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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 298 Celestial Magic Tournament.
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Chapter 298 Celestial Magic Tournament.

Archer looked at the man and nodded before speaking. ''Yes I will help but I expect to be paid for my services.''

When the nobles heard that they were outraged as one chubby man spoke up in anger. ''You greedy little shit! How dare you demand stuff from the emperor! Who do you think you are!''

He looked at the man and laughed. ''Shut up you old fool. I am a dragon and a white one at that. Do you know how many empires will offer me much more just to be allied with them? But here I am willing to help your empire if you ever need it.''

Shaking his head he continued. ''I united the Southlands and Mediterra, both lands have swallowed up their enemies and are now thriving according to my fiances.''

Archer turned to Osoric. ''I accept most of your offers but why should I join a school when I can learn myself? It's not difficult for me to fight in the dungeons and I also want to meet this princess.''

The emperor smiled as he agreed with the boy. ''Well by attending the College you will be able to use both dungeons and also be allowed inside the Headmitresses private one for taking tests but the same benefit applies. I'll allow you to keep whatever you collect that doesn't involve a test or your learning.''

Empress Chloe chimed in, "Next year during Solaris, there's something called The Celestial Magic Tournament. The Nightshade Empire on Verdantia is hosting it next year, It's basically a competition for the younger generation to prove who's the strongest warrior."

When Archer heard this is was convinced he wanted to travel and he loved to fight, he nodded at the woman's words as he spoke. ''Okay, I accept your offer.''

He looked around and saw all the nobles giving him dirty looks apart from a group of four old men who were smiling at him.

Archer didn't know them but one looked familiar to Larka, as he was thinking to himself the emperor said. ''Great. That's good at least you're not unreasonable. Oh, one more thing Archer. Are you planning to marry your aunt Sia Silverthrone?''

When he heard this his smile grew as he quickly nodded. ''Of course. Why wouldn't I? I'm already her husband according to her.''

Osoric smiled as he laid down his last tempting offer. ''I will bless such a marriage that would be seen as taboo within the empire, with this no one will question you.''

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Archer agreed with the man. He knew marrying his aunt would cause problems but now he didn't have to worry as that would be sorted.

The emperor stepped forward and spoke to everyone in the hall. ''Everyone here is witness that I will engage my daughter Leira to Archer as long as he agrees and I will personally bless the marriage of him and our very own General of the Dawnbreakers.''

Everyone nodded reluctantly causing Archer to laugh at their reactions, Chloe saw this and spoke. ''Do you not want your family name? We can give you one now to break away from the Ashguard family.''

Her question prompted him to ponder, his expression turning thoughtful as he considered a name for himself and the girls.

In his contemplation, a name came to him: 'Wyldheart' felt right.

Archer's smile brightened as he said, "My family name will be Wyldheart."

Upon hearing this, the empress smiled and remarked, "A good decision. You truly embody a free spirit."

Osoric nodded along and announced as he stood up. ''Everyone! From today onward the banished boy from the Ashguard house will be known as Archer Wyldheart the guardian of the Avalon Empire.''

When he heard that his eyes narrowed as he stood up and wondered what he was planning. The emperor approached him with a smile.

As he got close he leaned in so only Archer could hear. ''There are some nobles I want you to get rid of. You can have all their wealth and I'll give you two chests of gold coins. What do you say?''

''Four chests,'' Archer replied instantly catching the emperor off guard.

Osoric laughed but nodded his head, but continued speaking. ''Well you drive a hard bargain boy, we have had loads of reports that bandits are slowly making their way into the empire due to the war not happening. So I know you will enjoy the hunt.''

Archer looked at the man with a wary gaze as he walked away but accepted it due to wanting even more gold and it also didn't seem so bad.

He receives his gold, freedom, and the chance to meet other girls at the college. Then he asked the emperor, "What's going on with the college? Where do I need to go and can my girls join?"

Osoric leaned back on his throne while the empress replied, "Just go to the college the day after tomorrow. It's about a mile from the western entrance. Bring the girls with you. The headmistress will assist you when you arrive."

His smile widened as the doors swung open, and the servants reappeared, each carrying a large chest.

He got excited as they put them down in front of him. Once they did Archer opened them and saw a mountain of gold coins he quickly stored it away.

When he did that it shocked everyone who was looking at him with strange looks, he shrugged at them and turned to the emperor. ''Thank you for the gold. I will deal with the bandits tonight and what about the other thing?''

A smile crept onto Osoric's face as a servant handed him a letter, which he stowed away in his Item Box.

With that complete, Chloe resumed speaking. "Now that's settled, wait outside. I'll summon Leira so you two can meet. And Archer, tomorrow night there's the College Ball for all new students. The headmistress has extended a personal invitation to you."

Archer nodded as the emperor and empress smiled, after that, he made his way out as the nobles complained about his manners.

He looked at them and he gave them a shit-eating grin as he walked out of the throne room.

When he did he was led to a private room that had a balcony, he walked out onto it and started to admire the view.

The breathtaking sight of Starfall City unfolded before him. The city seemed to sprawl across the dying sunlight, its shimmering towers and graceful bridges illuminated by the soft glow of starlight.

As he took in the panoramic view, Archer could see the city's intricate architecture, each building seemingly crafted like a work of art.

Multicolored lights danced along the streets, casting a warm and inviting glow. The sounds of laughter and music drifted up from the bustling streets, carried on gentle currents of wind.

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The sky above was a canvas of twinkling stars, their brilliance only matched by the radiant city below.

He could see a large river that snaked through the city below. With a smile on his face, Archer leaned against the railing of the balcony.

A gentle breeze ruffled his hair and caressed his skin as he was lost in thought, he was suddenly brought back to the present by the soft sound of footsteps.

Archer turned his head, and there she was – a purple-haired cat girl, her presence as enchanting as her appearance.

She walked onto the balcony with fluid grace, her footsteps barely making a sound against the smooth surface.

Her lovely green eyes held a hint of curiosity as they met his, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Archer couldn't help but return the smile. What captured his attention most was the tail swaying behind her.

It matched the color of her hair, moving in a rhythm of its own. It seemed to emphasize her emotions, each sway like a gentle brushstroke of expression.

The girl looked into his eyes and spoke with a sweet voice. ''So you're Archer.''

He smiled and stood up, then nodded at Princess Leira. "Yes, Princess Leira, I like your ears. Can I touch them, please?"

When Leira heard his question her eyes widened but she got angry as she replied. ''No, you cannot. Only husbands are allowed to touch our ears.''

Archer nodded as he continued speaking. ''Well, it's nice to meet you, princess. Oh by the way I didn't ask for the engagement, I was recently told when I met my uncle.''

She chuckled before talking. ''Yes, I know. It's Mother and Father thinking they can control everyone. It's a habit with them, but I'm sure they will be broken with you dragon.''

He smiled as he sat on the railing as he examined the girl closer. To him she looked like a mage, she was slender and had decent-sized boobs.

Archer noticed she wore a comfortable green kaftan that looked great on her. A smile formed on his face as he said, "You look lovely, Leira.''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]