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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 323 Chase To The Misthaven Capital
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Chapter 323 Chase To The Misthaven Capital

Archer looked at the half-elf and smiled but as he was about to speak the waiter returned followed by a few more men.

They started placing the food on the table and got a second table to put Archer's food on. When they were done he admired the food.

On every plate, there was a towering heap of food. The table itself groaned under the sheer amount of dishes that were placed before them.

There were roasted beast meats, succulent and dripping with juices, their aromas filling the air with an irresistible fragrance.

Towering stacks of golden-brown fried Ironbeak wings, glistening with a mouthwatering glaze, beckoned to him.

He saw mounds of fluffy mashed goldroot, smothered in rich gravy, and vegetables that looked so vibrant and colorful they could have been plucked from a magical garden.

There were pastries, both sweet and savory, with flaky, golden crusts that crumbled at the slightest touch.

Archer's gaze traveled to the desserts, where a mountain of sweets awaited him.

There were towering cakes with layers of cream and fruit, their icing intricately decorated with swirling patterns.

Beside them, platters of pastel-colored macarons and delicate petit fours seemed almost too beautiful to eat.

But it was the centerpiece of this extravagant feast that truly stole the show. As the waiter finished setting the last dish in place.

Even Nala, who had been eagerly expecting the feast, looked momentarily stunned by the sheer excess of food.

Archer leaned back in his chair, a grin spreading across his face as he surveyed the delicious-looking food.

It was a feast fit for a king, or in his case, a dragon. With a mischievous glint in his violet eyes, he turned to his companions and declared, "Let the feast begin!"

They soon started to dig in, savoring every bite of the feast that stretched before them.

Archer started eating plate after plate until he was full and the girls were looking at him while giggling to themselves.

As he finished eating he got a message from Sia that shocked him. ''Husband! Help!''

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He jumped to his feet shocking everyone at the table. Hemera was the first to speak. ''What's wrong Arch?''

''Sia is in trouble,'' Archer said as he walked away from the table. Before he left he dropped a pouch of gold coins on the table and told the girls to stay until he got back.

They all nodded as he cast Gate to Sentinels Reach and whispered ''Draconis.''

His draconic features appeared shocking Lioran, Nala, Halime, the lion girls, and his siblings. But Archer soon stepped through the portal.

Archer flapped his wings appeared on the other side and saw a siege taking place. It looked like the Avalonians were on the back foot as Misthaven soldiers were already on the wall.

The sun was setting beyond the mountains which cast a beautiful color over the landscape.

He dived down as he folded his wings in and soared toward the ground but as he got closer he cast Blink and appeared behind a group of enemy soldiers who just climbed up the wall.

With a slow, confident grin, he bared his gleaming white teeth, a primal challenge to his opponents.

The soldiers, taken aback by the sheer audacity of this boy before them, hesitated for a brief moment.

But Archer didn't wait for them to regain their composure. In one fluid motion, he lunged forward, his claws extended like gleaming blades.

His right claw swiped through the air, meeting a soldier's sword with a resounding clash of metal.

Simultaneously, his powerful tail whipped around, smashing into another group of soldiers with bone-crushing force.

They were sent sprawling like ragdolls, their armor no match for his sheer strength. Archer's teeth sank into the armor-clad shoulder of another soldier, rending metal and flesh with ease.

His eyes gleamed with satisfaction as the soldier cried out in agony. As the battle raged on, Archer's movements were a deadly dance of precision and brutality.

Each swipe of his claws, each swing of his tail, and each bite of his teeth brought down Misthaven soldiers like leaves in a storm.

Soon enough the enemies that were on the wall were dealt with but the rest of the Misthaven army kept firing boulders and spells into the castle.

As Archer stood on the wall he looked at all the injured Avalonian soldiers and cast Aurora Healing on all of them.

They got back to their feet and looked at Archer in amazement but he could sense Sia anywhere.

He grabbed the closet soldiers and spoke with a growl. ''Where is Sia?''

The man's eyes widened as he stuttered out. ''A High Mage captured her my Lord.''

Archer let go of the man and jumped onto the wall as he looked out over the attacking army he got angry.

The Misthavenians fired another volley of spells and boulders but Archer cast Crown of Stars multiple times.

He flew toward them and the violet motes that destroyed the incoming volley. Archer cast Azur Comet a few times when he saw the number of soldiers.

The sky above the battlefield was eerily silent, save for the distant rumble of thunder.

Dark storm clouds gathered, casting a shadow over the Misthaven army as they prepared for another attack on the castle.

Archer, who was now back standing on the wall with his hand high into the air. His piercing violet eyes scanned the enemy below.

Above him, a series of brilliant violet comets materialized, trailing fiery tails as they hurtled down from the heavens.

The Misthaven soldiers, their faces contorted in fear and disbelief, watched as the comets descended with unstoppable force.

Each comet blazed with an otherworldly radiance, casting an eerie glow upon the battlefield.

The first comet struck with devastating impact, slamming into the center of the Misthaven army.

The ground quaked as a shockwave rippled outward, sending soldiers sprawling. Armor shattered, and bodies were torn asunder by the explosive force.

A second comet followed suit, crashing into a cluster of enemy war machines. The fiery explosion engulfed the siege engines, reducing them to smoldering wreckage in an instant.

Wood and metal splintered and burned, and the screams of the Misthaven engineers were drowned out by the chaos.

The third comet descended with precision, targeting a group of Misthaven mages who had been casting destructive spells of their own.

Upon impact, a blinding burst of arcane energy erupted, disintegrating the mages and leaving nothing but scorched earth in their wake.

Archer's eyes never wavered from the destruction unfolding below. He knew that the tide of the battle had shifted in their favor, and the Misthaven soldiers, once steadfast, were now in disarray.

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As the dust and smoke settled, Archer surveyed the aftermath. The Misthaven army lay in ruins, their forces scattered and demoralized.

He looked at the same man he grabbed and spoke. ''Where would they take her?''

The man pointed southwest so he nodded and jumped off the wall and sped after the High Mage who took Sia.

As he streaked through the sky, his powerful dragon wings propelled him forward with incredible speed.

The wind roared in his ears, and his violet eyes were fixed on the horizon where the sun dipped below the distant mountains, casting an eerie, blood-red glow across the landscape.

He pushed himself harder, his wings beating with a thunderous force that sent shockwaves through the air.

His scales shimmered in the fading light as he strained to go even faster. The world below became a blur of colors and shapes, and he could barely make out the terrain beneath him.

Archer's mind raced as he replayed Sia's message in his head. He couldn't bear the thought of her in the hands of the High Mage, and his determination burned like a raging fire.

He knew that he had to reach her as quickly as possible, and there was no limit to what he would do to rescue her.

His keen senses caught a faint trace of magic in the air, leading him in the right direction.

With a burst of speed, he followed the magical trail, trusting his instincts and the bond he shared with Sia.

As he flew he spotted a castle below so he flew toward it but soon saw spells flying toward him.

Archer easily dodged them as he cast dozens of his own spells at the castle. 'Elemental Fury.'

Element beams of fire, water, earth, thunder, light, and dark shot toward the castle and slammed into it causing multiple large explosions.

He kept dodging spells that were fired at him until he managed to grab a soldier off the wall and flew back up.

Archer looked at the man and spoke. ''Where is the High Mage who captured the Avalonian general?''

The man looked at him and quickly answered as he pointed west. ''They are headed toward the capital. The King wanted the general.''

His eyes narrowed. ''What do you mean?''

''The general is strong and the emperor will pay a high price to see her returned to the Avalonians.'' The soldier answered.

Archer didn't bother asking any more questions as he dropped the human and then cast Meteor Swarm on top of the castle.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]