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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 382 Punish Me
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Chapter 382 Punish Me

Archer looked at the two women and spoke. ''Stop your senseless competition or I will punish you both. Everyone knows I love each of you equally. I'm not asking you to be friends, I'm just asking you not to argue.''

When he finished talking the two women turned to him with lust-filled eyes and spoke at the same time. ''Punish me.''

Their responses caused him to laugh but he answered. ''Soon ladies, I will spend time with each of you.''

Archer looked at each girl before continuing. ''For me, it feels like I haven't seen any of you in a year, even though it appears to have been only two months here, which is quite fortunate."

After saying that and winking at the two which instantly killed the tension. Archer went on to explain what happened to the two of them.

He told them the attackers sent him to the Nether Realm where the natives wanted his heart but they ended up underestimating him.

As he was talking Teuila interrupted with a curious look on her face as she asked. ''Why did these people want your heart?''

Archer gazed at her, a gentle smile gracing his lips before he began to explain. "You see, the souls I consumed showed me they had a plan to harness my heart's energy to create a portal to other realms, as their own was on the brink of collapse. Unfortunately, their misguided decision to abduct Llyniel resulted in me having to take action leading to the destruction of the last of their cities."

Following his address, the girls exchanged glances, their curiosity evident.

Ella broke the silence by inquiring, "So, where did you come across those menacing creatures? And what motivated you to gather them?"

He looked at the half-elf before answering. ''Well, I wanted a Monster Army and it's fun to subdue them because now they are completely loyal to me and do anything I say.''

That's when he opened a small portal and a tiny bird flew out of it and landed on his shoulder. It looked like an evil pigeon but had black feathers with violet eyes.

Albert saw this and grew curious. ''Lad, what is that beast?''

Before Archer could respond, the bird emitted a squawk directed at the old man, as if instructing him to be quiet.

This unexpected interruption made Archer burst into laughter, but he couldn't help but scan the bird.

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[Rank: S+]

He looked at Albert and wondered why he was there as he was chatting to his girls, not this old man.

Albert noticed the expression in Archer's eyes and, to the dragon's astonishment, spoke with genuine concern.

"My dear boy, there's no need to give me that look! You are my grandson, and it's my right and responsibility to care for your well-being. I understand that I wasn't present during your formative years, as my duty to the empire kept me away. However, I am here now and eager to forge a bond with you."

Archer stood there, a mixture of bewilderment and confusion washing over him.

He found himself at a loss for words and actions, perplexed by the sudden desire of this elderly man to care for him when none of his own family had shown such interest before.

The Shadowclaw nudged his head and cawed at him telling him the old man wasn't lying. Archer looked at the bird and saw it nodding its little head.

Upon realizing Albert's sincere intentions, he nodded his head in acknowledgment and proceeded to explain to the group about the bird and its significance.

Archer went on to explain. ''This is a Shadowclaw, her group was being attacked by bigger Netherbeasts and I killed them, once I did that they wanted to join me.''

He stroked the bird before continuing. ''They are good spies and have already given me a lot of good information about the empire and the corrupt nobles.''

Albert's eyes widened at the boy before letting out a happy laugh before calming down and speaking. ''You're a sneaky boy. You haven't been back long but you're already up to something.''

Archer laughed as well but asked the old man to give him some time with the ladies which he happily agreed to.

After Albert left he turned to the girls who were all smiling at him causing him to ask. ''Whats up with you lot?''

Nefertiti was the one to speak with a smile on her face. ''You looked so cute when you were interacting with him, you didn't know what to do or how to answer.''

Talila was next to comment with a giggle. ''The mighty white dragon was stumped by a grandfather's love.''

Archer looked at her with narrowed eyes causing the elf to laugh and look away from him.

But after they joked around he explained what happened between him and Llyniel. ''Me and Llyniel grew closer as we spent months together and helped each other while being stuck in there.''

All the girls looked at him but nodded their heads before Nefertiti protested. ''Why are you picking up another princess? Haven't you got enough already?''

Archer cast a glance at her before approaching, leaning down, and softly reminding her with a whisper into her ear. ''I love you Nefi. Why do you keep forgetting this? You will always have a place in my heart.''

Upon hearing his words, Nefertiti ceased her argument and simply nodded in agreement.

Archer smiled as he leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead before resuming his conversation with the group as he returned to his seat.

"We were trapped there for a year because I didn't have enough mana to open a Gate, but now I do, and I might return one day to capture more of those beasts," he explained.

All the girls nodded before Sia commented with a curious voice. ''How do you control these beasts?''

Archer answered honestly. ''I don't know to be honest with you. When I subdued them a connection was created between us and they listen to any command I give.''

Sia gave him a small nod before Teuila inquired with sparkling blue eyes. ''How many of these beasts do you possess?''

When Archer heard her he started laughing before answering. ''Millions I think? Maybe more.''

Everyone's eyes widened at the absurd amount of beasts he had and that's when he remembered he had to make the domain bigger.

He closed his eyes as he poured his mana into the domain and tripled its size while making the wall surrounding the dragon-kin and other races part of the domain.

The area that the people had was doubled now with all the different landscapes and rivers while the Monster Armies part tripled in size which pleased the Netherbeasts as they explored the area.

When the girls felt the domain shake they all stopped chatting to look at the silent Archer who opened his eyes and looked tired.

Ella questioned him. ''What did you do? And why do you look so tired all of a sudden?''

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Archer smiled before explaining. ''I increased the size of the domain and expanded the wall that cut off the Monster Army with the people, so no incidents would happen.''

They all nodded their heads apart from Leira, Sia, and Llyniel who looked confused, when Archer saw this he smiled before informing them about the domain.

He told the three everything as they were his women so they had the right and when he finished explaining they were shocked.

Sia was the first to ask. ''Can you create life here?''

Archer shook his head. ''Well no, I can't create humanoids as they require a soul, and only a god's power can create one and it takes a lot of power so only the eldest gods can do it.''

He sat up and continued, "All I can create are small creatures composed purely of mana, and they aren't truly real. However, they do possess physical forms because everything is made of mana, and my abilities stem from me being a white dragon."

Sia and Llynial bobbed their heads but Leira asked a question with curiosity in her voice. ''What is a white dragon? I've heard the stories as any child has but I've never been interested until I met you.''

Archer chuckled before telling her everything he knew about white dragons and took out a book from his Item Box.

He handed it over to her before speaking. ''That book is everything that is known about white dragons. Read it, you may enjoy it Leira.''

The cat girl nodded her head with a smile. ''Thank you, Arch.''

After speaking to Leira the group caught up and he told them about everything in the Nether Realm.

They were fascinated but soon decided to go visit their homes before returning to the College of Magic.

Archer reluctantly bid them farewell, knowing they had promised to return as soon as they could he opened Gates for each group before they kissed him and left.

Nefertiti went to Alexandria City after giving Archer a kiss while Hemera and Talila returned to Ravenna City after giving him to same farewell.

Teuila, Ella, and Sera went to Aqauria Kingdom to see her family while Sia and Llyniel decided to relax in the domain and asked him to create a spa house for them.

He quickly agreed and said he would hire some dragon-kin girls to run it for them. Leira wanted to return to the palace and see her parents.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]