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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 286 College Of Magic
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Chapter 286 College Of Magic

Ophelia Blackfire was sitting in a carriage being taken to a meet with the emperor about a certain boy who he wants to join the college.

She wouldn't just accept him without hearing the man's reason as places in the college are hard to come by lately.

As the carriage traveled down the main road she peered out the window as they journeyed through a city that seemed to have sprung from the pages of a medieval tale.

The buildings that lined the cobblestone streets were a fusion of fantasy and history, creating a charming and otherworldly atmosphere.

Turreted towers adorned with intricate stonework reached toward the sky, casting long shadows over the bustling streets.

Quaint houses with tiled roofs and colorful banners added a touch of appreciation to the scene.

As she looked closer, she noticed quaint shops with hand-painted signs that swung gently in the breeze, inviting passersby to explore their treasures.

In the sky above, on a floating island suspended by magic, stood the Avalonian imperial palace.

Its spires and domes glistened in the sunlight, an opulent gem that seemed to defy gravity itself.

Banners displaying the emblem of the empire fluttered gracefully, visible even from this distance.

The palace was a masterpiece of architecture, its elegant design a testament to the empire's wealth and grandeur.

Gardens adorned with colorful flowers spilled over the edges of the island, creating a dramatic view that seemed like a dream.

The carriage entered the fort which allowed people to travel to the floating island. When she entered the Royal Guard stopped her.

Ophelia got out and approached the guard who bowed to her. ''Headmistress Blackfire, his Majesty is expecting you. Please follow me.''

She followed the guard to the Elysian Elevator, after the two stepped onto it the machine started to rise to the floating island.

When it arrived there was another guard house with more royal guards stationed there. The captain took over and led her to the palace.

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They strolled along the stone path that meandered through the lush garden. The air was alive with the scent of blooming flowers and the soft rustling of leaves.

Sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees, dappling the ground with warm patches of light.

As they walked, Ophelia couldn't help but be captivated by the serenity of the garden.

Colorful blooms lined the path, their petals painted in vibrant hues that seemed almost magical.

Birds sang from their hidden perches, their melodies weaving a soothing tapestry of sound.

The guard's armor clinked softly with each step. His steady presence helped ground her amidst the beauty that surrounded them.

After walking for a little while she saw the palace's entrance. They kept going until they went inside and walked down a hallway.

The man's shiny armor reflected the palace's light as he led Ophelia through a maze of hallways.

On the walls, there were detailed tapestries showing stories from the empire's past and showcasing famous battles. Bright colors stood out against the fancy marble walls.

Mana torches mounted on the walls cast a warm and flickering glow, illuminating their path as they traveled the splendid halls.

Their steps echoed in the corridor, infusing their journey with a respectful silence.

She was captivated as usual as they moved beneath towering arches, intricately carved, showcasing the palace's professional artistry.

They journeyed through grand doors, each corridor was as ornate as the last. Soon they came to two large doors and the guard knocked on the door.

''Come in!''

A voice resounded from the other side, instantly recognizable as that of the emperor. The door swung open, revealing a maid who graciously welcomed them inside.

The two entered but the guard was quickly dismissed and Osoric invited her to sit down, she sat down and got comfortable.

That's when the door opened and Empress Chloe walked in and greeted her. ''Oh hello, Ophie. How are you?''

She smiled at the cat woman as she replied. ''I'm fine Chloe. How are the children? Looking forward to joining the college?''

''Yes, they are. They already left for the dorms and should be there by now.'' The empress answered with a smile.

Ophelia nodded and turned to the emperor and asked. ''So why have you called me here your Majesty? I'm guessing it's over the dragon boy getting closer to the empire?''

He chuckled as he replied. ''Of course you already knew. I should have guessed. But yes I want him to attend the college as it would be good for him and the empire.''

She smiled but quickly commented. ''There's not even a dozen spaces left and I heard he has a lot of girls. So I'd have to save them and turn away some noble children, would that be okay with you?''

The man agreed, he didn't care about some random children when he could get the white dragon on his side.

As he started thinking he heard Ophelia speak. ''But how do you plan to get him to attend?''

Osoric smiled and replied. ''Well I know he wants his aunt Sia Silverthrone and I'll endorse the marriage, give him some gold, and tell him there are many princesses attending including my daughter Leira who will also be engaged to him.''

The headmistress looked at him with narrowed eyes before retorting. ''Do you think he will accept that?''

But she remembered the boy's personality and sighed to herself before continuing. ''He probably will, I have heard he's a lust-filled dragon who has a gaggle of girls following him around.''

The three started laughing before Osoric spoke. ''Well, it's the truth, he has gathered four princesses from the south and three other girls. But now he's met Sia and the two hit it off instantly.''

When Ophelia heard that she started laughing along with Chloe as they both knew what Sia was like with the boy and knowing she got what she wanted they knew how happy she would be.

She stopped laughing and began talking. ''Well he is a dragon and from what I've heard he loves his women. If that's all, I got to return to the college to sort out the paperwork.''

The emperor nodded but they began discussing the boy and various events within the empire.

During their conversation, Chloe posed a question to both of them, asking, ''What happens if he encounters his siblings while attending?''

Ophelia quickly responded, saying, ''If anything happens between them, we will separate them and ensure that nothing inappropriate occurs.''

The empress found the answer satisfactory, and the group continued their discussion for a couple of hours.

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Eventually, Ophelia had to leave because she was behind on paperwork due to staying longer than she expected.

As she bid them farewell and left the room, she suddenly vanished before the guards' eyes.

Initially taken aback, the guards quickly regained their composure once they realized who it was.

She quickly reappeared in her office and sat down. Ophelia started going through some paperwork until an hour later and heard someone knock on the door.

''Come in!'' She shouted out.

The door opened and a beautiful blonde woman with bright orange eyes who was built like a seasoned warrior walked in.

She walked up to the desk and sat down as Ophelia looked up with a smile. ''Hello, Samara. Are you looking forward to your classes?

''Yes. I can't wait to train the younger generation. War is coming and we will need all the warriors we can get.'' Samara commented as she got comfortable.

Ophelia nodded her head and informed the woman of the upcoming events. ''You know your sister's sons and daughters will be attending this year.''

Samara smiled as she replied. ''Well yes, I know some will be attending but not who. I haven't spoken to Ksara in a while. Not since that brat threatened her and she hid herself away.''

The witch's eyes narrowed when she heard her teacher's words, she decided to put a stop to it. ''He was not at fault. Your sister, the other wives, and children were to blame for the way things turned out.''

When she said that Samara looked at her with a skeptical gaze before commenting. ''What do you mean?''

She went on to explain what Archer had gone through, everything the Duke admitted to, and all the information she gathered from the servants of the castle.

After talking for twenty minutes Samara calmed down and understood a lot more now but still wanted to confirm it herself.

The teacher said goodbye to Ophelia and made her way to her family's mansion to talk to her Father and Uncle.

She smiled as the woman walked off and got back to sorting out the paperwork for the boy and his girls.

It didn't take long for her to reach the mansion when she entered a maid led her to her Father's study.

When she walked through the door her Father and Uncle looked up with curious looks on their faces as the older man with grey hair and orange eyes spoke.

''What are you doing Samara?''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]