmly said, "Hello, Mis. Sanders." Bianca was silent, Although they rarely greeted each other, she still new that thi plomp woman was ht neighbor from two houses down, Sandy.

1s there something you need? Banca asked witha frown.

Even though she accepted Nancy's presence now, it was dbvious Bianca wasn't quite used to Interacting with ‘multiple people ‘Sandy handed her a basket and said,

"These are the freshly baked bread I made, and also brought you some milk" "HR? You don'chave tol” — ‘Anelghbor suddenly giving her something made Bianca ec] awlovard.

But Sandy forced the basket Into her hands, "Just take 1" “Why are you giving me these things?" Since Sandy insisted on giving them to Blanca, there must bea reason, right? Sandy just smiled and sald, “Because you'ce a good and brave person Bianca was speechless.

Litle did she know tha her lawsuit for Nancy had become the alkof the entire village! Her actions in suing Nancy's husband earned her the villagers! admiration and respect.

"Come on in." Sandy was warm and had offered her §ifs, so Blanca elt bad leaving her out the cod wind. So, she invited Sandy nto therhouse.

Once inside, Sandy took Bianca's hand and said, "You did a really great ob. You.

have no dea what that scumbag has done tothe people in this village 1's not that we tured ablnd eye to Nancy's situation. I's just that we're 00 scared to help.

Bianca frowned. "What did he do?" Obviously, this information was aso.

useful to her.

If she lost the lawsuit because of Malcolm's interference, these villagers would be the leverage fo ther uprising.

As she talked about this, Sandy's tone.

was filled with helplessness. She sad, "We used a feel sorry for that ir."

"Ever since that scumbag brought her here, he life has been ike living inh] Wewanted t help her! "But that scumbag fst someone you want to mess with. Every time we helped that gil, he would retaliate against us.

He's not only cruel to Nancy but also to the villagers around us.

"He poisoned and killed my family's cous Even now, Sandy shuddered at the memory. very household raed cos in his area, and the milk they produced was ther livelihood. So, one could imagine the severity of such retaliation.

Bianca didn't akcany further, but Sandy continued, "He even burned down someone else's house." “He burned down a house?!” ‘Bianca was stunned. How could someone

daretodosuchathing? “Didn't anyone report him to the police?" Bianca asked, £ "We did. Butter he got out of prison, he continued t cause trouble and even retaliated against those who reported him. 50, after a while, we had no choice but 0 stay away from him." “This vas trly frightening.

Itwas in ine wich what Nancy had told her. Sowhen Bianca helped Nancy and even took action, it was unexpected by everyone. Although Bianca's own home was also vandalized, het response.

afterward caught them off guard, his ime, the scumbag had truly met his match! “Not messing vith him was the ight decision," Blanca affirmed.

“ms Sanders"

"Yes?" .

"After helping Nancy, could you also help What." Blanca hesitate.

“Having a nelghbor lke that is really scary. Such a pesson should spend the rest of theirlife behind brs!” Clearly, everyone in the lage wished John ould never come out of prison However, that wasn't something Bianca could guarantee. She had oly.

temporarily deterred him, but he cll acted arrogantly behind he back.

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Bianca felt uneasy about Sandy's request.

"1 don't specialize In that area, so." “Weal rust you” “This trust puta lot of pressure on her Afterall, Bianca was Justa divorce lawyer.

Although she had tuned ove anew leaf, Bianca wasn't entirely confident

But Sandy looked at her with hope in her eves. "Hehas done so much harm inthe past” : Bianca was speechless.

‘What Sandy sald was undeniably re.

For someone who ould lay hands on thei neighbors like thr, vas terrifying enough to make people not dare to provoke him. So, even if Nancy divorced him and really ef, could she truly escape the clutches of that scumbag? Asa neighbor, there would tbe any good days ahead either Thinking about thi, Bane couldn't help but worry about Naney's future.

Encountering someone like him was truly exasperating Sandy saida lot more, each revelation shocking Bianca more than the last.

Even after Sandy left, Bianca sll couldn't come to her senses. She couldn't believe

there could be such a demon in the world.

“That night, Bianca couldn't sieep because of Sandy's words It was already midnight, and her agitation only grew Insomnia was truly agonizing, and she didn't like the eclng.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang urgently.

Already agitated, Banca checked the clock he bedside table and felt even mor frazzled! Who could be coming to erat this hour? {twas either Malcolm oe Nancy Nancy wouldn't come at this time, sot had tobe Malcolm.

Bianca didn't feel ike dealing with him, and just the thought of him frustrated Ter, Butif she ignored him, he might force his way in!

In the end, Bianca reluctantly got up to open the door. A chill wind rushed in as soon as she opened it, making her shiver involuntarily, = However, when she saw who was outside the door, Bianca's hart tightened even ‘The man looked dignified and legant in his black coat, and the scent of his rsp cologne wrinkled erbrows Bianca never expected it tobe Zane.

Sheinstincively wanted to close the door But before she could react, someone grabbed her west.

Without waiting or her response, she was pulled into Zane's ums.