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A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 425 Finding A Shop
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Chapter 425 Finding A Shop

The three stood at the entrance of Market Street watching all the people coming and going.

That's when Georgios motioned for them to follow him. He led Archer and Hecate through the Street, weaving through the bustling crowd as they explored one shop after another.

They explored several empty shops of various sizes, but none of them felt suitable. However, none of these spaces seemed quite right.

As the trio approached the end of the busy street, Archer and Hecate couldn't help but feel a hint of disappointment.

The couple's search was frustrating but they knew there would be more. However, just as they were on the verge of expressing their concerns to Georgios.

He abruptly paused before a spacious, vacant store located at the corner of Market Street that was big.

This shop boasted a prime location with generous space and a prominent position, instantly seizing their interest.

A wooden sign hung above the entrance bore a faded name, hinting that it might have been a thriving store in the past.

The large display windows were covered in dust, and a layer of cobwebs adorned the corners, revealing that it had been vacant for some time.

Georgios turned to Archer and Hecate with a hopeful look. "This, Your Highness, might be the perfect spot for your shop."

Archer and Hecate exchanged glances, their excitement growing. They approached the entrance, and he placed his hand on the weathered doorknob.

With a creak, the door swung open, revealing a spacious, open interior with high ceilings and ample shelf space.

The room had an air of nostalgia, with the remnants of shelving units that once displayed various wares, now empty and waiting for a new purpose.

It had large windows along one side, which flooded the space with natural light.

Hecate couldn't contain her excitement as she stepped into the shop, her eyes gleaming with a world of possibilities.

"Archer, this could be perfect for our potion shop. It's spacious, well-located, and full of potential."

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Archer shared her excitement, imagining the shop's transformation. "You're right, Hecate. This place has character. With some cleaning and a bit of renovation, it could become exactly what we're looking for."

Observing their excitement, Georgios nodded with approval. "I'm delighted that you both appreciate it. This shop is, without a doubt, at your disposal."

Hecate looked at Archer with sparkling eyes and asked, "Shall we, my love?"

Archer's smile reflected his unwavering determination. "Yes, let's transform this into your potion shop. It's the perfect location."

Then, he turned to Georgios with a businesslike inquiry. "How much would it cost to purchase it outright?"

He produced some paperwork and swiftly read it before responding. "It would be seven thousand gold coins due to factors such as its size of the premises, building condition, prime location, taxes, and the necessary inspections of course."

Without haggling, Archer reached into his Item Box, took out a large pouch, and tossed it to the smiling man.

As he prepared to speak, Archer summoned two Stone Men, instructing them to stand guard by the man until they returned to the Commerce Guild.

Georgios, clearly taken aback, bowed his head in gratitude and handed Archer a scroll. "You need to sign this deed, and the deal will be finalized."

Archer raised an eyebrow in surprise and asked, "That's it?"

The guild representative nodded with a smile. "Yes, Your Highness. The paper you possess allows you to bypass most of the formalities."

He grinned, accepted the scroll, and swiftly signed it before handing it back to a pleased man who knew he was getting a good commission from this sale.

Archer handed the signed scroll back to Georgios, who clarified while passing a gold key to him, "The deed will be securely stored in the guild vault for protection, and it will also serve as a safeguard in case of any potential disputes. Here is your shop key."

Hecate accepted the shop key with excitement sparkling in her eyes. She then turned to Archer and leaped at him, wrapping her arms around him in a joyful embrace.

As this heartwarming moment transpired, Georgios bid his farewell and departed, accompanied by the Stone Men who disintegrated into dust upon their return to the guild.

Watching Hecate's thoughtful expression as she gazed at the shop, he couldn't help but smile.

However, he didn't remain idle and opened a portal to his domain before summoning six Brownies, who promptly materialized before him.

The small creatures looked around and knelt before Archer, with the one in front speaking, "Master Archer, how can we assist you?"

Archer made his request, "Could you please clean this shop?"

The Brownie leader surveyed the shop and promptly replied, "We can have it spotless in no time, Master."

Archer nodded in approval. "Alright, I'll be tending to some other matters. If you encounter any issues, don't hesitate to call me."

The Brownie leader nodded enthusiastically, and they set to work, efficiently tidying up the newly acquired potion shop.

With that, Archer turned to Hecate and said, "I'll head back to the domain and gather some people to help decorate. We can open the shop after classes finish tomorrow. That should give you some time to create more potions."

Hecate agreed and gave him a kiss before returning to her lab to work on brewing more potions.

Once she was engrossed in her work, Archer entered his domain and materialized outside Jethro's tent, and walked inside.

He casually entered Jethro's tent, expecting to find the wise old man engaged in some serious discussion about the domain.

To his astonishment, he stumbled upon an entirely different scenario. Jethro was seated in a large tub of water looking completely relaxed.

Surrounding him were a group of four older dragon-kin women, armed with scrub brushes, soap, and a sense of purpose.

The women were pampering him by kissing his cheeks before they worked with precision, diligently scrubbing the old man's back.

Archer came to an abrupt halt, his eyes wide with disbelief. He stood there, rooted to the spot, a comically confused expression taking over his face.

The sight was too ludicrous to comprehend. Jethro, for his part, maintained an air of casual nonchalance.

He glanced at Archer and grinned, clearly enjoying the attention. But he couldn't hold back his laughter any longer.

"Jethro, you old playboy!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with amusement. "I never knew you had a harem!"

Jethro chuckled heartily in response. "Well, Your Majesty, it's never too late to enjoy the finer things in life."

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The dragon-kin women joined in the laughter, not missing a beat as they continued their pampering.

At the same time, Archer stood there, shaking his head, and applauding Jethro for his unexpected and hilarious situation.

Jethro with a big smile on his face greeted him. ''Your Majesty it is good to see you. We don't see each other much nowadays. We do need to change that.''

Archer received a nod from Jethro, who then addressed his wives while they attentively tended to his back.

He declared, "Ladies, meet Archer, the White Dragon and the sovereign ruler of all Dragonkind. Extend to him the same courtesy you extend to me."

The four dragon-kin women, still wearing playful smiles, stopped their work and bowed gracefully to Archer. He chuckled and nodded in acknowledgment.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you," Archer said, trying to contain his amusement. 

Jethro beamed at Archer, leaned forward, and offered an apology. "My sincerest apologies for my earlier rudeness, Your Majesty. How may I be of assistance to you?"

Archer waved off the apology and inquired, "Could I arrange for a team to decorate a shop for me? It must be completed by tomorrow afternoon."

The elderly man pondered for a moment and then turned to a blonde woman, inquiring, "Galea, doesn't your eldest son and his friends handle such tasks now?''

She nodded and quickly dried her hands before rushing off.

Jethro turned to Archer and said, "Your Majesty, if you can open a portal just outside the tent leading to the shop, they'll be there. The boys have everything they need."

Archer nodded to the old man and made his way out of the tent, promising Jethro that he would visit more frequently.

Upon exiting the tent, he conjured a portal to the shop and stepped through. Inside, he found Brownies bustling about cleaning everything.

Archer summoned Hecate and had her inform the Dragon-Kin about the preferred colors, which were white and blue.

As he observed the men busily transforming the shop, Archer skillfully avoided the diligent Brownies who were nearly finished with the front.

Turning to Hecate, he smiled and advised, "Go and create more potions if you find yourself short on supplies."

Hecate nodded in agreement and responded, "Eione is currently crafting some. I've trained her to do so when I'm not available. But I will return to expedite the process."

''Okay, my Moon Witch. I will wait here and try to use magic to create unique shelves for the shop.'' Archer said as he kissed her on her nose before she left.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]