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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 259 Is That You
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Hecate stared at him with a neutral expression, though he thought he caught a glimpse of sadness in her eyes.

She responded, "She shares the same features as me, but her beauty comes from my big sister. I can see the resemblance."

Archer smiled. "Thank you, Hecate. I'll come to see you once I'm finished here."

The moon elf approached him and pecked him on the cheek before returning to the domain, seemingly ignoring the girls.

Nefertiti voiced her thoughts. "Why is she so rude? She doesn't acknowledge us even though we share the same husband."

Before he could comment, Hemera chimed in. "She doesn't talk to anyone except for Archer and her maid. He could have been like her if not for Ella."

The pink princess calmed down and nodded. It was then that the Sparrows returned, and Talila spoke. "We've been paid and can head to my village."

Archer nodded and began his journey northward towards Wildwood Crossing, and ultimately, to the forest.

They walked along the road for a few hours, the afternoon sun hanging overhead and beaming down.

Deciding to take to the skies, he informed the group of his plan. The girls nodded, while the Sparrows appeared hesitant.

Unperturbed by their uncertainty, he whispered, "Draco."

With that, Archer transformed into his dragon form, relishing the sensation. He lowered his body, allowing his girls and the group of adventurers to board.

Once everyone was settled, he took off, soaring northward. By the time night descended, they found themselves nearing Wildwood Crossing.

However, Archer descended to the ground, returning to his humanoid form. The Sparrows set up their tents, preparing for the night.

Archer glanced at the girls and inquired, "Would you prefer to camp out tonight or retreat to the domain?"

They exchanged glances and then answered together, "Domain."

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His smile widened, and with a wave of his hand, Archer cast Stone Warden. He summoned a dozen Stone Men, instructing them to guard the Sparrows.

The group watched in amazement as the Stone Men formed a protective circle around the campsite. Archer approached Talila and playfully scooped her up.

Her companions knew she could easily escape his grasp but chose to play along. Cecelia giggled, enjoying this glimpse of a different side of the usually reserved elf.

Archer opened a portal and stepped through, followed by his companions. As they entered the treehouse, he gently set down the elf who appeared quite comfortable.

Talila glanced around, a sense of wonder filling her. As she began to explore, confusion clouded her expression.

However, before she could venture too far, Archer spoke, "Follow me. I'd like you to meet someone."

She nodded, intrigued, and trailed after him, while the other girls continued with their activities.

As he walked away, Teuila's voice reached his ears. "Don't forget about our training after you're done," she reminded him.

Archer acknowledged her with a nod and led Hemera and Talila to Hecate's lab. Throughout the walk to the lab, he noticed the sun elf's gaze frequently fixed on the younger elf.

Upon reaching the new addition to the treehouse, Archer knocked on the door, which was promptly opened by Eione. She warmly welcomed the trio inside.

Once inside, their attention turned to Hecate, engrossed in her reading. However, as her eyes met Talila's, she softly uttered, "Fabia."

Talila's eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat at the mention of her mother's name from the lips of this unfamiliar woman.

She looked at Hecate, noticing her long silver hair like her own, the same red eyes, but her skin was grey, and she wore a black silk peplos.

Talila asked curiously, "How do you know my mother's name?"

Hemera began to cry, as she had always believed she had lost her big brother, but now a part of him stood before her.

Hecate felt the same way, though her bond with her sister Fabia was even stronger. To see her sister's daughter in front of her was overwhelming.

It was at that moment that Archer recounted the story of the missing Solarian Prince and the lost Lunarian Princess.

Once he had finished, the girl fell silent, her red eyes locked onto him. She shook her head and turned her gaze toward the two older elves.

In a sad tone, Talila mumbled, "So the two of you are my aunts?"

Hemera nodded and quickly pulled the girl into a tight hug, her emotions overflowing. She exclaimed, "Yes, you're my niece! Mater and Pater will be overjoyed to meet you, Tali."

However, Hecate abruptly dampened the cheerful atmosphere with her announcement. "My parents won't care. They banished Fabia many years ago, and they refuse to speak of her."

Archer felt a pang of sympathy for Hecate and her sister, knowing he couldn't change their family's past. He was aware that Agamemnon would offer them shelter if he asked.

Leaving the aunts and niece to bond, Archer stepped away to give them space. After bidding Hecate and Hemera farewell with a kiss, he exited the lab.

Making his way to the kitchen, he found Ella preparing a meal. Taking a seat at the table, the girls bombarded him with questions.

Archer proceeded to explain everything, and their astonishment was palpable upon learning that Hemera and Hecate were Talia's aunts.

However, the conversation shifted as Ella finished cooking, and the five of them sat down to enjoy the meal.

Once they had eaten their fill, Teuila took Archer outside the treehouse and started training him until the sun fully set.

By the time they were done, he was sweating all over with red marks littering his body. Teuila helped him up.

After enjoying a refreshing bath, each of them retired to their respective rooms after bidding Archer a goodnight kiss, all seeking a tranquil night's rest.

Archer entered his room and settled into bed with a longing for an undisturbed sleep. He quickly found a comfortable position and drifted off into slumber.

The following morning, he was jolted awake by the loud roar of a wyvern flying past. Archer sat up in bed and noticed Hecate lying next to him.

Confusion washed over him as he realized he hadn't sensed her presence. Archer leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek, causing her to stir.

Her red eyes fluttered open, meeting his violet gaze as Hecate sat up and initiated a passionate kiss, their lips locking in a fervent embrace.

After a moment, they parted, and she smiled up at him. "I've been looking forward to that, Archer," she remarked.

He grinned, his voice a hushed whisper as he leaned in closer, his words intended only for her ears. "It's Hemera's turn, and then it'll be your turn. Just you wait, I'll ravage you."

Hecate's smile widened, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, sharing another lingering kiss before he rose from the bed.

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Archer cast a cleansing spell upon himself and proceeded to prepare for the day. After bidding Hecate a temporary farewell as she returned to sleep, he left the room.

Surveying his surroundings, Archer found himself alone except for Nefertiti, who was in the midst of getting ready to head to the academy.

Turning around with a smile, she greeted him. "Good morning, Arch. I need to get to my classes."

He nodded and opened a Gate to her academy, sharing a kiss with Nefertiti before she stepped through.

With that task completed, he cast another Gate to the campsite. Hemera and Talila emerged from the stairs, and they joined him as he walked through.

The Sparrows had already packed up and were waiting. Cecelia noticed the trio's arrival and greeted them with a smile.

Talila took charge, efficiently organizing everyone for their departure. Archer whispered, ''Draconis,'' and his draconic features manifested.

He gently lifted Hemera, taking to the sky, while the others mounted their horses.

After an hour of travel, they reached Wildwood Crossing. However, they continued past it, heading towards the distant forest.

Archer descended as Teuila and Ella established contact. He landed carefully, setting Hemera down as a portal opened.

The three girls emerged from the portal, offering him warm smiles.

As they continued their journey, the Sparrows gradually slowed down as they approached the outskirts of Shadowvale Forest.

They dismounted and got their weapons ready, the group entered the forest and noticed how quiet it was.

Archer activated Aura Detector but found nothing. After walking for a couple hours he picked up a few pings heading in their direction.

Talila spoke up. ''Don't attack, they are from my tribe.''

That was when three sickly-looking women appeared with their weapons at the ready. But as they scanned the group she stepped forward.

The women lowered their weapons as they spoke to her. ''Is that you Talila? Who are all these people?''

She explained why they were there and the two women nodded their heads and started guiding them to their village.

Archer walked with purpose through the fantasy forest, his steps steady and deliberate.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers and the earthy aroma of ancient trees.

Sunlight filtered through the lush canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]