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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 400 Dealing With The North
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Chapter 400 Dealing With The North

The three Hydra sisters the size of small cats lunged through the portal and clambered up Archer's body.

They started showering him with affection while letting out happy chirps and other adorable noises.

Azura was biting his left ear causing him to shiver while Sable and Raven licked his cheeks making Archer smile.

Dumas observed the unfolding scene, torn between conflicting thoughts.

He was aware of the boy's notorious reputation, the havoc he'd wreaked upon numerous kingdoms through his network of spies.

Additionally, he couldn't ignore the favor the Avalonian Empire inexplicably bestowed upon him, allowing him to evade consequences for his actions.

But now, Dumas was witnessing a part of the infamous White Dragon he'd never imagined. Before him, the boy, whom he'd considered a devil, was tenderly doting on three tiny Hydras.

It was evident that there was real affection exchanged between them. The Hydras appeared delighted to see him, and he, in turn, returned their joy.

This was a side of the mysterious figure that left Dumas in deep contemplation and thought the boy wasn't so bad until he heard his next words.

"I shall grant you half of these vaults, Dumas, King of the Frostfallen Kingdom," Archer declared as he made his way toward the first vault.

The older man was on the verge of protest, but his objection was promptly quelled by Archer. "If you dare complain about my generous offer, human..."

As Archer spoke, he turned back with a malevolent grin. "I shall take it all, and then send my monster army to plunder your precious city."

He then flashed a fake smile at Dumas before resuming his focus on the vault. With a swift move, Archer ripped the door off its hinges and entered the vault.

As he stepped into the vault, Archer was greeted by towering heaps of glittering gold. He wasted no time, swiftly transferring the valuable treasure into his Item Box.

After completing his work in the first vault, he proceeded to the others, repeating the process with meticulous efficiency.

Once he was done he approached the angry-looking Dumas before speaking. ''Don't be angry now your kingdom will be part of the Avalon Empire. Now thank you for your generous donation to my horde, I'm going to pay a visit to the Icehavenians.''

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Archer cast Gate to the outside and flew East while talking to the Hydra sisters who were clinging on to him.

With a powerful thrust, he lifted off the ground, leaving a trail of footprints behind as he soared into the air.

The crisp, snow-covered landscape stretched out before him like a blank canvas, waiting to be explored.

He followed a winding, snow-covered road that snaked through the pristine wilderness that led further east.

The sound of his wings slicing through the frigid air was the only disruption in the otherwise tranquil, silent world.

Archer marveled at the untouched beauty of the snowy landscape below. As he was flying he realized he entered the Sabat Kingdom.

He flew over a large river that was bridged by a stone bridge that was guarded by a massive stone castle.

When he was flying he saw soldiers manning the walls making sure no Frostfallen soldiers appeared to attack them.

Archer continued on and flew over many towns and cities before he approached the city which was named Frosthold.

As he got closer a dozen spells flew at him but Anti-Magic caused them to dissipate into nothing as they got close forcing him to fly higher. 

Due to his knowledge gained from devouring numerous souls, Archer was aware that the Sabat Kingdom was allied with his faction.

With this understanding, he had no intention of disturbing the peace and causing trouble in this northern kingdom.

His desire to plunder their bank remained dormant for the time being, provided they didn't provoke him further.

Archer left the city behind and after flying for a while the sun started to set causing the temperature to plummet.

Azura, Sable, and Raven started to shake so he cast Cosmic Shield around them before using Mana Manipulation to heat the inside up.

The little Hydra sisters, content and secure, emitted joyful chirps before nestling themselves on Archer's shoulders, their small forms clinging to him.

They soon drifted into slumber, Archer couldn't help but be charmed by their delicate snores and sleeping forms.

His heart warmed, and he gently stroked each of them, cherishing the tranquil moment they shared.

After flying for a few hours he was hovering over an Icehaven border castle and the last northern kingdom.

He regretted that he had a few more enemies to deal with and wanted more so he could raid their banks and treasuries but realized he got more than enough.

But he threw that thought away and thought to himself. 'The horde always needs more. Once this is done I'll drop off all the gold I got so far.'

Archer descended to the castle courtyard and couldn't be bothered to fight the common soldier so he summoned the Nightmare Assassin Ants and ordered them to clear the castle.

He found a wall to sit on as he grabbed Azura and started stroking the dazed Hydra but soon she settled down.

That's when he started hearing screaming and saw soldiers trying to escape but were taken out by the fast ants.

Archer could sense the Nightmare Ants having fun as they stalked their prey through the corridors.

After a little while all the soldier's pings vanished and the ant assassins returned to the domain before he looted the place.

Traveling through the northern realm, Archer systematically plundered castles and forts across the Icehaven Kingdom.

After several hours of journeying, the distant spires of the capital city finally came into view.

Archer glided his way towards it, gradually slowing down as he hovered in the sky above, surveying the cityscape before him.

The soldiers stationed there put up fierce resistance, but Archer swiftly dispatched them, after doing that he returned the Hydra sisters to the domain.

Once the enemy forces were defeated, Archer wasted no time in making his way to the kingdom's bank. He cleared out the vaults, amassing a vast wealth for himself.

Afterward, he flew toward the palace, where he held the Icehaven King hostage, forcing him to guide him to the royal treasury.

With the King's reluctant assistance, he emptied the vaults of all its treasures and telling the human to expect the empires arrival before departing for his domain.

Upon his return, Archer found all the girls peacefully asleep, save for Llyniel, who had just entered the treehouse's front door.

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Their eyes met and smiles formed on their faces, but Llyniel's shyness led her to avert her gaze, her cheeks faintly flushed.

He approached Llyniel and wrapped her in a warm embrace, causing the Wood elf to let out a surprised yelp before she smiled in response.

Archer played with her long, flowing brown hair, he inquired with genuine interest, "How is the garden coming along?"

Llyniel stepped back with a warm smile, and in her gentle, sweet voice, she shared the progress of the garden.

"The dragon-kin mages have been a tremendous help. They've used dragon runes to maintain the garden, keeping the fields warm and preventing snowfall and cold weather from affecting them."

She grabbed his hand and dragged him out the front door. The two of them walked down the walkway.

Archer walked beside the little Wood Elf as he grew curious about her insistence as she gently tugged him along.

Flurries of snow were descending from the gray sky above, a serene blanket of white transforming the landscape.

With Llyniel leading the way, Archer soon found himself standing at the entrance to her cherished garden.

He couldn't help but admire her determination and hard work in this frozen realm. As they entered, he was met with a heartwarming sight.

The well-tended crops, nestled beneath the protective aura of dragon runes, had not only survived the harsh winter but also started to sprout with life.

Tiny green shoots pushed through the melting snow, defying the icy grasp of the season.

The vibrant promise of the garden, in the midst of a snowy world, left Archer in awe of Llyniel's tenacity and her ability to bring life to a seemingly desolate land.

He looked at the Wood Elf who was busy tending to the plants and trees she was planting and decided to check on the Myconids.

Archer called out to her. ''Llyn. I'm going to check on a new addition to the domain, do you want to come?''

Llyniel beamed at Archer, her satisfaction was evident in her bright smile. She nodded her head, signaling her contentment with the progress of the garden.

With a graceful step, she joined him, and together they walked through the pristine snow, making their way to the underground chamber he had constructed for them.

As Archer and Llyniel ventured deeper into the Myconids' new home, they found themselves surrounded by a remarkable sight.

The underground chamber had transformed into a mesmerizing fungal jungle, where vibrant mushrooms of all shapes and sizes thrived.

The air was thick with the earthy scent of damp soil and the soft glow of bioluminescent fungi illuminated the path ahead.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]